Harashima Clinic Goshominami - Kyoto

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Harashima Clinic Goshominami

住所 :

630 Heinouchicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0884, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 604-0884
Webサイト : https://www.harashimaclinic.com/

630 Heinouchicho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-0884, Japan
トマトマ on Google

院長の旦那さんは親身にお話を聞いて下さり丁寧にご説明して下さいました、とても好感が持てます。ただし副院長の奥さん?はなぜあんなに偉そうで威張っているのか。。。 患者だけじゃなく業者にもそんな態度をとっているのを見ると嫌な気分になりました。
The director's husband kindly listened to me and gave me a polite explanation, which I like very much. However, the wife of the deputy director? Why is it so great and intimidating? .. .. It made me feel uncomfortable to see that not only the patients but also the contractors had such an attitude.
hideki uchida on Google

I'm Uchida, who had been seeing a cheerful teacher for the first time in a long time in the cast before 5 o'clock, and had a medical examination at the Department of Diabetes Medicine at Kyoto University Hospital for a long time. I have changed to Dr. Tanaka and continue to receive medical examinations. The medical industry such as Dr. Harashima is currently having a hard time in Corona, but please do your best. Take care!
4ho on Google

他院では色々と指定のある予防接種、流行前になるとどこも予約いっぱいで困っていた折、こちらでは初診でも対応頂けた事をきっかけに、子供のかかりつけとして少々遠方ですが通院しています。2階が内科で恐らく奥様の女医さんが対応して下さいます。愛想を振りまくタイプの先生ではなく常は簡潔明瞭な対応で混雑していない時間帯の受診では気さくに子供の問いかけに対応して下さいます。しかし、予防接種から2度目の子供の受診の際、他の人がなかなか気付かない私の小さな皮膚の異常(部分変色)を「予防接種の時に気になったんだけど」と気遣いながら教えて下さり、「お子さんへの遺伝の問題などもありえるから、もしお母さんが問題なければ改めて検査してみましょう。」と気遣いながら教えて下さったのは大変驚きました。受付の方や看護師さんの対応が良いのも先生ご夫婦のお人柄や医師としての指針故だと思います。人により好みは様々だと思いますが、遠くても通いたいと思える、子供が信頼出来る先生に出会えたことを嬉しく思っています。事前予約しても当日予約しても長々と待たせる小児科が多い中で、こちらは目の前が公園という立地環境(保護者や子供が集まる環境)で当日受診の患者さんが沢山いても、ほぼ予約した時間通りに見てもらえます。当日受診でもそんなに待たされることもありません。それも医師の腕や院内全体の連携があってこそだと思います。 コロナ禍以降通院出来ていませんが、今冬からはまたお世話になりたいと思っています。 ★駐車場★なし 敷地周辺に多数のコインパーキングあり。 ★薬局★建物1階にあり。
At other hospitals, there are various designated vaccinations, and before the epidemic, I was in trouble because I had a lot of reservations. The second floor is internal medicine, and probably your wife's female doctor will take care of it. It is not a kind teacher, but usually a simple and clear response, and when you visit the clinic during non-crowded hours, please feel free to answer your child's questions. However, when I visited my child for the second time after vaccination, he told me about my small skin abnormality (partial discoloration) that other people would not notice easily, "I was worried at the time of vaccination". I was very surprised to hear that he told me, "There may be a genetic problem for your child, so if your mother has no problem, let's check again." I think that the receptionist and the nurses are very responsive because of the personality of the teacher and the couple and the guidelines as a doctor. I think people have different tastes, but I'm happy to meet a teacher that my child can trust, who wants to go even far away. There are many pediatric departments that make you wait for a long time regardless of whether you make a reservation in advance or on the day, but even if there are many patients who visit the clinic on the day in the location environment (environment where parents and children gather) in front of you , You can see it almost on time. You don't have to wait so long even if you visit the clinic on the day. I think that is due to the skill of doctors and the cooperation of the entire hospital. I haven't been able to go to the hospital since the corona illness, but I would like to take care of it again from this winter. ★ Parking lot ★ None There are many coin parking lots around the site. ★ Pharmacy ★ Located on the 1st floor of the building.
なつなっ on Google

先生はとても優しく、丁寧な説明でした。 ただコロナ後遺症の相談のための受診は個人的にはお勧めしません。 自分なりに後遺症について調べると、後遺症の症状があるのに無理をして動くことで症状を悪化させる危険があるとの記事を見つけ、先生にお尋ねしましたが、身体を動かし、日常生活を取り戻すようにとの診断を受けました。私は仕事中の移動がとても多いこともお伝えしましたが、問題ないので体を動かすようにと仰せでした。今思えば、数歩歩いただけで脈拍数が110を超えて、動悸が止まらなかったのに仕事ができる状態ではありませんでした。受診の前に血圧と脈拍を測定するのに、先生はその結果に目を通されてらっしゃいませんでした。私から動悸がするとお伝えしたところ、動悸を抑える薬を処方していただきました。その他の薬も何種類か出してもらいましたが、私の受診時は漢方は出てません。 また、2回目の診察で、喉の違和感などについてもお伝えしましたが、初診の時より症状が増えてない?と言われてしまい、診断としては、それら全ての症状は治る途中経過の症状と言われました。ちなみにこちらでの診察をやめたあと、症状は徐々に変化していっており、症状は固定ではない場合もあると考えています。 先生はとても丁寧で信頼してましたが、不安になり、セカンドオピニオンとして、沢山のコロナ後遺症患者を診られている有名な先生に診察していただきました。そこではやはり、通常の生活に戻すと症状が悪化するとの診断でした。また喉の違和感についても適切な治療を教えてもらいました。 京都でコロナ後遺症を診てもらえる病院を探すと、こちらの病院しか見つかりませんでした。京都で苦しむコロナ後遺症患者を救ってくださる数少ない先生のはずですので、未知のウィルスで診断が難しいとは思いますが、より正確で安心できる診断をお願いしたいです。 追記)私の場合、空気感染を疑ってました。しかし、先生は空気感染はあり得ない、自分が気づいてないだけで他に絶対に原因があるはずと仰せで、否定されたようで少し悲しかったです。 WHOも今は空気感染の可能性を認めてます。私が受診したのは数ヶ月前なので、今は先生のお考えが変わっていることを期待してます。 京都では感染が増えているので患者を助けて欲しいです。
The teacher was very kind and polite. However, I do not personally recommend a consultation for corona sequelae. When I researched the aftereffects on my own, I found an article that there is a risk of worsening the symptoms by forcibly moving even though there are symptoms of the aftereffects, and I asked the teacher, but I moved my body and regained my daily life I was diagnosed as having a symptom. I also told you that I move a lot during work, but I told him to move because there was no problem. When I think about it now, my pulse rate exceeded 110 after just a few steps, and I wasn't ready to work even though my palpitation didn't stop. The teacher didn't read the results to measure blood pressure and pulse before the visit. When I told him that he had palpitations, he prescribed a medicine to suppress palpitations. I was asked to give me some other medicines, but I didn't get any Chinese medicine at the time of my visit. Also, at the second examination, I told you about the discomfort in my throat, but I was asked if the symptoms had increased since the first examination, and the diagnosis was that all of these symptoms were in the process of being cured. I was told. By the way, after I stopped the examination here, my symptoms have gradually changed, and I think that the symptoms may not be fixed. The teacher was very polite and reliable, but I became anxious, and as a second opinion, I was examined by a famous teacher who has been seeing many patients with corona sequelae. After all, it was diagnosed that the symptoms worsened when returning to normal life. He also taught me the appropriate treatment for throat discomfort. When I searched for a hospital in Kyoto where I could see the aftereffects of corona, I found only this hospital. It must be one of the few teachers who can help patients with corona sequelae suffering in Kyoto, so I think it is difficult to diagnose with an unknown virus, but I would like to ask for a more accurate and reassuring diagnosis. Postscript) In my case, I suspected an airborne infection. However, the teacher said that there could be no airborne infection, and that there must be other causes just because he was not aware of it, and he seemed to be denied and was a little sad. WHO now acknowledges the possibility of airborne transmission. I had a medical examination a few months ago, so I hope that the teacher's thinking has changed now. Infections are increasing in Kyoto, so I want you to help patients.
K CC on Google

皮膚科専門の先生のため、保険範囲内での治療もできるし、相談に応じて自由診療も対応いただけます。施術も充実しており、若返り治療を期待するのならばここが一番安心できると思いました。 KIDSルーム充実しているので、子供連れの方も安心して通えるクリニックです。
Because we are a dermatologist, we can provide treatment within the insurance range, and we can also provide free medical treatment upon consultation. The treatments are enriched, and I think this is the safest place if you are looking for rejuvenating treatment. There are many KIDS rooms, so it is a clinic where children can go with peace of mind.
n p on Google

Visited for PCR test. I seemed to have to call and was angry all the time. I'm sure I have said that, but at the first visit, I don't understand the meaning of this response. Even after that, I was ridiculed by all the rude remarks. The hospital is close to my house, but I don't want to go there again. I'm disappointed.
Brenda Ariesty Kusumasari on Google

Visited the pediatrician for influenza vaccine and had a great service. The doctor speaks English, reservation can be made online, clinic is clean and bright.
Julie Taeko on Google

A beautiful, clean pharmacy downstairs right ne t to a few skin doctors and children’s clinics. And they offer a nice clean toilet, free toys for kids, free TV shows for kids, and a wide array of unique food items like iron-packed bars, matcha teas, ginger candies, organic sunscreen, organic rice, and much much more. Plus the staff is extremely friendly and goes out of their way to be kind.

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