
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マルキヤ質店

住所 :

Higashimarunouchi, Tsu, 〒514-0028 Mie,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.marukiya783.jp/
街 : Mie

Higashimarunouchi, Tsu, 〒514-0028 Mie,Japan
Misaki Aoki on Google

エルメスのバッグを売りに行ったら逆に、売らずに使った方が良いと勧められました。なんという 神対応‼︎ 店員さんの笑顔、お店の雰囲気、分かりやすい説明、素敵でした‼︎
If you went to sell Hermes bags, it was recommended that you use them without selling them. What God response ︎ The smile of the clerk, the atmosphere of the store, easy-to-understand explanations, it was wonderful ︎
k Tanaka on Google

すごく親切で、高価格で買い取って頂き、大満足でした。? お店の感じもとても良かったです。 また、何かの時にはお願いしたいと思います。
It was very kind and I was very satisfied with the purchase at a high price. ? The shop feel was very good. Also, I would like to ask for something.
ショー on Google

貴金属を売りに行きました。予想よりも高く買って貰えたので満足です。 それよりも自分で使うために売らなかったネックレスを綺麗にクリーニングしてもらえて気持ちよく帰れたことにとても満足です。 マルキヤさん、ありがとう!
I went to sell precious metals. We were satisfied as we had you buy higher than expected. I'm very happy that I had my necklaces that I didn't sell for my own use cleaned and returned home. Thank you, Markya!
こども on Google

True, if Tiffany's platinum eternity diamond ring assessment purchased at Tiffany in Nagoya asks for a reason for less than 10,000 yen, that he does not know the authenticity (laughs) Then, the same item is over 100,000 yen for rice soldiers in Osu It was a purchase assessment of. I will not go there for the rest of my life.
Mizutani Nanae on Google

I used the pawn shop for the first time, but I was relieved that I answered the questions very carefully. I am satisfied that you purchased it at a higher price than expected! There is a sense of cleanliness in the store, and I would like to use it again.
kewei on Google

I went into the shop nervously because I went to sell the ring for the first time. I did not know at all what to do, but I was moved by the kindness and courteous response of the shop. I was satisfied with the purchase price more than expected.
よっしーの実況チャンネル on Google

店員さんたちの親切な対応にすごくびっくりしました( ゚Д゚) 品物の鑑定と値段が非常に良かったので、びっくりしました。 これからもまたお世話になりたいと思います。
I was very surprised at the kind response of the clerk (゚ Д ゚) I was surprised because the appraisal and price of the goods were very good. I would like to continue to take care of you.
stuart gregory on Google

Very experienced and professional, they took care of all of my needs. They also have fluent English speaking staff, so communication wasn’t a problem?

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