Hara Lady Clinic - Hitachinaka

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hara Lady Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-11-10 Sasanocho, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0018, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897977
Postal code : 312-0018
Webサイト : http://hara-ladies.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday Closed

2 Chome-11-10 Sasanocho, Hitachinaka, Ibaraki 312-0018, Japan
Antonius Marcus on Google

3年程前まで婦人科系で何かあったらここに行っていました。 待ち時間は長く、診察はおそらく5分以内。親身になって聞いてくれる感じではありませんでした。先生が不機嫌で受診が嫌でしたが、会社の近くに婦人科はここしかなく、我慢して通っていました。 2回目か3回目の不正出血での受診で、初めて7センチ程の子宮筋腫と言われました。「今まで気が付かなかったですか?」って言われたんです。子宮筋腫にもそうですが、先生の言葉にも驚きました。婦人科はあなたの病院しか受診していませんけど?!こっちこそ、なぜ今までわからなかったの?ちゃんと検査してくれていれば、分かったんじゃないですかね?って言ってやりたかった。 これがきっかけで、病院を変えました。 最近ここのクチコミの低評価を見つけて納得。 でも、この近辺で信頼出来る婦人科ってなかなかないんですよね。
About three years ago, I went here if there was something in gynecology. The waiting time is long and consultation is probably less than 5 minutes. I didn't feel like listening to them. The teacher was in a bad mood and didn't want to go to the doctor, but there was only a gynecologist here near the company, so I went with patience. At the second or third consultation for irregular bleeding, she was first told to have a fibroid of about 7 cm. I was told, "Did you ever notice?" As with fibroids, I was surprised at what the teacher said. Gynecology only sees your hospital? ! That ’s why I did n’t know it. If you inspected it properly, did you understand? I wanted to say. This changed the hospital. I recently found a low rating on a word-of-mouth communication and I'm satisfied. But there aren't many gynecology departments that can be trusted around here.
雪だるまバーグ on Google

The director's attitude is bad, and he doesn't listen to me properly, so I'm not good at responding. There is little point in writing a questionnaire. There is a teacher who is not the director on Tuesday, so I recommend Tuesday if you go.
n k on Google

数年前にカンジダで何度かお世話になりました。 膣口の検査の最中に先生が大声で 「あんたのちっちゃいねぇ!!」 と。 どうもすいませんね。 あまりにも腹が立つやら悔しいやらで、診察後にトイレに直行して大泣きしました。 紙がありませんでした。 (実話です。)
I was taken care of several times in Candida a few years ago. The teacher shouts during the vaginal opening examination "You're tiny !!" When. I'm sorry. I was so angry and frustrated that I went straight to the bathroom after the examination and cried. There was no paper. (It's a true story.)
まみ on Google

20歳から子宮の治療で婦人科に通っています。 こちらの婦人科にお世話になって3年くらいなるでしょうか。通院歴長くなってきましたが、先生との信頼関係は築けないし(たぶん患者のことなんて覚えていないし、私のことももちろん知らないし)、 看護師、受付の人、態度もよくないです。 午後の診療は、だいたい診療開始の時間が何時間も遅れます。1時間から1時間半ずれています。まともに半日潰れるレベルで、先生に会えば毎回の診察が連続していない内容で他人事のように瞬間で終わりです。 今日はさすがにずっと我慢してきたけど、いよいよ病院変えようと決心つきました。 14時の診療開始めがけて13時に受付し(午後は12時から受付しています)、午後は14時40分からと言われて、分かりましたと外出しました。 14時半に戻ったら、「診察が15時からであなたの順番は16時、もう一度外出してください」だって。 外出してください?中で待つことはできないんですか? こじんまりとやってるわりには親身でもないし、冷たくて、お世話になるメリットないですよ。 連休、長期休みがあると薬って都合に合わせて貰うの大変だけど、 そういうこと考えた上で処方してくれるわけじゃなくて、休み前は本当に苦労してきました。休み考えて多めにとかじゃなく、また薬もらいにこいって言われました。診察からつい3日後に連休のために診察受けに行って。 時間も半日潰れるし、仕事抜けたり有給使ったり、この病院通うためにどんだけの時間工面しなきゃいけないのか。 私の場合、薬が合わないからと2,3か月毎に変わって、変えたら経血の量が多くて急遽受診したら、「癌かもしれないから診察台上がって」って。大量に血が出ていて、下着ナプキンを外せる状況じゃないと言っても、「いいから」と。 看護師さんには嫌そうに下の世話されて。恥ずかしいより屈辱的な思いをしました。10年以上この病気と付き合っていますがこんな仕打ちは初めてです。 検査も定期的に受けてるのに、合わないから合わないからってそんなに薬変わるものですか。 先生がなぜかご不在で、臨時で別の先生が来ていたけど、その先生が「そろそろ血液検査の時期だけど職場の健康診断があるからその結果でいいよ、出たら持ってきてね」と言ってくれたのに、 次の受診にはご不在だった先生が戻っていて、すぐさま採血。昨日健康診断を受けたばかりなのですが結果は待っていただけませんか?と言ったら、「こちらで診てる以上、こちらで受けないと診れませんね」って。 結局、予定外に検査代がかかります。 ここに通ってると、本当に本当に、病気以外で二重に三重に苦悩します。 婦人科って、自分に合う病院もまして婦人科って数も少ないし、探すのすごく労力要ります。病院変えればまた検査して、またこれまでの経過を話して、本当に大変。この病院は、先生は、女性のそういうの分かってないです。 だけど大変だから、我慢して通ってるんです。 クリニックは中を改装して綺麗に、というかおしゃれになりました。院長の奥さんなのか、白髪のロングヘアーの方がお客様に声を掛けて歩きます。まるでセレブが通うクリニックです。 庶民の私には、中で待つ権利もないようでした。
I have been attending gynecology for uterine treatment since I was 20 years old. It's been about 3 years since I was taken care of by this gynecologist. I've been going to the hospital for a long time, but I can't build a relationship of trust with my teacher (probably I don't remember the patient, and of course I don't know), The nurses, receptionists, and attitudes are not good either. Afternoon consultations are usually delayed by hours. It is off by one to one and a half hours. It's a level that can be crushed for half a day, and if you meet the teacher, the contents of each consultation are not continuous, and it ends in a moment like other personnel. I've been patient for a long time today, but I finally decided to change the hospital. We accepted at 13:00 (reception starts at 12:00 in the afternoon) toward the start of medical treatment at 14:00, and was told that it would start at 14:40 in the afternoon, so we went out when we understood. When I returned to 14:30, he said, "The consultation will start at 15:00 and your turn will be 16:00. Please go out again." Please go out? Can't you wait inside? Even though I'm doing it small, I'm not friendly, it's cold, and there is no merit to be taken care of. If there are consecutive holidays and long holidays, it is difficult to get medicine at your convenience, I didn't prescribe it after thinking about that, and I had a really hard time before the holidays. I was told to come back to get some medicine instead of thinking about taking a break. Just three days after the examination, I went to see the doctor for consecutive holidays. Half a day is lost, and how much time do I have to spend to go to this hospital, such as leaving work or using paid leave? In my case, it changed every few months because the medicine didn't suit me, and when I changed it, the amount of menstrual blood was so large that I suddenly went to see the doctor and said, "I may have cancer, so I went up to the examination table." Even if I say that there is a lot of blood and I can't remove the underwear napkin, I said "it's okay". The nurse hatefully took care of me below. I felt more humiliating than embarrassing. I've been with this illness for over 10 years, but this is the first time I've been treated. Even though I take regular inspections, does the medicine change so much because it doesn't fit? The teacher was absent for some reason, and another teacher came on a temporary basis, but he said, "It's about time for a blood test, but I have a health checkup at work, so the result is okay, bring it when it comes out." Even though he gave me The teacher who was absent at the next consultation returned and immediately collected blood. I just had a medical examination yesterday, can you wait for the result? When I said, "Because I'm seeing you here, you can't see me unless you take it here." After all, the inspection fee will be charged unexpectedly. When I go here, I really really suffer from double and triple suffering other than illness. There are few gynecological departments, let alone a hospital that suits you, and it takes a lot of effort to find one. If you change hospitals, it will be inspected again, and it will be really difficult to talk about the progress so far. At this hospital, the teacher doesn't know that about women. But it's hard, so I put up with it. The clinic has been refurbished to make it more beautiful and fashionable. Perhaps the director's wife, long gray hair talks to customers and walks. It's like a clinic where celebrities go. As a commoner, I didn't seem to have the right to wait inside.
トトロ on Google

一年以上通っていますが先生が淡々としすぎていて親身になって聞いてくれるのは最初だけだなーぐらいの印象でした 段々と通うにつれ、血液検査を急にすると言われ、前回それを伝えることはできなかったのか?と思うことが何度も。 受付の方たちの態度が悪いと、良く見かけますが、きちんとしている方もいます ただこちらは病院に来ている側なので、建物の構造上声が通るにしても職員に大きな声で、人に聞こえる声で注意をしたりするのは気分が悪すぎました。 なぜ聞こえる声で言う必要があるのか謎でした また診察する際に呼んでくれる方は優しく笑顔でした。そして副院長はすごくいい方です。
I've been attending for over a year, but the teacher was so innocent that it was only the first time that I was kind enough to listen to him. As I went through, I was told that my blood test would be urgent, and couldn't I tell it last time? Many times I think. I often see the receptionists having a bad attitude, but some are decent. However, since this is the side coming to the hospital, it was too unpleasant to pay attention to the staff with a loud voice and a voice that people could hear, even if the voice could be heard due to the structure of the building. It was a mystery why I had to say it in an audible voice Also, the person who called me when I had a medical examination was kind and smiling. And the deputy director is a very nice person.
ハクセキレイ on Google

不妊で伺いました。 何度も通わせる病院もあるなか 一回で効率よく検査などして頂けたように感じました。
I visited you because of infertility. There are some hospitals that you can go to many times I felt that I was able to perform inspections efficiently at one time.
みさ on Google

I visited you for the first time the other day. The receptionist and the director-sensei were indifferent, but I didn't really care. However, an elderly female nurse with white hair repeatedly alerted other nurses and staff in a loud voice that could be heard around me, which was extremely unpleasant. The footsteps were noisy, and the people in the waiting room seemed tired of seeing the typical station for the first time in a while.
on Google

初診で受診しました!受付も対応してくれた看護師さん達も先生も優しくスムーズに受診できました! 口コミでいいイメージは正直なかったですが、、 たまたま空いてたのか?お会計まで30分で終了しました! また何かあった時にはお願いしたいなとあお
I had a medical examination at the first visit! The nurses and teachers who responded to the reception were kind and smooth! To be honest, I didn't have a good image in word of mouth, but ... Did it happen to be vacant? It took 30 minutes to check out! Ao wants to ask when something happens again

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