お弁当物語 加賀屋店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お弁当物語 加賀屋店

住所 :

Higashikagaya, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0012 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.oh-bento.jp/kansai
街 : Osaka

Higashikagaya, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0012 Osaka,Japan
しょっぱい三日月 on Google

美味い! いつも、だしから弁当ですが、 間違いのない、安定した美味さです。 でも確かに愛想はよくない!www
delicious! It's always a lunch box from the dashi stock, There is no mistake and it is a stable taste. But it's certainly not amiable! www
橋本靖昭 on Google

It's unfriendly, but the lunch box is delicious. The rice was delicious.
oka- surfer on Google

I think it's one of the most delicious bento shops here.
t m on Google

午前中の感じの悪いオバハンを何とかしてほしい。気分が悪い。ソースしか付いてないし。醤油は? 意地が悪いんやな。午前中はいかんとこ。
I want you to get rid of the unpleasant obahan in the morning. I feel sick. Only the sauce is attached. What about soy sauce? I don't know in the morning.
高橋法子 on Google

UberEATSですがこちらのお店のお弁当を初めて注文しました。 間違って時間指定で注文してしまい、キャンセルをして再度注文とややこしい事をしてしまいご迷惑お掛けしました。 ただ、お弁当は凄く美味しかったです! 私的には味付けも丁度良かったです♪ 愛想は出前なので分かりませんがお弁当の味に凄く満足したので思わずこちらに口コミしました。 また注文したいと思います。
UberEATS, but I ordered the lunch box from this shop for the first time. I accidentally placed an order at a specified time, canceled it, and made a complicated order again, which caused inconvenience. However, the lunch box was very delicious! Personally, the seasoning was just right ♪ I don't know because it's a delivery service, but I was very satisfied with the taste of the bento, so I instinctively reviewed it here. I would like to order again.
黒ちゃん on Google

数年ぶりくらいに名物だし唐弁当食ったけど味が落ちてた? メニューもめちゃくちゃ増えてるし経営者変わった? だし巻きはタダの卵焼になっとるし、唐揚げは口に入れた瞬間べちゃべちゃしてて思わず吐いたわ? 昔はめちゃくちゃ美味くて昼は毎日食ってたのに残念。
It's a specialty for the first time in a few years and I ate a Tang dynasty bento but the taste was bad ? The menu has increased tremendously and has the management changed? The omelet rolls are free omelet, and the fried chicken is so messy the moment I put it in my mouth that I spit it out ? It's a shame that I used to eat it every day during the day because it was so delicious.
黒澤ゆうこ on Google

ここのだし巻きほんとに好きです。 めっちゃ美味しいです。 定期的に食べたくなる味~!! 色んなお弁当がありますが、だし巻きがしっかり入ってるお弁当を選んでます。
I really like the omelet rolls here. It's really delicious. A taste that makes you want to eat it regularly! !! There are various types of bento, but I choose the one that has the omelet rolls in it.
Tomo H on Google

温厚な私でも久々に怒りを覚えるほどの最低な接客対応でした。 店に入って「いらっしゃいませ」の言葉もない 「すみませ~ん」と呼んでも注文を聞きに来ない 2度呼んでも返事もない。 3回呼んでやっと注文を聞いてもらえました。 しかしここまでは序章 注文してから15分ぐらい待てど注文したお弁当が出てこない。。。 忙しいのかと待っていたら後で注文したお客さんのお弁当が早々と出てきたので 注文通ってますか〜?と尋ねたら 「へぇ?」って顔を私されまして。。 レシート見せても不思議な顔されて。。。 お腹空かせてずっと店の中で待ってたんですが。。 その対応に呆れて返金してもらい店を出ました。返金の際も「注文されてました?」と言わんばかりの不思議そうな顔で。。。すみませんと一言。 こんな店行っちゃ駄目ですよね 二度と行かない。
Even though I was mild-mannered, it was the worst customer service that made me angry after a long time. There is no word "Welcome" when you enter the store Even if I call it "Sumimasen", I don't come to ask for an order Even if I call it twice, there is no reply. I called it three times and finally heard the order. But so far the introduction I waited about 15 minutes after ordering, but the lunch I ordered didn't come out. .. .. When I was waiting for my busy schedule, the lunch box of the customer who ordered later came out early. Do you accept orders? If you ask "Hey?" .. Even if I show the receipt, I have a strange face. .. .. I was hungry and waited in the store all the time. .. I was amazed at the response and got a refund and left the store. Even when refunding, with a mysterious face that just said "Did you order?" .. .. Excuse me. You can't go to a store like this, right? I will never go again.

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