Furumachirufurushokakinaika Clinic - Niigata

4.4/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Furumachirufurushokakinaika Clinic

住所 :

古町ルフル 2階 7 Bancho-1010 Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 951-8063
Webサイト : https://www.furumachi-refuru-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–1PM
Sunday 10AM–1PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–1PM
Wednesday 10AM–1PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–1PM

古町ルフル 2階 7 Bancho-1010 Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8063, Japan
やきそばパン on Google

櫻澤良夫 on Google

わたわた on Google

I also do it on Sundays and there is a pediatrics department so it's really helpful
ディープスロート on Google

市街地(NEXT21付近)で日曜日も遅くまで診察可能なクリニック 先生が親身になって話を聞いてくれて治療にあたってくれるのでかなりオススメ これからもお世話になります
Clinic where you can see the doctor until late on Sunday in the city (near NEXT21) I highly recommend it because the teacher will be friendly and listen to you and treat you. Thank you for your continued support
白木蓮 on Google

I had an endoscopy, but there was no pain and it was a little painful because the tube was inserted. Perhaps because of the teacher's technique, it ended smoothly. It is a good idea to ask the affiliated parking lot in advance by phone.
mii on Google

終始納得のいかない診察や対応でした。 子どもが四月頭から保育園へ通い出し、そこで風邪をもらい発熱しました。 熱が38.5ほどある事を事前に電話で伝えて診察は可能なのかを尋ねたのが10時。電話に出た方は診察しますよ、と言って、16時過ぎに来てくださいと言われました。正直、熱で苦しんでいる子どもを6時間後の受診って...と思いましたが徒歩圏内で良いお医者さんからかかりつけにしたい気持ちで予約しました。 が、実際行ってみると熱があるなら診察できないよと先生に言われ、なんだかコロナ陽性だろうと言いたげな雰囲気でした。保育園にも家族にも、現在も過去にも陽性者出ていませんと言っても、うーんと言われ気分が悪かったです。 小児の検査はしてないからねと言われ、それならば事前に説明したいたのだから断れば良いのでは?? テレビに出ている先生だから親切だろうと思って行きましたが心配する気配もなく、バイ菌扱いのようなまま口頭で症状の説明で薬出されて終わり。隣の薬局も、人をバカにしたような説明の仕方でした。 コロナと決まったわけでも、疑惑があったわけでもないのに失礼すぎでは?もう行きません。
It was a disappointing medical examination and response from beginning to end. My child went to a nursery school from the beginning of April, where he got a cold and had a fever. It was 10 o'clock when I told him in advance that he had a fever of about 38.5 and asked if he could have a medical examination. The person who answered the phone said that he would see the doctor and was told to come after 16:00. To be honest, I thought that I would see a child suffering from fever 6 hours later ... but I made a reservation from a good doctor within walking distance. However, when I actually went there, the teacher told me that I couldn't see the doctor if I had a fever, and it seemed like I was positive for corona. Even if I said that there were no positive people in the nursery school, my family, now or in the past, I was sick of being told. I was told that I hadn't tested the pediatrics, so I explained it in advance, so why not decline it? ?? I thought it would be kind because I was a teacher on TV, but I didn't have to worry about it. The pharmacy next door was also an explanation that made people foolish. Isn't it too rude even though it wasn't decided to be Corona or there was any suspicion? I won't go anymore.
なかとも on Google

風邪やワクチン、内視鏡検査でお世話になりました。 土日も診療をやっていること、突然の発熱など、子供がいる家庭にとってはとても助かります。 先生はニコニコしていてとても優しく、安心して診察してもらえます。 ワクチン等も柔軟に対応してくださり、とてもスムーズでした。 胃カメラは初めてお世話になり、初めてでかなり不安でしたが、鼻からタイプで5分ほどで終わり、オエオエも全くなく、かなり楽でした。 胃カメラは先生の腕によって、楽かどうかが変わると聞いていましたが、かなりスムーズであっという間でした。 悩んでいる方はこちらで受けることをおすすめします。
Thank you for your cold, vaccine and endoscopy. It is very helpful for families with children, such as having medical treatment on Saturdays and Sundays and sudden fever. The teacher is smiling and very kind, and you can see him with confidence. Vaccines etc. were flexible and it was very smooth. I was taken care of by the gastrocamera for the first time, and I was quite anxious for the first time, but it took about 5 minutes to type from the nose, and there was no ooeo, so it was quite easy. I heard that the gastrocamera is easy or not depending on the skill of the teacher, but it was quite smooth and quick. If you are worried, we recommend you to take it here.

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