
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact さくらんぼ

住所 :

Higashi22bancho, Towada, 〒034-0015 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Aomori

Higashi22bancho, Towada, 〒034-0015 Aomori,Japan
理恵 on Google

Very delicious (* ^ ^ *)
カルタ on Google

メニューが充実してるなぁって感じました。 私は野菜たっぷり味噌ラーメンを食べました。 量が多いのですごい満足感があります。 値段も安めでした。 ただ少し味が薄めかな?って思いました。
I felt that the menu was substantial. I ate miso ramen with plenty of vegetables. The amount is large and I am very satisfied. The price was also cheap. Is it just a little lighter? I tought.
king sos on Google

It's near the university, so it's a cafeteria for students, and it's crowded at noon. The daily set meal of 580 yen is cheap and affordable. Personally, I recommend the pork cutlet set meal.
iwamon 0507 on Google

アパートの一角で隠れ家的なお店です! ガッツリ食べたい人や学生さん向けかな⁇ お店の雰囲気とお店の雰囲気はいい感じです?
It's a hideaway shop in a corner of the apartment! Is it for people and students who want to eat hard⁇ The atmosphere of the shop and the atmosphere of the shop are nice ?
posh 0206 on Google

なんでこんな安いんでしょうか? ラーメン350円って! 欲張りな自分はペアセット(辛ラーメンと豚骨ラーメンが半分づつとカレーのセット)をオーダー。このボリュームで780円は安い! 辛ラーメン、私好みの味で、細ちぢれ麺にマッチしてとっても美味しかったです。 定食を頼んでる方多数いたので、次回はおろしとんかつ定食を食べたいです。
Why is it so cheap? Ramen 350 yen! As a greedy person, I ordered a pair set (a set of half spicy ramen and half pork bone ramen and curry). 780 yen is cheap with this volume! Shin Ramyun, my favorite taste, matched the fine noodles and was very delicious. Many people asked for a set meal, so next time I would like to eat a grated pork cutlet set meal.
no1 pegasus on Google

学生街にあって、ラーメン350円からととてもリーズナブルなメニュー構成のお店。 今年で36周年とのことですが、長年に渡り学生さんを中心に安くて美味しいご飯を提供し続けているお店です。
Located in the student district, this shop has a very reasonable menu structure starting from 350 yen for ramen. It is said that this year is the 36th anniversary, but for many years it is a shop that has been offering cheap and delicious rice mainly to students.
four door0810 on Google

I got a pair ramen that you can enjoy two kinds of flavors! This is 550 yen. It feels like I ate a large serving of ramen! If you're hungry, it's reasonable to set rice balls or half-curry on it!
Shu Name on Google

学生時代に食べて、思い出の味。 トンカツが美味い。ペッパーを豚肉と衣の間に隠し味されてて、これがクセになる! 学生に人気です。いつまでもなくならないでほしい、そんな老舗店!
I ate it when I was a student and it tasted like a memory. The pork cutlet is delicious. Pepper is hidden between the pork and the batter, which makes it a habit! Popular with students. Such a long-established store that I want you to never go away!

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