スピード小顔 恵比寿店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スピード小顔 恵比寿店

住所 :

Higashi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://spk-japan.com/ebisu/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Higashi, Shibuya City, 〒150-0011 Tokyo,Japan
みどり on Google

最初は効果本当にあるの?って思いましたが通っていくうちに寝つきが良くなって生活してても疲れにくくなりました。 体の不調もなくなって小顔になって歪みが無くなったような! 最近は小顔がついでで体のメンテナンスがメインなような気がするw
Is it really effective at first? I thought, but as I went there, I fell asleep better and became less tired even if I lived. It seems that my physical condition has disappeared, my face has become smaller, and the distortion has disappeared! Recently, I have a small face and I feel that body maintenance is the main thing.
ひろき on Google

小顔矯正の施術後すぐはスッキリ感はすごかったけどあまり大きな変化は感じなかった。 でも次の日の調子が良くて効果しっかりあるんだ、と感心してしまいました(笑) いつもは浮腫みで朝は顔パンパンだけど、寝起きからスッキリ目も開きが違うし、メイクも乗りが良かった!
Immediately after the small face correction, I felt refreshed, but I didn't feel much change. But I was impressed that the next day was in good shape and effective (laughs). I usually have swelling and my face is fluffy in the morning, but since I woke up, my eyes were different and my makeup was good!
じゅんな on Google

恵比寿駅からだとサンマルクの交差点を左に!駅からすぐだし通いやすい! 店員さんも親切で施術もばっちり!通ってて苦じゃない小顔サロン。そんなところです!
From Ebisu station, turn left at the intersection of Saint Marc! It's easy to get to from the station! The clerk is also kind and the treatment is perfect! A small face salon that is not a pain to go through. That's it!
すずは on Google

恵比寿でいい小顔サロンないかなあと思って探していたらたまたま見つけたのがこちら。 一回でもフェイスライン、顎下、デコルテがすごくすっきりしていい感じです!ビフォーアフターの写真を見せていただいたので、変化がわかりやすかったのも良かったです。 ホームケアも教えて頂いたので、家でのマッサージ頑張ります!
I was wondering if there was a good small face salon in Ebisu, and when I was looking for it, I happened to find it here. The face line, submandibular gland, and décolletage are very clean and nice even once! It was good that the changes were easy to understand because I was shown the before and after photos. He also taught me about home care, so I'll do my best to massage at home!
はるか on Google

久しぶりの小顔矯正。昔行ってみたところは痛いだけで大した効果もなかったです。ただスピード小顔さんは全く痛くないのに効果があるっていう。。 効果と痛みは関係ないんですねw
Small face correction after a long absence. When I went there a long time ago, it only hurt and didn't have much effect. However, Speed ​​Small Face is effective even though it doesn't hurt at all. .. The effect and pain are not related w
ちえり on Google

左広角が少し下がり気味。。それがコンプレックスで治したくてyoutubeを見てたらスピード小顔の動画が出てきました。 気になって調べてみると恵比寿にあるって事で人生初めての小顔矯正に。。 結果行って良かったしこれからも定期的に通います!!
The left wide-angle lens is slightly lowered. .. When I watched youtube because I wanted to cure it with a complex, a video with a small face came out. When I was curious and investigated, it was in Ebisu, so it was the first small face correction in my life. .. I'm glad I went as a result, and I will continue to attend regularly! !!
こそで on Google

目尻が下がっているのが気になって式の前に小顔矯正にチャレンジ! カウンセリングの時にどうして直るのか?ってメカニズムを説明してくれました。 はじめての時は目がぱっちり! でも少し経つと元に戻ってしまいました。 式まで半年間通い続けます!!
I was worried that the outer corners of my eyes were down, so I challenged to correct my small face before the ceremony! How can I fix it during counseling? He explained the mechanism. The eyes are perfect for the first time! But after a while, it returned to normal. I will continue to attend the ceremony for half a year! !!
永井智絵里 on Google

初めて小顔矯正に行きました。他のクリニックにも行ったことがありますが、恵比寿店の先生は、今まで出会った中で1番話しやすくて信頼できる先生でした。 施術だけでなく、顎下のたるみが気になると伝えると、骨格や噛み癖など、考えられる色々な要因の説明を丁寧にしてくれました。
I went to small face correction for the first time. I have been to other clinics, but the teacher at the Ebisu store was the easiest and most reliable teacher I have ever met. When I told him that I was worried about the sagging under the chin as well as the treatment, he politely explained various possible factors such as the skeleton and biting habits.

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