H's Laundry 武蔵小山店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact H's Laundry 武蔵小山店

住所 :

Koyama, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0062 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://laundromat.site/hslaundry-mk/
街 : Tokyo

Koyama, Shinagawa City, 〒142-0062 Tokyo,Japan
Makoto Iizuka on Google

The money changer is out of order.
Rayson Lu on Google

マシンがS、M、L三種類のサイズあって どれも清潔感満点で乾燥もキレイに仕上げて 満足してます。
Machines come in three sizes, S, M and L All are clean and dry. I'm satisfied.
たまご on Google

The inside of the store was cool and there were many washing machines and dryers, and it was very clean and nice! I used it on the way back from Shimizuyu in my neighborhood!
mesan kk on Google

近くに来る用事があったので、靴を洗うのに利用しましたが、最悪でした。 全く綺麗になっていないどころか、白い靴が黒くなりました。洗う前に洗濯機の中を洗浄下にもかかわらずです。 もう二度と来ません
I used to wash my shoes because I had something to do nearby, but it was the worst. Far from being completely unclean, my white shoes have turned black. Even though the inside of the washing machine is washed before washing. Will never come again
Stella on Google

The inside of the store is too cold. There is no trash can. It's not beautiful for its new size.
田中 on Google

2020年にオープンしたばかりのコインランドリーで、とても綺麗です。 自動ドア&手洗い場付きなのはこのご時世ありがたい! そして靴の洗濯と乾燥ができます。1台分しかないですが…
It is a coin laundry that just opened in 2020 and is very beautiful. Thank you for the automatic door and hand-washing area! And you can wash and dry your shoes. There is only one, but ...
Elizabeth Chairisty on Google

洗濯乾燥一気にできて楽! 乾燥の仕上がりも良くて満足? Sサイズの機械だと8kgまで洗濯乾燥ができて、洗濯30分乾燥30分合計60分。 料金は1100円でした。
Easy to wash and dry at once! Satisfied with the good dry finish ? With an S size machine, you can wash and dry up to 8 kg, wash 30 minutes, dry 30 minutes, total 60 minutes. The charge was 1100 yen.
石川E on Google

ここのいい所は、洗い+乾燥が60分で一貫終了な所!乾燥機にいれる手間無し S・M・Lのランドリー機器があり、料金1100~1800円で、洗い30分、乾燥まで入れると60分仕様。布団コースや、靴専用もありました。 !ただ小銭対応しかないので、そこで★1つ無しですが、両替機も設置されていて親切・そしてとてもきれいな空間です! 通常洗いのみ、乾燥付き、布団専用のコースがあり、どの機器も2000円以下で利用可能。毛布類等まとめて洗いたい時とかに最適です!
The nice thing about this place is that washing and drying can be completed in 60 minutes! No need to put it in the dryer There are S, M, and L laundry equipment, and the price is 1100-1800 yen. It takes 30 minutes to wash and 60 minutes to dry. There was also a futon course and shoes only. !! There is only one for coins, so there is no one, but there is also a money changer, so it's a kind and very clean space! There are courses for normal washing only, with drying, and for futons, and all equipment can be used for 2000 yen or less. Ideal for when you want to wash blankets all at once!

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