Goalfree Ishibashi classroom - Ikeda

4.3/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

ゴールフリー 石橋教室 | 京都・大阪・滋賀・兵庫・奈良・埼玉の個別指導塾のゴールフリー - Goalfree.co.jp

阪急宝塚線「石橋阪大前」駅東口 徒歩5分 阪急バス「井口堂」前にあるゴールフリーゴールフリー 石橋教室のページです。お電話でのお問い合わせ、アクセス情報や対象コースをご紹介しています。

Contact Goalfree Ishibashi classroom

住所 :

センチュリーショウエイ7 1F 1 Chome-9-3 Iguchido, Ikeda, Osaka 563-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 563-0023
Webサイト : https://www.goalfree.co.jp/classroom/ishibashi/detail.html

センチュリーショウエイ7 1F 1 Chome-9-3 Iguchido, Ikeda, Osaka 563-0023, Japan
渡辺和彦 on Google

YUMEKA on Google

家ではゴールフリーに行ってる時より机に座っている時間が少ないので、 いつまでにこれを仕上げてこい!とはっぱをかけていただいてかまいません。
At home, I spend less time sitting at my desk than when I go goal-free, so By when will you finish this! It doesn't matter if you put it on.
ベランダ蛍 on Google

It is a private tutoring school in front of Ishibashi Osaka University. I was looking for a juku school for junior high school students. It can be used as a preparatory school for junior high school and high school exams to university exams. You can rest assured that the spring, summer, and winter courses are also substantial.
マヨねーちゃん on Google

ヤル気や集中力を持って取り組めるのは一重に担当コーチの指導のお陰だと感じています。 色々と細やかにいつも教えて下さりありがとうございます。 引き続き、ご指導の程宜しくおねがい致します。
I feel that it is thanks to the guidance of the coach in charge that I can work with a sense of urgency and concentration. Thank you for always telling me in detail. Thank you for your continued guidance.
green light on Google

From my own experience, I thought that the cram school was limited to individual guidance, so I was looking for a cram school that I could understand around Ishibashi-Osakadaimae Station. I decided here after checking the evaluations and word-of-mouth of the people around me in order to improve my son's grades, which was about to take the high school exam. The son himself said that the teacher's guidance was easy to understand, and I think he was able to learn as much as he could. It's a good cram school.
フローラル on Google

高校受験に向けて早いうちから通わせ始めました。 学校での授業や集団授業の塾ではなかなか集中できず成績も伸び悩む一方でしたが、個別指導で勉強を見てもらうようになってから自分なりの勉強の仕方がわかったみたいで、徐々に成績が上がってきています。 授業の場所とは別に自習室があります。自習室はパーテーションで仕切られているので、視界に余計な情報が入ってこないため、集中しやすいらしく、テスト前には授業のない日も通うほど気に入っています。 石橋阪大前の駅から歩いて5分ほどで通いやすいです。
I started to attend high school exams early on. I couldn't concentrate easily in the classes at school and in the cram school of group classes, and my grades were sluggish. Is coming up. There is a self-study room separate from the class location. Since the study room is partitioned by partitions, it seems easy to concentrate because there is no extra information in the field of vision, and I like it so much that I go to days without classes before the test. It's easy to get there in about 5 minutes on foot from the station in front of Ishibashi Handai.

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