
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hasegawa

住所 :

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.nihonyakiniku-hasegawa.com/
街 : Tokyo

Ginza, Chuo City, 〒104-0061 Tokyo,Japan
kazu kazu on Google

普段行く焼き肉店が休みだったので、ネットで探して行きました。 お通しがオシャレで美味しい! 牛肉の塩辛とか珍しいものが食べられる! お肉が美味しい! 個室は加熱式のみ喫煙可。 喫煙者も安心して行けます。 個室なら感染の心配も少なくお食事が楽しめるのでオススメです!
The yakiniku restaurant I usually go to was closed, so I searched online. Fashionable and delicious! You can eat salted beef and other rare foods! The meat is delicious! Private rooms can only be smoked by heating. Smokers can go with confidence. It is recommended that you can enjoy your meal in a private room without worrying about infection!
Tokyo Hurahura on Google

Visit for lunch. BGM is a bright song of unknown genre (Italy?) Playing at a slightly loud volume. The coat is hung on a nearby hanger by yourself. Shingen bento 4,800 yen (tax included). Vegetable salad contains various kinds of vegetables and is quite good. Finally, add plenty of sesame seeds to the sliced ​​meat, put it on rice, and ochazuke with soup stock. I think it's better to have a hotter soup stock and a larger amount, but the overall taste is good. Sometimes the clerk did not come even if I pressed the button, but the feeling of reception itself is polite. The assortment of fine wines is quite good. (March 2019)
mainecoon mainecoon on Google

食す価値あり?。 コースを注文。とても美味しい、全般的にしっかり出汁を伴った、味わいの深い味付け。お肉はきちんと下処理を目の前でしており、食欲が一層沸く。 藻塩、味噌タレ、ワサビ等用意している。こちらのワサビがスッキリしており、試す価値あり。随分と味を追求した感があり、食後の満足度は高い。 丁寧な接客、人気の高さをうかがえる。従業員さんに笑顔が溢れ、その輪に包まれる。 JR有楽町より歩いて数分、銀座駅より直ぐ。
Worth eating ?. Order the course. Very tasty, generally well-flavored with soup stock. The meat is properly prepared in front of you, and your appetite is even more exciting. We have algae salt, miso sauce, wasabi, etc. This wasabi is refreshing and worth a try. There is a feeling of pursuing the taste, and the satisfaction level after meals is high. You can see the polite customer service and popularity. Employees are full of smiles and are wrapped in the circle. A few minutes walk from JR Yurakucho, right from Ginza station.
なんでもMAIL on Google

安心して高品質な和食&焼肉が頂けるお店。 お肉のお写真は他の方が沢山上げられているので割愛しますが、初めのサラダから さっぱりした味を絶妙にからめられていて皆でモリモリ頂きました。 他にも焼くレバーやバター乗せのホタテ貝などたまらない美味しさ! 名物の焼印付き卵焼きはお腹いっぱいなのにパクパクいけました。 全面的にさすがなお店です。
A restaurant where you can enjoy high quality Japanese food and yakiniku with peace of mind. I will omit the picture of the meat because many other people have raised it, but from the first salad The refreshing taste was exquisitely entwined and everyone enjoyed it. Besides, the liver to bake and the scallops with butter are irresistible! The famous omelet with a branding iron was full, but it was crispy. It's a shop that is totally true.
Judo O on Google

最高の焼肉体験をさせて頂きました。 お店の雰囲気は落ち着いており、また店員さんの対応も完璧です。 今回は個室でアラカルトの利用をしましたが、店員さんが定期的に来てくださるので追加の注文もしやすかったです。 お肉は最高の味としか言えず、今後仕事でも定期的に利用していきたい素晴らしいお店でした。
I had the best yakiniku experience. The atmosphere of the shop is calm and the staff are perfect. I used a la carte in a private room this time, but it was easy to make additional orders because the clerk came regularly. Meat can only be said to have the best taste, and it was a wonderful restaurant that I would like to use regularly for work in the future.
宇井和朗 on Google

接待で利用しました。 個室は狭く4名までが適正の部屋でした。 今回は6名で利用しましたが、中々ひどかったです。 味はよかったですが、高級店としてサービスなどを改善して欲しいです。 接待ではおすすめ出来ません。
I used it for entertainment. The private room was small and suitable for up to 4 people. I used it with 6 people this time, but it was terrible. The taste was good, but I want you to improve the service as a luxury store. Not recommended for entertainment.
石田浩之 on Google

銀座の焼肉と言えば日本焼肉はせ川さん。 いつも素晴らしいお肉を頂けます。 お肉だけじゃなく、土鍋ご飯がまた、堪らなく美味しいです。 店内の雰囲気も落ち着いており、日本って良いなぁって思わせてくれるお店のひとつ。 オススメです。
Speaking of Ginza yakiniku, Hasegawa-san is Japanese yakiniku. You will always have great meat. Not only meat but also clay pot rice is unbearably delicious. The atmosphere inside the store is calm, and it is one of the stores that makes me think that Japan is good. I recommend it.
Al. N. on Google

Super delicious meat and cosy atmosphere

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