Geo Kyotango Mineyama - Kyōtango

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Geo Kyotango Mineyama

住所 :

1629-1 Mineyamacho Nagaoka, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0042, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87798
Postal code : 627-0042
Webサイト :

1629-1 Mineyamacho Nagaoka, Kyōtango, Kyoto 627-0042, Japan
クリステイラー on Google

旧レンタルDVDがたくさん☝️?昔 見たかった作品が 豊富‼️アニメも 豊富‼️返却しては また借りるって感じで、お金がもちません??☝️でも とても優しい金額設定なので 嬉しい??
Lots of old rental DVDs ️ ️ If you return it, you will feel like renting it again, and you will not have any money.
m m on Google

読んだことのないコミックを借りるため、どんな内容かを軽く確認したかったのでパラパラと中身を開いていると、たまたま通りかかった女性社員から「立ち読みはご遠慮ください」と無愛想に注意されました。 立ち読みがよろしくないのはわかってます。 が、こちらはほんの1.2分程度開いていただけで、何分間も熱心に読みふけっていた訳でもありません。 普通、読んだことのないコミックを借りる時や、前に何巻まで借りたのか確認するために多少は中身見ることありますよね? 頭ごなしに注意されてとても不愉快。 しかも制服を見る限りバイト等ではなく社員の方。 客を注意するならもっとちゃんと観察してからにするべきでは??
I wanted to check what kind of content I had in order to borrow a comic that I had never read, so when I opened the contents, I was warned by a female employee who happened to be passing, saying "Please refrain from reading". I know that I don't like browsing. However, it was only about 1.2 minutes open, and I was not reading it for many minutes. Usually, when you borrow a comic you haven't read, or to check how many volumes you have borrowed before, you have to look a little insider, right? It is very unpleasant to be careful without my head. Moreover, as far as looking at uniforms, it is not a part-time job but employees. Should we be more careful to observe our customers? ?
HiNa on Google

Nobody was lined up at the cash register, so when I tried to go, all the cash registers had dormant bills. When I was wondering, the clerk said, "If you rent it, go to the self-checkout." As other people have written, what is the significance of the clerk's existence? have become.
おの!やす on Google

まだコロナが無かった頃、滅茶苦茶滑舌の悪い、カエルの鳴き声の様な喋り方の男性店員さんがいて、何を言ってるのか分からなくて戸惑っていたら、キレられた。 それ以外は好きな店です。
When I didn't have Corona yet, there was a male clerk who had a bad tongue and talked like a frog's bark, and I was confused because I didn't understand what he was saying. Other than that, I like it.
CHRレクサス on Google

何気に調べて?て?ドライブ がてらよってみた駐車場まずまず? 店内そこそこ?
? ? Drive The parking lot I tried to get rid of ? Inside the store ?
里山旅次郎 on Google

I borrowed an old anime, Kinnikuman, but I couldn't see any of them because the board was full of scratches and stopped even if I put it in the player.
小林賢次 on Google

ポイントが色々あって楽しい UFOキャッチャーのたこ焼きタイプがけっこう入れやすいですね♪
There are various points and it is fun. The takoyaki type of UFO catcher is quite easy to put in ♪
Johnny Mac on Google

Movies and Games rental place not bad place to buy Japanese video games but also buy PS4 and Nintendo Switch accessories as well. Very friendly and great customer service.

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