Geoyonezawakanaiketen - Yonezawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Geoyonezawakanaiketen

住所 :

8 Chome-1-2 Kanaike, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 992-0012
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12AM
Sunday 9AM–12AM
Monday 9AM–12AM
Tuesday 9AM–12AM
Wednesday 9AM–12AM
Thursday 9AM–12AM
Friday 9AM–12AM

8 Chome-1-2 Kanaike, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-0012, Japan
篠塚琴美 on Google

スマホを高価買取してくれました。 しかも、今だけ、買取金額に10%UPで、とても嬉しかったです。゚(゚^o^゚)゚。 ありがとうございました☆彡
He bought a smartphone at a high price. Moreover, I was very happy that the purchase price was increased by 10% only now. ゜ (゜ ^ o ^ ゜) ゜. Thank you ☆ 彡
鈴木裕介 on Google

いわゆる普通のレンタルショップ。 それ以上もそれ以下でもないかと。 ただ、ツ◯ヤさんと比べると、古いDVDは傷が多く画像が乱れるものが多い気がします。
So-called ordinary rental shop. It's more than that. However, I feel that many old DVDs have many scratches and images are distorted compared to Tsuya.
kuro 10wa on Google

There were plenty of rentals such as CDs and DVDs. There was also a comic rental. The sale was sloppy.
虹ノ羽爬 on Google

子供と一緒に利用します、品揃えは普通。 ただ再生不良がやたら多く、イラッとする。 4枚借りたら必ず1枚はフリーズ… またかよ…?と思いながら、懲りずに使わせてもらってます。
Used with children, the product lineup is normal. However, there are a lot of defective reproductions, which makes me irritated. If you borrow four, be sure to freeze one ... See you again ?, but I use it without discipline.
tadaharu77 on Google

I entered for the first time. The inside of the store is bright and beautiful. There are quite a few Bluetooth headphones and hardware, so I found something unexpected. Once upon a time, it used to be Bookburn (laughs)
サイヒア on Google

品揃えが豊富です。無料でWi-Fi使えるのがいいです。 ここの店舗限定で毎月3と9のつく日に新作や準新作のDVDをレンタルすると半額でレンタル出来ます。
We have a wide selection of products. It is good to be able to use Wi-Fi for free. If you rent a new or semi-new DVD on the 3rd and 9th of every month at this store only, you can rent it at half price.
ブラックマンバ on Google

On the days when 3 and 9 are attached, new works, semi-new works, half price, 50% OFF is the best ?
stead0 on Google

The free cloth rental bag wasn't washed, and I almost started to vomit. Doubt hygiene.

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