Futakotamagawakokorono Clinic - Setagaya City

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Contact Futakotamagawakokorono Clinic

住所 :

第7明友ビル 7F 3 Chome-6-12 Tamagawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0094, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Postal code : 158-0094
Webサイト : http://www.shouseikai.com/

第7明友ビル 7F 3 Chome-6-12 Tamagawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0094, Japan
yu_ f on Google

家族が亡くなった直後、不眠で診ていただきました。先生はよかったのですが、カウンセラーの女性が最悪でした。 もう行かないかもしれません。
Immediately after my family died, I was diagnosed with sleeplessness. The teacher was good, but the counselor woman was the worst. It may not go anymore.
c c on Google

If you believe that it is listed in the HP summary section and make a reservation call, you will only be able to make a new reservation about one month in advance. I want to talk about things like "I can't sleep" and "I'm having a hard time at work" right away! It is wise to go to another hospital first because the patient's feelings cannot be communicated by reservation phone.
k s on Google

先生が患者の基本的な情報を覚えてなかったり、 処方が間違っていたりして、受診していて若干不安になります。 主治医を一度決めると変えられないのが難点です…他の先生に診ていただきたい。 受付の方たちの対応は丁寧だと思います。
The teacher does not remember the basic information of the patient, I'm a little worried because I have a medical examination because the prescription is wrong. The drawback is that once you decide on your doctor, you can't change it ... I'd like to see another doctor. I think the receptionists are polite.
ドクターZ on Google

The physician-in-chief (ex-President) who had been consulted until 2019 was retired, so from 2020 this year we will be examined by a new President-doctor. Originally, I have been taking care of this clinic since about 1996, but the new chairman is also a good teacher. In psychiatry, doctors and patients have a long relationship with each other, so I thought that they were doctors who could leave their future consultations with confidence. In the area around Futakotamagawa, there are only psychiatry here, but I think it is a very good psychiatric clinic. The medical affairs staff are also professionals.
Yu Shi on Google

担当医が理事長になって処方が変わってから体調が右肩下がりで悪くなりました。なんとか一人暮らしで生活を保てていたのに、洗濯が出来なくなり、料理が出来なくなり、掃除が出来なくなり、人間としての最低限の生活が保てなくなりました。 薬を見直してほしい旨を現状と共に伝えたところ、『あなたの心が今の状態を望んでいるからだ』と理解不能な説明をされ、薬は断固として変えないとの事。不満があるなら他の病院へ行けとまで言われました。 机の上でのお勉強はできるのかもしれませんが、患者に寄り添って気持ちを理解しようという気持ちは欠片も感じられませんでした。精神的にかなりの負担をかけられたので、もう信用して通う事が出来ません。今は必死で他の病院を探しています。 2021年追記 次の病院への引き継ぎの際に『患者(わたし)と相談して治療をやめた』という虚偽の申告をするのはやめてもらえますか?その他にも多数の誤った引き継ぎがされていた為、次の治療に悪影響がありました。 薬局やお薬手帳や診察予約表などに記載された様に、『次の予約をしたまま私が病院へ行かなくなった』のであって、医者と相談して通うのを辞めた訳ではありませんよね。身勝手を通り越して、意図的に患者を陥れているようにしか思えません。 通っていた間の時間とお金と気持ちは全て無駄だったどころか、マイナスにしか働きませんでした。
After the doctor in charge became the chairman and the prescription changed, my physical condition became worse. I managed to live alone, but I couldn't do the laundry, I couldn't cook, I couldn't clean, and I couldn't keep the minimum life as a human being. When I told him that he wanted me to review the medicine along with the current situation, he gave me an incomprehensible explanation that "because your heart wants the current state" and said that the medicine would not be changed categorically. I was even told to go to another hospital if I was dissatisfied. I might be able to study on the desk, but I couldn't feel the desire to be close to the patient and understand his feelings. I've been mentally burdened so much that I can't trust it anymore. Now I am desperately looking for another hospital. Added in 2021 Can you stop making false declarations that "I consulted with the patient (me) and stopped treatment" when handing over to the next hospital? Many other false takeovers had a negative impact on the next treatment. As stated in the pharmacy, medicine notebook, medical examination appointment table, etc., "I stopped going to the hospital with the next appointment", so I didn't quit consulting with a doctor. .. It just seems like I'm deliberately trapping the patient, passing through selfishness. Far from wasting all my time, money and feelings while I was there, I worked only negatively.
ゆう。 on Google

カウンセリングの男性はとても気さくで楽しく話せます。嫌だったこと、腹が立ったことなどを共感しつつ聞いてくださいます。 カウンセリングに通うのはとても楽しいです。 ですが、診療の先生が薬の話もあまりなく、途中で話を切り上げてしまうことが多々あるので、それが無ければいい病院だと思います。ちょっとずつではありますが、いい方向に向かっているので、このまま治ればいいなと思います!
Counseling men are very friendly and fun to talk to. Please listen while sympathizing with things that you disliked and that you were angry. Going to counseling is a lot of fun. However, there aren't many doctors talking about medicine, and I often end up talking about it on the way, so I think it would be a good hospital without it. It's a little bit, but it's heading in the right direction, so I hope it'll be cured as it is!
タルト好き on Google

以前女性ドクターにお世話になっていました。話をゆっくり聞いてくださってサバサバしています。さすがトラウマ治療専門だなと思いました。カウンセリングでかかっていた先生もとても素敵です。若いのに経験が豊富で、かなりトラウマが良くなりました。 ただ残念ながら、受付の態度が最悪です。カウンセリングの最中に薄い壁の向こうでおしゃべりは当たり前、紹介状等の書類を受付日ドクターにどちらに渡したらいいか聞いたら、ここはなくなるから私に渡してとドクターに言われました。そんな病院初めてです。 今はスタッフが一新されたようですが、それでも丁寧だったスタッフさんが人が変わったように雑になってしまい残念です。何度かもう一つの病院とくっついたり離れたりをしていて、患者が混乱します。病院の都合で振り回さないでほしいです。
I used to be taken care of by a female doctor. He listens to the story slowly and is sick. I thought it was a trauma treatment specialty. The teacher who was counseling is also very nice. Although young, he has a lot of experience and his trauma has improved considerably. Unfortunately, the receptionist's attitude is the worst. During counseling, it was natural to chat behind a thin wall, and when I asked the doctor who to give the documents such as the letter of introduction to the doctor on the reception day, the doctor told me to give it to me because it would be gone. This is the first time for such a hospital. It seems that the staff has been renewed now, but it's a pity that the polite staff has become messy as if the people have changed. The patient is confused by being stuck and away from another hospital several times. I don't want you to swing around because of the hospital.
高橋尚久 on Google

以前は女性の先生に長くお世話になりました。親身になってくれてこちらの要望も聞いて下さり助かりましたが 、本日行った中年太りの男性の先生は 上から目線で 事務的で 命令的な感じもして 全然親身になって貰えず とりあえず同じ薬を飲んでれば良いと言われました。パニックになった時の安定剤も処方してくれず、非情に不安になりました。これからはその男の医者には絶対診察拒否する予定です。皆さんも心療内科は先ず 先生とのコミニュケーションがあうか 親身になってくれるかで 医者と病院を選ぶのをお勧めします。
I used to be indebted to a female teacher for a long time. It was helpful for me to be kind and listen to this request, but the middle-aged male teacher I went to today felt clerical and commanding from the top, and I couldn't get him to be kind at all. I was told that I should take the same medicine for the time being. He didn't prescribe a stabilizer when he panicked, which made me feel uneasy. From now on, I will definitely refuse to see the man's doctor. It is recommended that you first choose a doctor and a hospital for psychosomatic medicine depending on whether you can communicate with the teacher or become friendly.

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