シャモニー 古町店

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シャモニー 古町店

住所 :

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Webサイト : http://chamonix1.html.xdomain.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–7PM
Sunday 8AM–7PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Furumachidori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8063 Niigata,Japan
ソウルスオブミスチーフ on Google

アイスコーヒーではなくコールド珈琲です。 独特な雰囲気ですが、それがかえって居心地が良い。 そして何よりコーヒーが美味しい。強さはなく、マイルドなのでコーヒー豆本来の味わいがよく感じられます。普段シロップは入れないですが、ここのはほんのりアルコールの風味もありそれがまた良いです。 新潟に来た際にはリピートしたい名店でした。 ※分煙されていますが、禁煙席は半分屋外のテラス席なので嫌煙家は注意
It's cold coffee, not iced coffee. It has a unique atmosphere, but it is rather comfortable. And above all, coffee is delicious. It is not strong and mild, so you can feel the original taste of coffee beans. I usually don't add syrup, but it has a slight alcohol flavor, which is also good. When I came to Niigata, it was a well-known store that I wanted to repeat. * Smokers are separated, but non-smoking seats are half outdoor terrace seats, so smokers should be careful.
土田祐太 on Google

The best compatibility between chocolate cake and blended coffee. The atmosphere of the shop is too good.
桐生真翔 on Google

【古町にある老舗の珈琲専門店】 コーヒーの専門店とあって、コーヒーのレベルは非常に高い。また、喫煙可ということで、喫煙者の憩いの場になっているようです(テラス席は禁煙ですが、これは古町モール内は禁煙という条例の影響かと)。 ただ、行った時間が遅かったためか、フードはなしだったのが少し残念。次ははやめに行ってリベンジしたいと思います。
[A long-established coffee shop in Furumachi] As it is a coffee shop, the level of coffee is very high. Also, smoking is allowed, so it seems to be a place for smokers to relax (the terrace seats are non-smoking, but this is due to the ordinance that smoking is prohibited in Furumachi Mall). However, it's a little disappointing that there was no food, probably because I went there late. Next time I would like to go and revenge.
m y on Google

2022.3.10訪問 レトロ純喫茶 店内はアンティークでレトロなものが置いてあります。 客層は老若男女。静かに読書やパソコン、一人でいる人が多いので、おしゃべりするのは抵抗ある。大人のお店。 マスターはどことなくオズワルドの伊藤っぽい。 こういう雰囲気のあるお店はいつまでも無くならないでほしいです。
Visit 2022.3.10 Retro pure coffee shop There are antique and retro items in the store. The customer base is men and women of all ages. There are many people who read quietly, use a computer, or are alone, so it is difficult to talk. Adult shop. The master is somewhat like Oswald's Ito. I hope that shops with this kind of atmosphere will never disappear.
土田知 on Google

このレトロ感ー 店内は落ちつける雰囲気。 長岡店と同じチーズケーキセットをオーダー 少し? クリームのボリュームがあるかな? 昔昔ー 何回かは来たことはありますがー雰囲気好きですね。
This retro feeling The atmosphere inside the store is calm. Order the same cheesecake set as the Nagaoka store a bit? Is there a volume of cream? A long time ago I've been there several times, but I like the atmosphere.
大道陽香 on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気で何時間でも居れる。 家具もとても素敵。テーブルにコーヒー豆が敷き詰められていて店主のこだわりが感じられた。 コーヒー、紅茶どれも美味しかった。アップルパイはシナモン強め。でもこれがとても美味しい。ピザトーストはお腹いっぱいになるくらいのボリュームだけど、おいしくてペロリと完食できてしまう。 また行きたいです。
You can stay for hours in a calm atmosphere. The furniture is also very nice. Coffee beans were spread on the table, and I could feel the owner's commitment. Both coffee and tea were delicious. Apple pie has stronger cinnamon. But this is very delicious. The pizza toast is big enough to fill your stomach, but it's delicious and you can eat it completely. I want to go again.
Ionescu Alexandrina on Google

Very charming place! Always visit with pleasure! It classic European still!
Matthew Diaz on Google

Small cafe upstairs in the Furumachi #5 shopping arcade. The menu is very straightforward with a wide selection of both tea and coffee, hot and iced variations. There is open smoking section, so if you are concerned about cigarette smoke, I'd recommend the patio area facing the main avenue in the shopping arcade. You can watch people stroll through Furumachi while enjoying coffee and tea. The coffee is all delicious with a milder roast then the main chain stores like Starbucks. I highly recommend stopping in for a quiet cup of coffee and a slice of cake.

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