Genpei - Chita District

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Genpei

住所 :

Nakasone-12-10 Shirasawa, Agui, Chita District, Aichi 470-2201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89877
Postal code : 470-2201

Nakasone-12-10 Shirasawa, Agui, Chita District, Aichi 470-2201, Japan
akoporo on Google

I entered in anticipation of delicious soba. There is also a lunch set (three types), which is a great deal. The soba was also delicious.
はらだだいき on Google

全体的に古い感じの店ですが、味がおいしく基本的に空いているので、たまに利用しています。 手打ちそばにしては安価です。 そばは短く不揃いな感じで、いかにも手打ちな感じです。
Although it is an old shop overall, the taste is delicious and basically empty, so I use it occasionally. It is inexpensive for handmade soba. The soba noodles are short and irregular, and feel very handy.
k sato on Google

It's an old-fashioned udon restaurant. I was satisfied with the value for lunch.
anpon343 anpon343 on Google

気がついてみたらばここは知多郡阿久比町白沢中曽根!!そげな場所を車で通りかかったら何故か腹減りモードに(^o^;)したらばこの辺でランチにしまひょ~って仕事一筋のワテが選んだお店がここ【そば処 源平(げんぺい)】さん家( v^-゜)♪ 白沢駅出口2から徒歩約2分圏内!そして主要道路沿いと立地に恵まれてまんな~( ゚ 3゚)入り口脇階下スペースに武将鎧が鎮座してんのにはびっくらポンポ~ン!!( ; ロ)゚ ゚ お~お~使い勝手よさげな店内のシート配置!清潔感も好感もてまんがな~(^^)d切り盛りしてんのは中箱にも関わらず御夫婦らしき2オペのみ!!( ; ロ)゚ ゚けっこうな客入りやさかいてんやわんやしてましたな~( 。゚Д゚。) この日ゴチしたんは[お得な定食]☛「麺類5種から1点」+「メイン5種から1点」+「ご飯」=730yen也( v^-゜)♪ ともかくなんでか選べるのが嬉しいやネ(^^)d麺はきしめんメインは串かつを指名だがね~!これが℃正解('ー')/~~ ともかくボリューミーかつ一品一品がワテ好みなんやわ(*^^*ゞ きしめんのちょっぴり柔い食感・串かつの肉の存在感!申し分ごじゃらんのよo(^o^)o【そば処 源平(げんぺい)】さん家に再訪したらばそん時にゃ専門の「そば」を頂きまひょ~(~▽~@)♪♪♪
If you notice, this is Shirasawa Nakasone, Agui-cho, Chita-gun !! If you drive past a lonely place, for some reason you will be in a hungry mode (^ o ^;) If you do, you will be able to lunch around here. The shop is here [Soba restaurant Genpei] Sanya (v ^-゜) ♪ Within a 2-minute walk from Exit 2 of Shirasawa Station! And I'm blessed with the location along the main road ~ (゜ 3 ゜) I'm surprised that the military commander's armor is sitting in the space downstairs next to the entrance !! (; B) ゜ O ~ Oh ~ Easy-to-use seat layout in the store! Cleanliness and good feelings Manga ~ (^^) d Despite the middle box, only 2 operations that seem to be a couple !! (; b)゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ Д ゚.) I wasn't happy with the number of customers. This day's gochitan was [a great set meal] ☛ "1 point from 5 types of noodles" + "1 point from 5 types of main" + "rice" = 730yenya (v ^-゜) ♪ Anyway, I'm glad that I can choose somehow. (^^) d Noodles are Kishimen Maine is Kushikatsu, but this is the correct answer ('ー') / ~~ Anyway, I like the volume and each item one by one (* ^^ * ゞ Kishimen's slightly soft texture and the presence of kushikatsu meat! It's perfect Jalan o (^ o ^) o [Soba restaurant Genpei] If you come back to your house, you'll find a specialty "soba" Jalan ~ (~ ▽ ~ @) ♪♪♪
ガラスの腰 on Google

昔からの行きつけのお店です。 味噌煮込みうどんも美味しいし、お蕎麦も美味しい、お値段はお値打ち、言う事なしです。 お昼はボリューム感があるので、外回りの営業さんや、工事業者さんなどで賑わっています。 夜は落ち着いて静かに食事ができるのでお勧めです。
It is a favorite shop from old days. The miso stewed udon is also delicious, the soba is also delicious, the price is good, and there is nothing to say. There is a sense of volume during lunch, so it is full of outside sales and construction contractors. It is recommended because you can eat calmly and quietly at night.
やまのふどう on Google

I ate a Zaru soba set meal. The set of Zaru soba and Inari-san makes me feel unsatisfactory. However, Mr. Inari is delicious. The essential soba is uneven in thickness and you can chew it comfortably. However, the condiment tempura is sticky and unpleasant.
宮本末広 on Google

We recommend kishimen, which is smooth with homemade noodles. Even though it's a good value, a hearty lunch is also good.
mitsuya “328mitsuya328” matano on Google

昭和レトロで若者受けしそうな雰囲気で店内BGMは懐かしいフォーク歌謡などが聞こえてきます。 味噌煮込みは手打ち感満載の平打ち、味噌は少し酸味が強く美味しかったです。
You can hear nostalgic folk songs in the in-store BGM in a Showa retro atmosphere that seems to be received by young people. The miso simmered was flat and full of handmade feeling, and the miso was a little sour and delicious.

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