Hidaka Pet Shop - Wakayama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hidaka Pet Shop

住所 :

1 Chome-22 Motoderamachi, Wakayama, 640-8024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 640-8024
Webサイト : http://www.softplan.jp/hidaka-pet/

1 Chome-22 Motoderamachi, Wakayama, 640-8024, Japan
ちょこまろ on Google

The owner of the wife has made a look-alike doll and pet dog in felt handicraft. It looks also like feeling itself.
平岡涼子 on Google

優しいトリマーさん達で気に入ってます♪ カラーリングもしてくれておすすめ店です
I like the gentle trimmers ♪ It is a recommended shop for coloring
塩おにぎりが大好きマイペースまさやん on Google

ご家族でされていて、とても親切で温かみのあるペットショップ。 ホテルの利用も何度かさせていただいており、綺麗で安価で安心してお願いできます❗
A pet shop that is very kind and warm to the family. We have been using the hotel several times, so you can be assured that it is clean, inexpensive and safe.
伊藤崇 on Google

下の低評価付けてる自分勝手な人のコメントは信用しなくて良し。お店の予定や他の予約も考えれば当然の返事。 自分が行った時は電話からどんなカットにするかの対応もきちんとしてたよ。
You don't have to trust the comments of the selfish people who have a low rating below. A natural reply considering the schedule of the shop and other reservations. When I went, I was able to deal with what kind of cut I would make from the phone.
Tommy K on Google

正直星ひとつすらあげたくはない。 トリマーの言葉遣いも全く気遣いなく上からの物言い。 平気で「飼い主さん」と言ってのける。 間違いは決してないけれどショップで働くましてやトリマーとゆう業に携わっているのなら「お母さん、お父さん」とか「オーナーさん」と呼ぶべきではないか?しかも道に迷い遅れると電話を入れたら普通なら「大丈夫ですか?お気をつけてお越しください」でしょ?開口一番「急いでくださいね!」ですよ?ありえない対応。しかもトリミングも下手くそ!驚きました。送迎が可能とあってお願いをしてもなナビに出てこないとか... 対応が悪すぎて驚いた。謝ってほしいわ(笑)
To be honest, I don't want to give even one star. The wording of the trimmer is also a word from above without any concern. You can safely say "Owner". There is no mistake, but if you are working in a shop, or if you are involved in a trimmer or other business, you should call it "mother, father" or "owner". Moreover, if you get lost and you make a phone call, it's usually "OK. Please be careful." The opening is "Please hurry up!" An impossible response. Moreover, the trimming is bad! I was surprised. There is a pick-up service, so even if you ask for it, you shouldn't come out to a nabis... I was surprised that the correspondence was too bad. I want you to apologize (laughs)
にゃにゃ on Google

He cut my nails gently and carefully (* ´∀ ` *)
池田貴敬 on Google

When I was watching a team game at my daughter's university in Kagoshima, I took care of two cats and used them for the first time, but due to a typhoon, the schedule changed suddenly even though the store was closed. Thank you very much for your support. It was really helpful for me to tell me about the cat's appearance with lines and photos as needed ~
AP AP on Google

低評価を付けている方もいるので、ワンちゃんネコちゃんを預ける方からすればとても心配でしょうけれど、うちのワンコはトリミングで何度かお世話になっていますが、カットもきっちりしてくれますし、ご家族の経営なのでアットホームでとても感じが良かったですよ。トイプーですが、夏場なので、短めに切ってもらいましたが、1ヶ月近く経っても毛足が揃っていてすっきりしています。 終わったら写真も撮ってもらえます。 ホテルはまだ利用したことがありませんが、また利用したいと思います。
Some people give it a low rating, so it would be very worrisome for those who leave dogs and cats, but my dog ​​has been taken care of several times by trimming, but the cut is also precise. However, because it is run by a family, it feels very good at home. It's a toy pooh, but since it's summer, I had it cut short, but even after almost a month, my hair is still clean. You can also take a picture when you are done. I haven't used the hotel yet, but I would like to use it again.

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