GEORGE'S ららぽーと立川立飛店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact GEORGE'S ららぽーと立川立飛店

住所 :

Izumicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 2–11PM
Sunday 2–11PM
Monday 2–11PM
Tuesday 2–11PM
Wednesday 2–11PM
Thursday 2–11PM
Friday 2–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Izumicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0015 Tokyo,Japan
東京立川・ほまれ屋 on Google

ここのGeorge's はデカい! 雑貨はもちろん、家具類もしっかり揃ってる。 小洒落た部屋作りには欠かせない店だと思う。
George's here is big! Goods as well as miscellaneous goods are available. I think it's an indispensable shop for making a stylish room.
Lucien Hermite on Google

It is expensive considering the prices around here. Also, since there is nothing around, I should go to Tachikawa station.
natsumi on Google

かわいい雑貨や家具がたくさん。 レジが一つしかなくて休日は並ぶのがマイナス★2。
Lots of cute miscellaneous goods and furniture. There is only one cash register and it is a minus to line up on holidays ★ 2.
serena _nori on Google

There were various furniture and miscellaneous goods with good taste. My brother-in-law had a child, so I bought a gift that was just right for me.
智美高橋 on Google

大好き??なお店 ついつい寄って買ってしまいます。
I love ?? I just stop by and buy it.
直塚じゆん on Google

テレビの紹介も有り期待して行ったけど 雑然とデイスプレイされてる感じで紹介の品物を見つけるのに手間取り、早々に退散した。 ベスト5を紹介したんだから、そのコーナーを設けてみては? 消費者眼中になく自己満足のお店❗
I was expecting it because there was an introduction on TV It took a lot of time to find the item to be introduced, as if it was being displayed in a cluttered manner, and I quickly dismissed. I introduced the best 5, so why not set up that corner? A self-satisfying shop that is not in the eyes of consumers ❗
マイケルマシュー on Google

おしゃれな雑貨や家具などが沢山並んでいます。 素敵なお店です。
There are many fashionable items and furniture. It's a nice shop.
N Yasu on Google

It's fairly wide and there are various things, and if you like miscellaneous goods, it's fun just to look at it.

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