Higashi-Osaka Cultural Creation Hall - Higashiosaka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Higashi-Osaka Cultural Creation Hall

住所 :

2 Chome-3-4 Mikuriyaminami, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 577-0034
Webサイト : https://higashiosaka.hall-info.jp/

2 Chome-3-4 Mikuriyaminami, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0034, Japan
すずきかつひで on Google

搬入条件は良いですね❗ ひとつ気になるのは搬入口か舞台への導線に通路を横切らなければならないので人の通りに気を付けなければならないですね。
The carry-in conditions are good ❗ One thing I'm curious about is that you have to cross the aisle to the entrance or the lead to the stage, so you have to be careful about the streets of people.
先村昌浩 on Google

It is a fresh and beautiful facility. There is a large flat parking lot behind the building (east side), and it is conscientious at 200 yen per hour (rainy days may be difficult). Infectious disease countermeasures were also solid.
久米一博 on Google

Last year, I went to Nao Matsushita's concert. With corona measures. It was a social distance seat. The piano performance was a masterpiece. I played thank you. In Angkor, I sang the only song today to make you happier. It was wonderful and Nao Matsushita was beautiful. If I have the next opportunity, I would like to go to a concert. I went to Ayaka Hirahara's concert on September 19, 2021. It consisted of two parts with a break in between. The costume is a red dress in the first half and a red dress in the second half. It was a white dress. In the second half, I sang only good songs such as Happiness, Ohisama, jupiter, and Hoshi Tsumugi no Uta. Ayaka Hirahara's story was fun and interesting. He said he would stay in Osaka. The tension was high and I enjoyed it. However, he talked a lot. It was worth it.
藤元富美恵 on Google

2021年10月、ゲッターズ飯田さんのトークライヴで初めて行きました。 バンド演奏もあったのですが、音の設備がすごく良く、綺麗に聞こえました。 数ヵ月前に行った堺市にあるフェニーチェ堺と似てました。
In October 2021, I went to Getters Iida's Talk Live for the first time. There was a band performance, but the sound equipment was very good and it sounded beautiful. It was similar to Fenice Sakai in Sakai City, which I visited a few months ago.
アイリス on Google

Only local trains stop, but since it is near the station, we will arrive at the venue immediately even if it rains a little. The staff kindly guided me in a very beautiful hall. It was a side seat on the 1st floor, so it's a little hard to see when the actor goes to the end. The seats are also made to look like they are next to each other and half a step back. (Not next to each other)
AMUNOO on Google

9月にオープンした新しい文化施設にあの玉置浩二さんのライブで初めて訪れました。 最寄駅からのアクセスも良好で、入り口周りのアプローチの仕方、芝生広場、デッキスペースなど開放感があり好印象。1Fのカフェもオープンな感じで良かったですね。 大ホールは、1500席ある広さでしたが、音の反響を考えられた木質系の内装で構成されていて、座席の角度も程よい感じでした。駐車場はかなり少なめな感じで近隣の駐車場も少ないように感じました。なので訪れるなら近鉄 八戸ノ里駅から徒歩 5分ほどなので、公共交通機関を利用されるのが良いかと思います。
I visited the new cultural facility that opened in September for the first time with Koji Tamaki's live performance. The access from the nearest station is also good, and the approach around the entrance, the lawn plaza, the deck space, etc. give a good impression. It was good that the cafe on the 1st floor was also open. The large hall was large with 1,500 seats, but it was made of wood with a sound reverberation, and the seating angle was just right. I felt that the parking lot was quite small and there were few parking lots in the neighborhood. So if you're visiting, it's about a 5-minute walk from Kintetsu Yaenosato Station, so I think it's best to use public transportation.
下町のチャーリー on Google

It was built two years ago, but the stage is designed to be easy to see. Sound is also well studied, easy to hear. The lawn at the entrance of the hall and the approach road are comfortable. As an aside, I thought that the toilet was well thought out (laughs).
y u on Google

近鉄八戸ノ里駅から徒歩で5分程度の場所。ホールでの演目以外に東大阪市の地域コミュニティー文化会館としても利用されている。演奏会、展示会や文化会等で訪れたことがあり、公共のホールでは優れた設備に思う。 車での来場は文化創造館付帯(ホール東側)の有料駐車場[1日700円]と、付近(文化創造館の北側と南側)にコインパーキング[1日500円]がある。いずれも収容台数はさほど多くなく、土日祝祭日等で集客のある催し等では満車になることが多い。
A 5-minute walk from Kintetsu Hachinosato Station. In addition to the performances in the hall, it is also used as a regional community cultural center in Higashi Osaka City. I have visited at concerts, exhibitions and cultural events, and I think it is an excellent facility in a public hall. For visitors by car, there is a pay parking lot [700 yen a day] attached to the Cultural Creation Center (east side of the hall) and a coin parking lot [500 yen a day] nearby (north and south sides of the Cultural Creation Center). In each case, the number of cars that can be accommodated is not very large, and it is often full at events that attract customers on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.

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