Hachimangu - Tottori

4.2/5 に基づく 5 レビュー

Contact Hachimangu

住所 :

41 Furumi, Tottori, 680-0921, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 680-0921
Webサイト : http://www.city.tottori.lg.jp/www/contents/1229309305403/index.html

41 Furumi, Tottori, 680-0921, Japan
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20200110 午後のおやつ時間に通りかかり、参拝をして社殿の裏側境内の大木を見上げていました所、側の大木の陰付近から枯れ葉をカサコソと竹箒でかき集める音が聞こえています。 どなたかな?と思い、目を凝らしますと御婦人です。 近くに住んでおいでの方で少し立ち話をしました。境内の木から落ちてくる葉に加えて、どこからともなく枯れ葉が風に吹かれてお宮に集まってきて掃いても掃いても大変です、と体に鞭打つ感じで励んでおいでです。隅の何ヵ所かには枯れ葉がうず高く綺麗にかき集められています。 お陰で気持ちよくお参りが出来ました、ご無理をなさいますなと感謝してお別れしました。 境内を綺麗にするのが気にかかってしょうがありません、体が動ける間は務めですからと長年のご苦労の様を垣間見る思いでした。ご苦労様です。 古海にこの「八幡宮」が祀られたのが室町時代、元号は大永、西暦は1520年代です。それからおよそ60年後に、羽柴秀吉軍勢によって鳥取城が攻め掛けられました。その際に八幡宮は戦に巻き込まれ炎上したもようです。 江戸時代以降、今日に至るまで間に再び祀られて現在の姿になりました。 境内は神聖な空気が漂い、樹齢490年以上の古木のけやき、十数本に囲まれた本殿がどっしりと鎮座されています。 掃き清められた周囲の様子、駐車場等々よく管理が行き届き、大切に守られていると推察されます。 羽柴方はこの地を抑え千代川沿いから、敵方、鳥取城が築城されている久松山、その背後の味方かたの本陣山を見据えたはずです。狼煙をあげれば味方の本陣山には、難なく連絡が行き渡ったでしょう。このような出来事をこの境内の古木達は見ていたことでしょう。正に歴史の証人?ですね。
20200110 After passing by snack time in the afternoon, I was worshiping and looking up at a large tree on the back side of the shrine. I heard the sound of collecting dead leaves with a bamboo broom and bamboo broom near the shadow of the large tree on the side. Who is it? Thinking carefully, she is a lady. I talked a bit with someone who lived nearby. In addition to the leaves falling from the precinct trees, dead leaves are blown away from the wind and gather in the shrine and it is hard to sweep it. Dead leaves are gathered neatly and neatly in some corners. Thanks to you for your good pleasure and thank you for your good work. I couldn't help worrying about cleaning up the precincts, and I had a glimpse of many years of hard work, as I was working while my body was moving. Thank you for your hard work. 八 This Hachimangu shrine was enshrined in the Koumi in the Muromachi period, the era was Oei, and the Christian era was in the 1520s. Approximately 60 years later, Tottori Castle was attacked by Hideyoshi Hashiba's army. At that time, it seems that Hachimangu Shrine was involved in the battle and burned. 以降 Since the Edo period, it has been worshiped again to this day until today. The grounds are filled with sacred air, and there are 490-year-old zelkova trees and a shrine surrounded by more than a dozen trees. It is presumed that the surroundings that have been cleaned and the parking lot are well managed and carefully protected. Hashibakata should have restrained this land and looked at the enemy, Hisamatsuyama where Tottori Castle was built, and Mt. Honjinyama behind him from the Chiyo River. If you give a smoke, you will be able to reach Honjinyama, your friend, without difficulty. Such events may have been seen by the old trees in this precinct. Just a witness of history? is not it.
masanori maeta on Google

古海古墳群の盟主的な終末期古墳である山が鼻から移設されてきたそうで、鎮守の森は指定文化財。鉄鋼団地の法人の崇敬が多く建造物も多く社勢がある。 神饌幣帛料供進神社 本殿、拝殿、随神門、賽庫、神輿庫 氏子戸数 八十戸
It seems that the mountain, which is the main burial mound of the Koumi burial mounds, has been relocated from the nose, and the guardian forest is a designated cultural property. There is a lot of respect for corporations in the steel complex, and there are many companies with many buildings. Shrine sash material offering shrine Main hall, worship hall, Zuijinmon, Saiko, Mikoshi Number of Ujiko
きよみん on Google

集落の中にある神社です。 今はコロナの影響でお祭りなど出来ていませんが、地元の氏子さんたちが麒麟獅子を練り広げ、夜には子どもたちが楽しむ屋台を開かれとても賑やかにされています。 氏子さんの努力で成り立っているお祭りだと思います。 どこの神社もそうだと思いますが、氏子さんに支えられているのでしょうね。
It is a shrine in the village. Nowadays, the festival is not held due to the influence of Corona, but the local parishioners are kneading the Kirin lion, and at night, the stalls that children can enjoy are opened and it is very lively. I think it's a festival made up of the efforts of Mr. Ujiko. I think every shrine is the same, but I wonder if it is supported by his son.

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