Henri Charpentier

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Henri Charpentier

住所 :

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Webサイト : http://www.henri-charpentier.com/shop/urawa-isetan/
街 : Saitama

Takasago, Urawa Ward, 〒330-0063 Saitama,Japan
Breath Shinkokyu on Google

フィナンシェやマドレーヌなどの、焼き菓子が美味しい。 ちょっとした手土産に購入します。 バレンタインやホワイトデーにもおすすめ。
Baked sweets such as financier and madeleine are delicious. I will buy it as a little souvenir. Recommended for Valentine's Day and White Day.
徳広 on Google

嫁がお気に入り 伊勢丹の地下食料品エリアにあり、時々焼菓子買いにいきます。ケーキもあります。
My wife's favorite is in the underground grocery area of ​​Isetan, and I sometimes go to buy baked goods. There is also a cake.
ken ken on Google

There is no doubt about cakes and baked goods.
Ma Oh on Google

お土産でいただきました。バレンタインデー仕様の可愛いケーキ? 表面をコーティングしているチョコが厚くて、贅沢な気分になりました♪
I received souvenirs. Valentine's Day cute cake ? The chocolate coating the surface was thick, it became a luxurious feeling ♪
田中真喜子 on Google

目移りする位美味しそうな焼き菓子がたくさんあり迷いました! お土産には喜ばれると思います。
I was at a loss because there were so many baked sweets that looked delicious! I think you will be pleased with the souvenirs.
Okuma Junzi- on Google

I bought a short decoration for my birthday ? The cream was not too sweet and it was rich and delicious ? The clerk came to ask me for the order ✍ ★ 3.66
Takashi Arai on Google

阪神芦屋駅前に昔からあるケーキ屋さん。御影や銀座等の一部のお店でのクレープシュゼットも一度は試してみるのも。 フィナンシェやマドレーヌ等の焼き菓子も美味しい。
A cake shop that has been around for a long time in front of Hanshin Ashiya station. You can also try the crepe suzette at some shops such as Mikage and Ginza. Baked sweets such as financiers and madeleines are also delicious.
AKI-YUKI on Google

ケーキが美味しいのはもちろん。接客がとても素晴らしく 並んで待っている人にも常に気を配っており 私も丁寧にお声をかけていただけました。 気持ちよくケーキを購入することができました。 マダムMはシューもタルトも美味しくて モンブランは洋酒がきいており大人のモンブランかな?
Of course the cake is delicious. The customer service was very good and I was always paying attention to the people waiting in line, and I was able to speak to them politely. I was able to buy the cake comfortably. Madame M has delicious shoes and tarts, and Montblanc has Western liquor, so is it an adult Montblanc?

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