
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 西田医院

住所 :

Higashishinshuku, Togane, 〒283-0006 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higashishinshuku, Togane, 〒283-0006 Chiba,Japan
中村m on Google

Teachers and nurses are very kind.
末吉守 on Google

The director of the hospital and all the other staff members were kind, kind and awesome for the influenza vaccination.
やゆー on Google

It is a teacher who takes an attitude that makes a patient a fool. The feeling was bad several years ago, but I asked after many years, but it was the worst. What about sighing for a patient who is desperate? I was full of hopelessness. I just forgot my explanation and I forgot what I said. I will not go there again.
3ぱぴる on Google

I had a medical examination with high blood pressure. The teacher is soft and polite. It's also helpful to do it on Saturday.
이승태 イスンテch on Google

I was asked when the influenza was circulating, but I was seen properly and could not be tested for influenza. It was just a cold. And we had you take medicine for cold. However, after one week he did not heal, so he went to another hospital and had him tested for influenza. This was very painful, but it is very troublesome to see it properly. I want more improvements.
神宮寺Kp on Google

たまに風邪ひいた時にお世話になってます。 先生は柔らかい雰囲気です。 病名は特には言われないので、いつも自分がなんの病名なのかはイマイチ分かりません。 薬の説明で何となくこれかな?って感じです(笑) 家族でインフルエンザにかかった時に、熱があると言ったのですが、他の患者と同じ待合室…。インフルエンザの陽性が出てからようやく別の部屋。。待合室で他の人に移ってないか心配でした。
I am indebted to you when I catch a cold once in a while. The teacher has a soft atmosphere. The name of the disease is not specified, so I don't always know what the name of the disease is. Is this somehow in the explanation of the medicine? It feels like (laughs) When my family got the flu, I said I had a fever, but the same waiting room as other patients ... Another room only after the flu was positive. .. I was worried that I might move to another person in the waiting room.
k on Google

こちらはうちの娘が幼い時からかかりつけで風邪等引いたりすると必ず行ってました。 最近は娘の身体が強くなったのかあまり風邪ひかなくなったので行ってませんでしたが昔は先生も看護師さんも物腰柔らかく丁寧な説明でいい所でした。たまに先生が自分だけで納得して病名言ってくれなかったりするのにはビックリしましたけどそれ以外はいいと思います。
I always went to this place when my daughter had a cold since she was a child. Recently, I didn't go because my daughter's body became stronger and I didn't catch a cold so much, but in the past, both teachers and nurses were good at giving a soft and polite explanation. I was surprised that sometimes the teacher was convinced by himself and didn't say the name of the disease, but I think it's good other than that.
掛川太郎 on Google

毎回、待ち時間が長すぎる、診療も大したことはしないし、ただ薬よこすだけの病院だと思った。 治す為に何かしようとしてくれる気が全くない。
Every time, I thought that it was a hospital where the waiting time was too long, the medical treatment was not a big deal, and I just gave medicine. I have no intention of trying anything to cure it.

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