あかつき塗装ショールーム プロタイムズ東千葉店 - Togane

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact あかつき塗装ショールーム プロタイムズ東千葉店

住所 :

Higashikamijuku, Togane, 〒283-0067 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 283-0067
Webサイト : https://protimes-higashichiba.com/
街 : Chiba

Higashikamijuku, Togane, 〒283-0067 Chiba,Japan
show hama on Google

We asked for the first exterior wall painting and roof cover construction in the 16th year of construction. At first I was at a loss as to how to paint the roof because there was no house in the neighborhood that was doing roof cover work, but please tell me that the deterioration of the current roofing material cannot be stopped even if it is painted, and as a result, please do the cover work. I'm glad I did. The medical certificate and quotation using the drone at the beginning were more detailed and solid than other companies. The work of the foreman at the site is also polite, and thanks to you, I am satisfied with the finish as I imagined. Even after the construction was completed, if there was a problem, he came to repair it and took care of the after-sales service. I thought it was important to find a company that could be entrusted with peace of mind in painting work, not cheap and expensive. I'm glad I asked Akatsuki-san. Also, please do not hesitate to contact us for regular inspections or any problems.
村岡辰郎 on Google

代表の松倉さんをはじめ、スタッフさん達が非常に感じよく、且つこちらの要望をしっかりと叶えてもらえました。 外壁と屋根の塗装をお願いしましたが、 仕上がりもとても綺麗で安心しておすすめできるリフォーム業者さんです。 職人さんの細やかな心づかいも有り難かったです。
The staff, including the representative Mr. Matsukura, were very comfortable and were able to fulfill this request firmly. I asked you to paint the outer wall and roof, It is a remodeling company that has a very beautiful finish and can be recommended with confidence. I am grateful to the craftsmen for their delicate care.
みぃ on Google

見積もりのときから、雨漏りしていないかなど家の事を一通り調査してもらい、外壁の事がわからない素人ですが、わかりやすく説明してくれました。こちらの話しをよく聞いてくださり、疑問点を親身に答えていただき全て納得してこちらの会社にお願いしました。 無事に外壁の塗装も終わり綺麗になった家を見て満足です。お店の方も現場に来る方も皆さんとても感じの良い方ばかりで話しやすいです。
From the time of the estimate, I asked him to investigate the house, such as whether it was leaking, and although he was an amateur who did not understand the outer wall, he explained it in an easy-to-understand manner. He listened to this story carefully, answered his questions kindly, and he was convinced of everything and asked this company. I am happy to see the beautiful house after the painting of the outer wall has been completed. The shop staff and the people who come to the site are all very nice and easy to talk to.
っぴ on Google

家周りの塀と壁の塗装をお願いしました。 築24年です。 あかつきさんにお願いして満足しました。 お願いするにあたり4社に見積もっていただきましたが他社と全く対応が違い、納得がいきました。 中にはひどい会社もあります。 何社か、比べてみるのはいいことですね。 いい勉強になりました。 そんな中、電話でのアポ、また時間厳守と丁寧な対応だけでなく長年の社長さんの経験が活かされ 塗装の工程も素人にもわかりやすく丁寧に説明していただきました。現場の責任者の方もとても丁寧でした。 いざ作業に入ってからも職人さんが真面目で 休みもろくに取らずに一生懸命さが見えました。 お見事です。 余談ですが社長さんはじめスタッフの方々が皆さんイケメンです。 (*^^*)
I asked you to paint the walls and walls around the house. It is 24 years old. I asked Mr. Akatsuki and was satisfied. When I asked for it, I asked four companies to make an estimate, but the response was completely different from that of other companies, and I was convinced. Some companies are terrible. It's good to compare several companies. It was a good study. Meanwhile, not only appointments over the phone, punctuality and polite response, but also the experience of the president for many years was utilized. The painting process was also explained in an easy-to-understand and polite manner even by amateurs. The person in charge at the site was also very polite. Even after starting work, the craftsmen are serious I could see my hard work without taking a break. It's wonderful. As an aside, the president and all the staff are handsome. (* ^^ *)
米田京子 on Google

This time, I am indebted to you in various ways. It looks like the outer walls are shining more than when I started living as a new house. When I learned about Akatsuki-san at a briefing session and was almost thinking about asking him, I was surprised to find this shop in my neighborhood and thought I had already decided on it. My husband was also paying attention to other vendors, but the impression of the briefing session was good, so I decided on my recommendation. He showed us the condition of the house in detail, such as flying a drone, after 10 years. There was a happening that the TV did not appear for a while when I got into the work, but I had you clear it and finished it safely in 16 days. We were blessed with the weather, but we were really taken care of in the cold weather, and although we were young, we were unusually surprised by the goodness of the workers. This was also a lot of money, but I was able to pay it comfortably, and I was glad to ask Mr. Akatsuki. I'm really thankful to you.
秋の空 on Google

We had you paint the outer wall and roof at the time when it can be said that it was extremely cold. I had them explain very carefully from the estimate, and it was easy to understand the work process and fees. The craftsmen who came were also polite from the morning greeting to the end of the day's work. It was also helpful to be able to quickly respond to the points that I noticed during the inspection after completion. I was happy that the color I chose was well received by my neighbors. I'm glad I asked Akatsuki-san.
おみほ on Google

Twenty years after building the house, I met Katsuki-san at a seminar on exterior wall painting. Since I don't know about painting at all, I was able to make it cheaper, but I was able to leave it to me with confidence that there was no omission because the painting area and the amount of paint applied were accurate from the drawing. It's been a year since then, and I had a good time looking around together at the first regular inspection and talking about painting again. It is one of the peace of mind that you will see it regularly. I look forward to working with you for a long time.
櫻井恵美子 on Google

外壁塗装でお世話になって一年経過しました。 当時どちらの会社にお任せすればいいのかと悩み 安い価格で施工されているところも目にする中 あかつき様でお話を伺った際の簡潔明瞭な料金表示と データーに基づき自信をもって提供されている姿勢を 感じその場で決めてしまいました。スタッフの皆様の 対応も気持ちが良く、請け負って頂いた職人さんも 最初は若くお見受けし大丈夫だろうかと、不安がよぎり ましたが、養生の段階からとても綺麗で丁寧な仕事ぶりが 伺え、すぐにその不安は吹き飛びました。塗装においても 細かい所迄行き届き、大変満足のいく仕上がりでさすが プロと感服致しました。 良いご縁をいただきありがとうございました。
It's been a year since I was taken care of by painting the exterior walls. I was worried about which company to leave to at that time While seeing the construction at a low price Concise and clear price display when talking with Akatsuki The attitude that is provided with confidence based on the data Feeling I decided on the spot. Of the staff The correspondence is also pleasant, and the craftsmen who undertook it At first, I was worried that it would be okay to look young. However, from the curing stage, the work was very beautiful and polite. As soon as I heard, that anxiety was blown away. Even in painting The details are perfect, and the finish is very satisfying. I was impressed with the professionals. Thank you for your good relationship.

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