
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact アップル館林店

住所 :

Higashihirouchicho, Tatebayashi, 〒374-0061 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.applenet.co.jp/shop/0177/
街 : Gunma

Higashihirouchicho, Tatebayashi, 〒374-0061 Gunma,Japan
赤い彗星 on Google

愛車を買い取ってもらいました。 他の買取店は今日契約しないと高額は出ないと 言われ中々帰らしてもらえない所ばかりだったが アップルさんは現在の価格、今後の価格の変わり目など親切に教えてくれて金額も納得の価格だったのでお願いしました。 また機会があればお願います。
I bought my car. Other buyers will have to pay a contract if they don't sign up today I was told that there were only places where I couldn't go home. Apple kindly told me the current price and the future price change, so I asked for it because the price was also satisfactory. If there is another opportunity, please.
剛粕谷 on Google

店員さんが凄く気さくで感じの良い雰囲気の店舗でした。 旧車でレア車両を求めて行きましたが、正直な意見をしっかり交えた接客はとても参考になりました。 とても気持ち良い買い物が出来ました?
It was a store with a very friendly and pleasant atmosphere. I was looking for a rare car with an old car, but the customer service with honest opinions was very helpful. I was able to do a very pleasant shopping.
400 SR on Google

My wife bought a motorcycle. The motorcycle that I bought at another store for maintenance etc. is also seen and saved. I am thankful for the kindness of the staff, even when the staff is small, and explaining the cause of the breakdown in an easy-to-understand manner. I personally like the atmosphere of this shop.
海が好き on Google

事前には部品を取り寄せて5000円程と伺っていたが、後日「倍以上の値段になってしまった」と部品を取り寄せて交換した後に連絡があった。話が違うとゴネていたらどうしたのだろうか。こちらは実質バイクを人質に取られているので払うしかなかった。本当にここの人は社会人なのか正気疑う。事前に高くなってしまうとの相談の連絡をしてくれれば問題はなかったのに。こちらは詐欺にあった気分。 この店舗を利用する場合は逐一連絡を取り確認することが必須!!
In advance, I ordered parts and asked about 5,000 yen, but later I was contacted after obtaining and exchanging parts, saying, "It has become more than double the price." What happened if he was confused if the story was different? This had to pay because the real bike was taken hostage. I really doubt that this person is a member of society. There was no problem if we contacted me about the price becoming high in advance. This feels like a scam. When using this store, it is essential to contact each other and confirm! !
70 nao on Google

このお店で車2台バイク3台を購入しました! 今現在少しくせのあるスタッフですが 気軽に遊びに行きます 雑談程度の中に車やバイクの豊富な知識を惜しみなく話してくれて 近々新たにバイクの納車ですが 今まで購入したものに不具合はなく 快適なカーライフバイクライフを楽しんでいますよ!
I bought 2 cars and 3 bikes at this shop! Right now the staff is a bit hazy Feel free to go play He talked a lot about his knowledge of cars and motorcycles A new motorcycle will be delivered soon There are no problems with what you have purchased I enjoy a comfortable car life bike life!
Yukinobu Tanitsu on Google

It is an impression that we are focusing on used motorcycles. There are few cars on display, but I was surprised to find two new Supras. I had the impression that they were not actively trying to sell the exhibited vehicles.
黒橋歩 on Google

星一つも付けたくない。最低最悪のバイク屋。悪徳にも程がある。 20年近く昔のバイクを県外から購入し、納車したらエンジン掛からない。挙句にはバッテリー切れ。 問い合わせたらバッテリーやプラグ等は全て新品に変えてると言い、言い訳を散々述べてから『プラグがカブってるのでは?』との返答。 は?1ミリも走り出してないのに? まぁいいや、ならプラグ掃除しますわとプラグ掃除しました。エンジンかかりません。ならばと思い新品を購入し取り付けたあとにエンジン始動。はいエンジンかかりません。 納車→エンジン付ける→かからない→数分後バッテリー上がり。 で、返答は言い訳のみ。 最終的に『古いバイクなので〜』とのこと。 エンジンも掛からない欠陥商品売っといて何言うてんの? 最低のバイク屋。
I don't want to add a single star. The worst and worst bike shop. There is also a degree of vice. I bought a motorcycle that was almost 20 years old from outside the prefecture, and when I delivered it, the engine didn't start. After all, the battery is dead. When I inquired, he said that all the batteries and plugs were replaced with new ones, and after making a lot of excuses, he said, "Isn't the plug fogged? 』Reply. What? Even though I haven't started running a millimeter? Well, if so, I'll clean the plug. I cleaned the plug. The engine does not start. I thought so, and after purchasing a new one and installing it, I started the engine. Yes the engine does not start. Delivery → Attach engine → Do not start → Battery runs out after a few minutes. So, the reply is only an excuse. In the end, he said, "Because it's an old motorcycle." What do you mean by selling defective products that don't even start the engine? The worst bike shop.
KATANA 250 (くまさん) on Google

バイク二度目の購入です。 欲しいバイクのいい所、悪い所、お店側が出来る事、こちらがかかる負担を包み隠さず話してくれます。 出来ない事は出来ないとハッキリ言いますが、ちゃんと理由も説明してくれます。 売りたいからと嘘は言いません。 中古のリスクもちゃんと理解した上で、購入できるかを聞いてくれます。 前回のバイクの時に事故った時も、色々と相談に乗ってくれて本当に信頼できるお店だと思っています。 ただ、お店に対して好き嫌いは別れると思うので、私には最高ー!!!と言わせていただきます。
This is my second purchase of a motorcycle. He will talk about the good points and bad points of the motorcycle you want, what the shop can do, and the burden that this will put on you. I clearly say that I can't do what I can't do, but he also explains why. I don't lie because I want to sell it. They will ask you if you can buy it after understanding the risk of second-hand goods. Even when I had an accident on my last motorcycle, I think it's a really reliable shop because I can consult with him in various ways. However, I think that the likes and dislikes of the shop are different, so it's great for me! !! !! I will say.

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