
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 紫園

住所 :

Hatsune, Nasukarasuyama, 〒321-0626 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Tochigi

Hatsune, Nasukarasuyama, 〒321-0626 Tochigi,Japan
石山達哉 on Google

I had a shrimp and scallop steak set. Excellent compatibility between steak sauce and shrimp. The scallops were tartar sauce and there were three large grains. I want to eat again.
DANB0Hruだんぼ on Google

ラストオーダー14時半で、15時までがランチタイムです。 昔ながらの洋食屋さん。ランチメニューには、ハンバーグや唐揚げ、エビフライなどのセットが並びます。 オリジナルドレッシング付きのサラダ、玉ねぎたっぷりのソースをかけたハンバーグおいしかったです(๑´ڡ`๑)
Last order is 14:30 and lunch time is until 15:00. An old-fashioned Western-style restaurant. The lunch menu includes sets such as hamburger steak, fried chicken, and fried shrimp. The salad with the original dressing and the hamburger steak with plenty of onion sauce were delicious (๑´ڡ`๑)
酒祭 on Google

何を食べても 美味しいと思います。 落ち着いた雰囲気でゆっくり食べれます。
No matter what you eat I think it's delicious. You can eat slowly in a calm atmosphere.
small chiyan on Google

和風ハンバーグがとってもおいしいです! おろしソースが手作りでした。 ランチの飲み物が選択肢が多いです。
Japanese style hamburger is very delicious! The grated sauce was handmade. There are many options for lunch drinks.
Akihiko on Google

It's a restaurant with a nice atmosphere, the taste is normal!
3 Mi on Google

カレーしか食べなかったのですが、エビカレーのエビはボイルされ過ぎててスカスカ。 ルーも余り美味しくなかったです。
I only ate curry, but the shrimp curry shrimp was too boiled. Lou wasn't too delicious either.
どけんや君 on Google

デミグラスハンバーグセット1100円+ランチドリンクにアイス追加150円 僕が子供の頃から営業してる店だが、何気に寄ったことなかった。デミグラスソースの深味と、店内の雰囲気がとにかく素晴らしい。エントリーしてみるもんだな。 サラダのセロリドレッシングがあまりに美味しくて、買えないかいか聞いたら、販売してますとの事。一本税込500円でした。何も言わなくても保冷剤つけてくれたり、気配りの出来るのは、流石老舗だなと思った。 店内にある、レトロな電話ボックスは観に来る価値あり。 テイクアウトも有り。
Demi-glace hamburger set 1100 yen + ice cream added to lunch drink 150 yen The store has been open since I was a kid, but I haven't noticed anything. The depth of the demiglace sauce and the atmosphere inside the store are just wonderful. I'll try to enter. The salad celery dressing is so delicious that I asked if I could buy it, and he said it would be on sale. It was 500 yen including tax. I thought that it was a long-established store that could put on an ice pack and be attentive without saying anything. The retro telephone booth inside the store is worth a visit. There is also takeout.
Norika on Google

春の?桜の季節には車で那須烏山市の「紫園(しえん)」がお薦めだ。2つの駐車場から見える桜?は見事だ。公園にも近く食後は公園の駐車場に入れて食後の散策も良い。昭和レトロな店内にはオシャレな公衆電話ボックスがあり、団体客も対応出来る部屋もある。桜の季節の花見がてら美味しいランチを食べるならココ。セットにはサラダや飲み物が付く。ユズとセロリの2種類のドレッシングが付くが、ここのセロリのドレッシングは美味で、お薦めだ。 イタリアンじゃない美味しい本格的な珈琲もうれしい。 食事とセットだと手作りあんみつが200円。
In the spring ? cherry blossom season, we recommend driving to "Shien" in Nasukarasuyama City. The cherry blossoms ? seen from the two parking lots are wonderful. It is close to the park, and after eating, you can put it in the parking lot of the park and take a walk after eating. There is a fashionable public telephone booth in the Showa Retro store, and there are rooms that can accommodate group guests. If you want to have a delicious lunch while watching the cherry blossoms in the cherry blossom season, click here. The set comes with salads and drinks. There are two types of dressing, yuzu and celery, but the celery dressing here is delicious and recommended. I am happy with the delicious authentic coffee that is not Italian. Handmade anmitsu is 200 yen for a set with meals.

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