Garage With you - Itami

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

兵庫県伊丹市の板金塗装キズへこみ事故車の修理【実績13000台】ガレージウィズユー -

新型コロナウイルス感染症緊急事態宣言の発出を受けて当店の対応について     ※クリックすると移動します↓      伊丹市・宝塚市・西宮市・尼崎市のキズヘコミの修理・板金塗装はお任せください。 「ス

Contact Garage With you

住所 :

3 Chome-177 Teramoto, Itami, Hyogo 664-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877897
Postal code : 664-0026
Webサイト :

3 Chome-177 Teramoto, Itami, Hyogo 664-0026, Japan
Gordon Freeman on Google

To be honest, I didn't think it would be repaired so far, so I was very satisfied with the price!
徳吉功 on Google

先日壁にバンパーを擦り、以前にも板金塗装で修理をお願いしたこちらのお店に修理をお願いすることに。擦り傷も綺麗にしていただいた上に、エアロの部分の見えない所を以前擦っていたにも関わらず、綺麗にしていただきました。 車内清掃や洗車なども綺麗にしていただき、とても感謝しております。ディーラーの見積りよりも半額でしていただきました。
I rubbed the bumper on the wall the other day and asked this shop to repair it with sheet metal painting before. I had you clean the scratches, and even though I had rubbed the invisible part of the aero part before, I had you clean it. I am very grateful to you for cleaning the inside of the car and washing the car. It was half the price of the dealer's estimate.
MaSa on Google

急なお願いにもかかわらず快く対応下さいました。 また、価格などの相談も乗っていただき助かりました!
Despite the urgent request, he was willing to respond. In addition, it was helpful to have a consultation on prices and so on!
酒井和香子 on Google

I was introduced to you for the first time, but I received a quick and courteous response and painted it very beautifully. Thank you.
ねこみかん on Google

Thank you very much for fixing it cheaply and cleanly this time! Even though the aero parts had a hole of about 2 cm, it was recommended to replace it at another store, so I asked Garage With You to repair it cleanly and it was repaired at about half the price of replacing the parts! I would like to ask if there is anything else.
九十九八十八 on Google

メルセデスW177 新車購入8日目で、リアバンパーをこすってしまい落ち込んでいました。 アポなしでおとづれたところ、営業の方は不在でしたが、他のスタッフの方に写真で見積りをお願いしました。 後日の営業の方からの電話対応も感じがよくて、欧州車の入庫もあったので、きっといい仕事をしてくれるだろうと期待して、こちらでお願いすることにしました。 ディーラーよりも3割程安く仕上げていただき、仕上がりも良好です。 お店の名前「ウィズユー」のとおり、客の気持ちに寄り添う、よいお店に巡り合えてラッキーでした。
Mercedes W177 On the 8th day of purchasing a new car, I rubbed the rear bumper and was depressed. When I was told without an appointment, the sales person was absent, but I asked another staff member for a quote with a photo. I felt good about the telephone response from the sales person at a later date, and there was a warehousing of European cars, so I expected that it would do a good job, so I decided to ask here. It is about 30% cheaper than the dealer, and the finish is good. As the name of the shop "With You" suggests, I was lucky to find a good shop that was close to the feelings of the customers.
権東久喜 on Google

車の修理お願いしました! スタッフもいい方ばかりで値段もリーズナブルでした!
I asked you to repair the car! The staff were all nice and the price was reasonable!
dai kawa on Google

They performed the repairs quickly and are kind to me. The body of my car looks better than before it was scratched. It was so good job in spite of the reasonable price.

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