3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

盛岡駅ビルフェザン 1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 020-0034
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9:30PM
Sunday 11AM–9:30PM
Monday 11AM–9:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–9:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–9:30PM
Thursday 11AM–9:30PM
Friday 11AM–9:30PM

盛岡駅ビルフェザン 1-44 Moriokaekimaedori, Morioka, Iwate 020-0034, Japan
masao t on Google

辛いラーメンと麻婆ならオススメ ランチセットでミニたまご丼も付いている。 マーラータンメン920円頂きました。 痺れます。
Recommended for spicy ramen and mapo tofu A mini egg bowl is also included in the lunch set. I received 920 yen for Marla Tanmen. I'm numb.
kezee _122 on Google

Mapo tofu can now be eaten from noon. Because it is crispy and chewy, the deliciousness of the wheat noodles produced in the prefecture stands out, and the entanglement with the spicy mapo tofu is the best. You can enjoy the taste change by adjusting with vinegar and chili oil on the table from the middle. Recently, I have come to ask for this every time.
shidho HARA on Google

A ramen shop in Menkoi Yokocho. The noodles, which are said to be made from Iwate-produced wheat, are delicious. When I tried the bitter hot noodles at a later date, my first impression was not spicy at all, but when I ate about half, the spiciness of the numb system was transmitted, and I felt that it was the spicy of that line, so I felt a bitter taste It seems that it depends on the menu, and when I actually ate boiled beef noodles afterwards, I could feel quite spicy except for the first bite. According to the shop owner, it was a recommended menu with gyoza hidden, and it was actually quite tasty despite no garlic. However, spicy noodles do not allow you to enjoy the taste, so it would be better to order them as non-spicy noodles or beer snacks. Until the end of August 2017, large lunches are free at lunchtime.
Keisuke Kitamura on Google

19時まで料理を一品頼めばドリンク半額。 確か以前はそんな指定がなかったが、あまりにもドリンクしか頼まない客が多かったのかな? 料理は美味しい。確かメトロポリタン系列? ただ、調理場の調理人達の下品な笑い声と会話が非常に耳障り。 本人達は気付いてるのか知らないけど、割りと店内に響いてるからね。
Half price for drinks if you order one dish until 19:00. Certainly there was no such designation before, but I wonder if there were too many customers who only ordered drinks? The food is delicious. Certainly a metropolitan series? However, the vulgar laughter and conversation of the kitchen cooks is very jarring. I don't know if they are aware of it, but it sounds like it's in the store.
kaz 1030 on Google

Visit for lunch. I received 800 yen including tax for Mapo Ramen. Since it's Sichuan, I expected it to be spicy, but it's less reddish than the menu and I don't feel it spicy. Even if you eat it, the spiciness is moderate. It is a soup that you can feel the depth with a slight numbness. The noodles are very fine. If you don't eat it early I think that it is suitable for people who do not want spiciness because it feels elegantly organized as a whole. Those who seek spiciness and punch may find it unsatisfactory.
s kaku on Google

辛味噌野菜ラーメンを頂きました!(辛2) とても美味しいです。 細麺ですがコシがあり、最後までコタコタになる事も無く、スープを薄める事もありません! スープもしっかりしていて、辛すぎず、塩が強すぎず、バランスも良く飽きません。 地下道を通らないと目にしないお店なので、普通の観光や出張時には目立ちにくいですが、是非お薦めしたいラーメン店です!
I got spicy miso vegetable ramen! (Spicy 2) it tastes very good. Although it is thin noodles, it is chewy and does not become lumpy until the end, and it does not dilute the soup! The soup is solid, not too spicy, not too salty, and well-balanced. It's a ramen shop that you can't see unless you go through an underpass, so it's not noticeable during ordinary sightseeing or business trips, but I definitely recommend it!
hunm onisid on Google

昼時でも比較的に空いていたため、たまたま来店。 席はテーブル席がメインで他の客席間と充分に離れており、感染対策がきちんと取られています。 子ども用の椅子も少ないながらもあるため、2歳くらいの子を連れて入ることも可能。 坦々麺と五目あんかけラーメンを注文。 坦々麺は非常にスパイシーで癖になる味。 五目あんかけはとろみが少なめで食べやすかったです。 麺は細麺ストレートで、合う人はとても合うと思います。 立地的に旅の客は気付きにくい場所で、入りずらいですが、美味しいお店です。
I happened to come to the store because it was relatively vacant even at noon. The main seats are table seats, which are sufficiently separated from other audience seats, and infection control measures are taken properly. Although there are few chairs for children, it is possible to bring in a child about 2 years old. I ordered Tantan noodles and Gomoku Ankake ramen. Dandan noodles have a very spicy and addictive taste. Gomoku Ankake was easy to eat because it was less thick. The noodles are straight thin noodles, and I think that people who fit them will fit very well. Due to its location, it is a place that is difficult for travelers to notice, and although it is difficult to enter, it is a delicious shop.
Edo Omic on Google

Good quick ramen while waiting for a transfer - we had both a spicey and non-spicey ramen. Both were excellent and value for money.

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