白島の焼肉屋 肉処【義】

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 白島の焼肉屋 肉処【義】

住所 :

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88999
Webサイト : https://yakiniku-restaurant-3579.business.site/
街 : Hiroshima

Higashihakushimacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0004 Hiroshima,Japan
中本裕壽 on Google

出張で広島に来ての焼肉 最高に美味しい 店の雰囲気もよく店員さんの仕事っぷりもてきぱきよかった ごちそうさまでした
Yakiniku coming to Hiroshima on a business trip The best The atmosphere of the store was good and the work of the clerk was very nice. Thank you for the meal
soul Miya on Google

The meat itself is delicious. Cold noodles were the best. Then how about assembling the dishes? Since the meat is good and there are many customers, it may not be possible to turn around, but the order was not fully judged.
優川崎 on Google

とにかく肉が旨い!グラスはキンキンに冷えてるし料理の出てくる早さも絶妙! 個室もあってリラックスして食べれたので良かった
Anyway, the meat is delicious! The glass is cold and the speed at which the food comes out is exquisite! It was nice because there was a private room so I could relax and eat
mo mo on Google

白島の焼肉といえばここ? 個室があるので子供を連れてゆっくり食べれます? 味もお肉の質もいいっ❤ キンキンに冷えたビールが最高です\(^^)/
Speaking of Yakiniku in Hakushima, here ? There is a private room so you can eat slowly with your children ? The taste and quality of the meat are good ❤ Cold beer is the best \ (^^) /
中川大輔 on Google

The quality of the meat is bad anyway. I feel like the sauce is trying to deceive the poor quality of the meat with a thick sauce with garlic. The quality of meat sold in supermarkets for 500 grams and 700 yen is the same. Three people drank two drinks and ordered about 6 servings of meat for 18,000 yen. Although the unit price of roasted meat is not high, it has become a feeling that has been paid a lot of money at Botatta River. There were many customers because of the high location, but are there any repeaters? At least I will never go again.
タカラダカラ on Google

すごく久々に行きましたが、スタッフさんの対応格段にレベル上がってますね。 相変わらず、お肉も美味しいし、タレが絶品でした。 やきやき亭と姉妹店ということですが、姉妹両方素晴らしく美味しいです!
It's been a long time since I went there, but the staff's response has improved dramatically. As usual, the meat was delicious and the sauce was excellent. It's a sister restaurant with Yakiyaki-tei, but both sisters are wonderfully delicious!
y matsumoto on Google

キムチは塩辛くて食べれない。牛タンは、スーパーより質が悪い。上の肉は、油だらけ。さしとは言いがたい。 ビールは間違いなし‼️
Kimchi is too salty to eat. Beef tongue is of poorer quality than supermarkets. The meat on top is full of oil. It's hard to say. Beer is definitely! ️
miki on Google

家の近くにある焼肉屋さん! 店内は焼肉屋にしてはキレイで雰囲気はいいです。お肉も脂身があり美味しい。 残念だったのは、キムチが塩辛いです… 改善してくれたらいいなぁ~
A yakiniku restaurant near my house! The inside of the restaurant is beautiful and the atmosphere is good for a yakiniku restaurant. The meat is also fat and delicious. Unfortunately, the kimchi is salty ... I hope you can improve it ~

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