Gen - Chita

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gen

住所 :

1 Chome-1311 Shimizugaoka, Chita, Aichi 478-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 478-0053
Webサイト :

1 Chome-1311 Shimizugaoka, Chita, Aichi 478-0053, Japan
石原逸和 on Google

カツ丼がとても美味しい。 うどんは、のどごしは良いけど、ちょっと腰が弱いかな。
Katsudon is very delicious. Udon has a good throat, but is it a little weak?
k sato on Google

It may have been popular in the past, but nowadays there are many shops, so I have to say that this kind of taste and menu is tough. Even though I'm a private store, I thought that chain stores were more delicious.
2 r on Google

ランチならいいかもしれんが、夜なんて誰もいないし、 個人的に味噌煮込みうどんが美味しくなかったので 2度と行くことはないし、清潔感の足りないお店だと感じました。
It might be good for lunch, but there is no one at night and Personally, the miso nikomi udon wasn't delicious I will never go there again, and I felt that the store was not clean enough.
さいみー on Google

写真忘れたけど… 食べるなら、ざるうどん!!! こんなにチュルチュルなのー?って 感動するくらい美味しかった! 温かいうどんでは、わからなかったけど 蕎麦も、手打ちだけどコシがなくて 残念だったけど、ざるうどんは 本当に美味しかった!!
I forgot the photo ... If you eat, zaru udon! ! ! Is it so much like this? What It was so delicious that I was moved! I didn't know when it was warm The buckwheat noodles are also hand-made, but there is no stiffness It was a pity, but Zaru Udon It was really delicious! !
OMEGA on Google

ずっと気になってたけどなかなか入る勇気が無かったんですが、どこの店も行き飽きたので不安のまま入店。 やはり誰も他の客はおらず、少し店内の匂いも気になり、奥の座席には何やら店主の家族や友人らしき人らが談話しててちょっと引いてしまいハマったかなと思ったがせっかく入ったので恐る恐る着席。 こうゆう店は当たり外れ激しいので躊躇しますが、入ってメニュー見て感動しました? もうキリンの瓶ビールにタコぶつと昭和の居酒屋の定番メニューな板わさ! もう最高でした( *˙ω˙*)و グッ! 続いて、さらに驚いたのが半ぺいなる食べ物!? 何かと尋ねたらはんぺんのことらしく興味本意で注文。 食べてみて驚愕しました∑(°口°๑)?! 人生の中でこんなに美味いはんぺんは食べたこと無くてもう何もかもファンになりました? 最後の〆は定番の名古屋メニューな味噌串カツに味噌煮込みうどんを食べてもう大満足でした? またぜひ次はカツ鍋とエビフライと玉子丼に挑戦してみたいです♪
I've been wondering for a long time, but I didn't have the courage to enter it, but since I got tired of going to any store, I entered with anxiety. After all, there were no other customers, and I was a little worried about the smell inside the store, so I thought that I was addicted to the seat in the back because the store owner's family and friends seemed to be talking a little and I was addicted to it. So I was afraid to sit down. I'm hesitant because the Kouyuu store is hit and miss, but I was impressed to see the menu when I entered it ? Another giraffe bottle of beer, an octopus stick, and a plate dish that is a staple of Showa Izakaya! It was already great (*˙ω˙*) و Good! Then, what surprised me even more was the half-sweet food! ? When I asked him something, I ordered it because I was interested in it. I was surprised when I ate it ∑(°mouth°๑)?! I've never eaten such a delicious rice cake in my life and I've become a fan of everything ? The last 〆 was satisfied with eating Miso stewed udon in a classic Nagoya menu miso skewer cutlet ? Next time, I'd like to try katsu-nabe, fried shrimp and egg bowl♪
スミスの巣 on Google

通りよりちょっと中に入っている店なので、なかなか入りづらいが勇気出して入ったかいがあった(笑) ●2019年4月訪問 うどん、おいしかった。 お昼のランチで850円。 駐車場は隣の焼肉屋と共用のところもあり、 余裕です。 ●2021年12月12日訪問 久々の訪問。 自分より5分遅く来た常連さんらしき人のほうが先に提供。 うどんは一緒でおかずだけ違うのに… そしてうどんが伸び伸び。 箸で持てば切れてしまうくらい柔らかい。 おつゆも前と比べ、違和感を感じました。 たまご丼だけ食べて残しました。 最初のころがよかっただけに残念すぎです。 ごめんなさい、もう行くことはないかな…
It's a little inside the street, so it's hard to get in, but I had the courage to get in (laughs). ● Visited in April 2019 Udon was delicious. 850 yen for lunch. There is also a parking lot shared with the next-door yakiniku restaurant, I can afford it. ● Visited December 12, 2021 Visit after a long time. The person who seems to be a regular who came 5 minutes later than me provided it first. Udon is the same, but the side dishes are different ... And udon grows and grows. It's so soft that you can cut it with chopsticks. I felt a sense of discomfort in the soup compared to before. I ate only the egg bowl and left it. It's too disappointing because I was happy at the beginning. I'm sorry, I wonder if I'll go anymore ...
長万部幸太郎 on Google

天おろしきしめん(1080円)を注文。同じ知多市にある樹庵の「じごくそば」と似ていて、海老天や山菜、おろしが載っており濃いめの汁でいただきます。具沢山で普通に美味しかったです。 値段もこの手の麺丼屋にしては安価かな、ただ店の雰囲気がいかにも昭和って感じで古く、あまり活気がない所をどうとるかですね。
I ordered Tengoshi Kishimen (1080 yen). It is similar to Jian's "Hell Soba" in the same city of Chita, and has shrimp tempura, edible wild plants, and grated soup. It was delicious with lots of ingredients. The price is also cheap for this kind of noodle bowl shop, but how to take a place where the atmosphere of the shop is old like Showa and not very lively.
poo_太郎_ on Google

味噌煮込みうどんを頂きました。 残念ながら、ちょっと好みからは外れてたかな。
I had miso nikomi udon. Unfortunately, I think it was a little out of my taste.

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