
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 串平

住所 :

Gokominami, Matsudo, 〒270-2212 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–10PM
Sunday 5–10PM
Monday 5–10PM
Tuesday 5–10PM
Wednesday 5–10PM
Thursday 5–10PM
Friday 5–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Gokominami, Matsudo, 〒270-2212 Chiba,Japan
ちみ on Google

So yummy!最高 what to eat even the best
井原豊 on Google

Drink every Saturday! ️
ばあどん on Google

Eel is delicious
o saya on Google

焼き鳥が美味しいけど、マスターが一人の時は飲み物がなかなか来ないw でもマスターはユーモアがあって面白い人です。
Yakitori is delicious, but when the master is alone, drinks do not come easily w But the master is a humorous and interesting person.
梶原完 on Google

Yakitori is of course delicious
Mk Kmtn on Google

本当に何でも美味しい♡ 引っ越したから中々行けないけどマスターのこだわりが感じられるお店です。
Everything is really delicious ♡ I can't go there because I moved, but I can feel the master's commitment.
Mas Yas on Google

【元山駅東口から50m】店先で焼く香ばしい焼き鳥の匂いに誘われ、ついふらっと立ち寄ってしまう駅近くの串焼屋。絶妙に焼くこだわりの焼き鳥をはじめ、名店出身の店主が手がけるこだわりの鰻も絶品。老舗ならではの独自ルートで仕入れた新鮮な鰻や鳥を、確かな技でさばき提供しております。 【落ち着いた雰囲気】創業40年変わらず愛されてきた同店。広々とした店内には気さくな店主自らが丁寧に手書きしたメニューやお酒がずらり。カウンターでひとりのみ、座敷で仲間と、使い勝手良い空間でごゆっくりお過ごしください。 本日は、お店の神棚に飾ってある神様の神社の御神酒も升で戴きました! あれっ!?どこかの回し者みたいですが、この店が、店主が好きなので、ごり押しです!居心地が良いので、是非どうぞ! ホント、美味しいです!!
[50 meters from the east exit of Motoyama Station] A skewered yakiya near the station where you can stop by the smell of fragrant yakitori grilled at the storefront. In addition to exquisite grilled yakitori, specially made potatoes from famous store owners are also exquisite. We provide fresh cocoons and birds purchased through a unique route unique to a long-established store. [Calm atmosphere] This store has been loved for 40 years. In the spacious store, there are a variety of menus and liquors handwritten by the friendly owner. Please spend your time in a convenient space with only one person at the counter and friends in the tatami room. Today, I also received a sacred sake from the shrine of the gods on the shrine of the shop! That! ? It looks like a rotator somewhere, but I like this store, so it ’s a push! Please feel at home! Really delicious! !
yasutoshi okada on Google

以前より、母がお店の前を通る度に貼り出されていた「うな重」が気になっていたようで、一緒に食べに行って来ました。 お目当のうな重は、国産の三河一色産の鰻を使っていて、程良く油がのっていて、フワッと柔らかく香ばしくて美味しかったです。(私は特に気にしませんが、お新香やお吸い物は付いていません。) 帰り際に、母の足元を気づかってくれたりと優しい店主さんの人柄を感じました。 また機会があれば利用させて頂きたいと思います。
It seems that I was worried about the "Unaju" that was posted every time my mother passed in front of the shop, so I went to eat with her. The eel I was looking for was made from domestically produced Mikawa Isshiki eel, which was moderately oiled, fluffy, soft and fragrant, and delicious. (I don't really care, but it doesn't come with new incense or soup.) On my way home, I felt the gentle personality of the shopkeeper, as he noticed my mother's feet. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.

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