Goto Acupuncture Hospital Orthopedic Clinic

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Goto Acupuncture Hospital Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

Yoshiokacho, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0837 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday 9AM–12:30PM
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Niigata

Yoshiokacho, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0837 Niigata,Japan
Be happy Laugh on Google

I always have them look carefully. I have the treatment done by the best method each time. Because the location of my back is always different!
石川涼子 on Google

We cope with sudden pain and, in addition to advice of aftercare, enjoy conversation during treatment (* 'ω `*) It is gentle to all of receptionists and can feel different
長谷川 on Google

鍼灸院に行くのは初めてで、鍼は痛そう…と不安でしたが、丁寧に説明していただき安心して治療を受ける事が出来ました! その後とても調子が良くなりました。 ありがとうございました‼︎
It was my first time to go to an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, and I was worried that my acupuncture seemed to hurt ... After that I got very well. Thank you very much! ︎
樋口正弘 on Google

とても丁寧な治療といくつもの器具を入れ、身体全身ケアしてくれます。満足度120%、若い先生ですがそうとう腕がいいと思います。もう四年通院してます。皆さんにぜひ紹介します。 とても人気院なので予約するとよいですよ?
It puts very polite treatment and various instruments, and it will care for the whole body. Satisfaction degree 120%, I think that it is a young teacher but good idea. I have been in the hospital for four more years. I will introduce it to everyone. It's a very popular institution so please reserve it.
鈴木亮介 on Google

先日、腰が痛くて友人に相談したら、こちらを紹介されたので行ってきました。 初めてだったので不安でしたが、治療は丁寧で、こちらが疑問に思うことにも親切に答えてくれました!! 若い先生ですが、とても気さくな方です。 しばらくお世話になりたいと思います。 あと、『酸素カプセル』オススメです!!! やってもらったら不思議と体が楽になりましたー。できれば、定期的にお願いしたいと思います。
The other day, when I talked to a friend because I had a backache, I was introduced because I was introduced here. I was worried because it was the first time, but the treatment was polite, and this was a helpful answer to my questions! ! I am a young teacher but very friendly. I would like to take care for a while. Also, "Oxygen capsule" is recommended! ! ! Mystery and body became easier when I did it. I would like to ask you regularly if possible.
U-Co. on Google

気さくでイケメンの先生と楽しくおしゃべりしながら、針で身体を楽にしてもらえます。 自分ではどうしよぅもなくなった時の救世主! 保険診療も自由診療も可能で、酸素カプセルもあります。
You can relax your body with a needle while chatting with a friendly and handsome teacher. A savior when I can't help myself! Insurance medical treatment and free medical treatment are available, and oxygen capsules are also available.
なは(よう) on Google

快活な先生です。鍼とは?というところから丁寧に説明してもらい、質問にもすぐお答えいただけます。痛みもなく楽しく治療していただきました。 受付の事務員さんは少し怒り口調かな…?という印象でした。知らない間に私が良くないふるまいをしてしまったのかしらと不安。 帰宅後 服の中から回収し忘れの鍼が1本おちてきました。変なところに刺さらなくて良かったです。
A cheerful teacher. What is acupuncture? From that point, you can explain it carefully and answer your questions immediately. I enjoyed the treatment without any pain. The clerk at the reception is a little angry ...? It was the impression that. I wonder if I behaved badly without knowing it. After returning home, I received a needle that I forgot to collect from my clothes. I'm glad I didn't stick in a strange place.
ao. r on Google

以前住んでいた所でとても上手な鍼灸師さんがいて、定期的に筋肉の凝りをほぐしてもらい体調が整っていました。 それを想像し、口コミが良いこちらに行ってみましたが、電気やウォーターベッド等の時間が多く、肝心の鍼は短時間。忙しなく複数をかけもってこなす。その間の繋ぎと設備投資、税金対策が機械類といった印象です。鍼は合う合わないがあるので、あくまでも個人的にはしっくりこなかったし、効果もいまひとつでした。
There was a very good acupuncturist in the place where I used to live, and I had my muscles relaxed regularly and I was in good physical condition. I imagined that, and I went to this place where word of mouth is good, but there is a lot of time for electricity and water beds, and the essential acupuncture is short. Do multiple things without being busy. The connection between them, capital investment, and tax measures are like machinery. Acupuncture doesn't fit well, so I personally didn't like it, and the effect wasn't good enough.

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