
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact りんご歯科医院

住所 :

Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0087 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.ringo-dental.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30AM–7PM
Tuesday 9:30AM–6PM
Wednesday 9:30AM–7PM
Thursday 9:30AM–7PM
Friday 9:30AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Higashiodori, Chuo Ward, 〒950-0087 Niigata,Japan
名無し“パープル”さん on Google

I often skipped the subject in conversations, so I asked him many times, and after the consultation I was often told, "Is it a developmental disorder?" Because it is a treatment, you will have trouble if you do not listen to it properly! Don't lean on "Isn't this strange to be understood by this?" I definitely want you to do this! !
山田 on Google

先生も優しく、とても良い歯医者さんです。 こちらに定期的に通うようになって良好な状態が続いています。
The teacher is gentle and a very good dentist. I come here regularly and it is in good condition.
s A on Google

電話での予約対応も丁寧でした。 先生も歯科助手の方も丁寧に説明してくださったので安心しました。 クリニック内もとても明るい雰囲気です。
Reservation over the phone was also polite. I was relieved that both the teacher and the dental assistant explained carefully. The atmosphere inside the clinic is also very bright.
ishi on Google

出張の際歯ぐきが腫れて痛くて痛くて困っていたところ、駅からも近かったので電話したらすぐに診てくださいました。 先生もスタッフの方々も優しく、良くしてくださったのでとても助かりました。 後からSNSで調べたら色々と勉強されている先生方だったので、りんご歯科さんに行って良かったと思いました。 出張の時はまたお世話になるかもしれません。
When I was on a business trip, my gums were swollen and hurt, and I was in trouble, but I was close to the station so I immediately consulted me when I called. The teachers and staff were kind and good, so it was very helpful. I looked up on SNS later and found that they were studying in various ways, so I was glad I went to an apple dentist. You may take care of it again when you are on a business trip.
丸山規子 on Google

丁寧な対応で治療に対する説明も分かりやすく患者の気持ちも尊重して下さいます。 医師も歯科衛生士も技術のレベルが高くて安心して治療が受けられます。 特に噛み合わせなど細かい調整が丁寧なので、違和感なく過ごせました! オススメの歯科医院です!
Carefully explain the treatment and understand the patient's feelings. Both doctors and dental hygienists have a high level of skill and can receive treatment with peace of mind. In particular, fine adjustments such as meshing were attentive, so I was able to spend time without discomfort! It is a recommended dental clinic!
パグぱぐぞう on Google

先日 歯の痛みが時々あり 暫く放置していましたがどうしても歯の痛みが引かずこちらの医院に伺いました。適切な処置と説明で 痛みから解放され治療も通院しながら無事に完治することができました。とてもいい先生とスタッフさんで とても良かったです。また歯に関しての相談もできて 親身に相談にのっていただき大変助かりました。また機会がありましたら こちらの医院にお世話になろうと思っております。
The other day I had a tooth ache sometimes, but I left it for a while, but I never visited my clinic because my tooth ache did not go away. With appropriate treatment and explanations, I was able to be completely relieved of pain and to be able to go to the hospital. Very good teacher and staff. I was also very grateful to have a consultation on my teeth. I will take care of this clinic if I have another chance.
0066mno j12d on Google

感じよく新しい機器が揃っていて安心です。 受付や衛生士の方も感じがいいです。 しかし、私以外の家族や友人にもそうみたいですが、医師が求めていない高い自費治療を求める傾向にあるようで治療を勧めて来るので戸惑います。 欠点をはっきり言ってくれる感じのクリニックですので、そこは良いと思います。
It is safe to have new equipment that feels good. The receptionist and the hygienist also feel good. However, like my family and friends, I am confused because they tend to seek high-cost treatment that doctors do not ask for. It's a clinic that clearly states its shortcomings, so I think it's good.
セピア猫 on Google

The staff, including dentists and hygienists, feel good and the explanations are polite. If you register your mobile phone number, a short mail will be sent when the reservation date and time approaches.

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