Ginza Lion Beer Hall Kasumigaseki Common Gate

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ginza Lion Beer Hall Kasumigaseki Common Gate

Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0013 Tokyo,Japan
Yukihito Yamada on Google

虎ノ門駅、霞ヶ関ビルから近くリーズナブルなランチが良いお店です。 13時以降にはコーヒーのサービスもありました。
It is close to Toranomon Station and Kasumigaseki Building and has a good lunch at a reasonable price. There was also a coffee service after 13:00.
Hiroshi Setsuda on Google

It is good to be open from 17:00 before weekday fixed time, right from Toranomon station.
Masaya Sato on Google

広い店内にフレンドリーなスタッフ。ライオンにもいろいろ行ったけど、ここが一番、居心地が良かった。 また、来ます!
Friendly staff in a large store. I went to lions a lot, but this one was the most comfortable. I'll come back later!
上田雅也 on Google

I came to the store at 12 o'clock, but I was able to enter the store smoothly. It was a beautiful family restaurant.
Toco Toco (とことこ) on Google

Use for lunch. It changes daily.
Shinichiro Nakahara on Google

近くに要件があり、ちょうどお昼だったのでこちらに滑り込みました! ぎりぎりでしたが、タイミングよく待たずに入れました〜 頼んでのはシンプルですが外れはないと思ったことから、週替りのハンバーグランチで"チーズハンバーグ デミグラスソース"にしました! 霞が関界隈で働く男女のビジネスパーソンのランチ場所として賑わっており、満員には至らない感じでしたが、困ったときにはここを選んでおけ!的なお店かなと思ったりしています。 驚いたのは、トイレにきちんと暖房が入っていたことで、他のお店ではなかなか感じない暖かさを感じました。その点ではプラス評価です。
There was a requirement nearby and it was just lunch so I slipped in here! It was barely possible, but I put it in without waiting in good time ~ It was simple to ask, but I thought it would come out, so I chose "cheese hamburger demiglace sauce" at the weekly hamburger lunch! Kasuga is popular as a lunch place for men and women who work in the Kansai area, and it seemed not to be full, but if you are in trouble, please choose this! I think it's a typical store. What surprised me was the fact that the toilet was properly heated, which made me feel the warmth that other stores do not have. In that respect, it is a positive evaluation.
やしゅらん on Google

遅めのランチだったけれど日替りランチがまだ残っていたので頂きました。 味はファミレスとどっこいってところ。 ただホスピタリティはしっかりしています。霞が関という場所柄お昼は忙殺されそうですが、ここはしっかりしていました。 13時以降の入店でランチにドリンクが付くようです。
Although it was a late lunch, there was still a daily lunch left. The taste is just like family restaurant. However, hospitality is solid. Kasumigaseki It seems to be busy at lunch, but here it was solid. It seems that drinks are attached to lunch when entering the store after 13:00.
on Google

居心地が良く、ほぼ毎日ランチに訪れています。 感染症予防のために14時以降…空いてる時間にランチを取るのですがこの時間はコーヒーサービスもありとても嬉しいです! お店の方へ 毎日訪れているのにコメントを入れることにしたのはお願いがあるからです。 せっかく入り口で検温・消毒の徹底をされているのに、飲食を済ませた方々がマスクもせずにずーっとしゃべっていては意味がありません。保菌者だったらエアロゾル感染でクラスター必至です。是非注意を促してください!今時、良い大人が…と呆れてしまいますが…わざわざ4名を4名席に2名ずつ分けてるのに、ぴったりくっついて…意味がわかりません。
It's cozy and I visit for lunch almost every day. After 14:00 to prevent infectious diseases ... I have lunch in my spare time, but I am very happy that there is a coffee service at this time! To the shop I visit every day, but I decided to add a comment because I have a request. It doesn't make sense for people who have finished eating and drinking to talk all the time without wearing masks, even though the temperature has been thoroughly measured and disinfected at the entrance. If you are a carrier, you will inevitably have a cluster due to aerosol infection. Please call your attention! Nowadays, a good adult is surprised ... but ... I purposely divide 4 people into 4 seats, but they stick to each other ... I don't understand the meaning.

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