旬彩亭 秀

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬彩亭 秀

住所 :

Furukawa Higashimachi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6166 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://shunsaitei-hide.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–10PM
Sunday 11:30AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–10PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–10PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–10PM
Thursday 11:30AM–10PM
Friday 11:30AM–10PM
街 : Miyagi

Furukawa Higashimachi, Ōsaki, 〒989-6166 Miyagi,Japan
吉野真理子 on Google

It was lunch, but it was very delicious. The vessel was also nice and I enjoyed it.
世界の相沢久 on Google

古川で贅沢をしたいときはオススメです! 季節の新鮮なお刺身や天ぷらなど工夫された品々が味わえます! 個人的にはフグの季節になると必ず一度は通うお店! てっさに天ぷら! イチオシはふぐの白子! トラフグの生の白子は絶品です!
Recommended when you want luxury in Furukawa! You can enjoy ingenious items such as fresh seasonal sashimi and tempura! Personally, I always go to this shop once during the puffer fish season! Tempura! Best recommended is Fugu Shirako! Raw shirako of tiger puffer is exquisite!
烏龍茶 on Google

4000円のコースを頂きました。 個室があるので、落ち着きます。
I received a course of 4000 yen. There is a private room, so it's calm.
Qiao Gao on Google

出張で2回目のランチ。 どん・丼・ドンランチが1,300円。5つの丼から3種類を選択。欲張りな私には好きな丼を選べるのがとても良かったです。また、食後にコーヒーがつきます。 サービスで頂いた牡蠣天ぷら美味しく頂きました。 また行きます(^^)
Second lunch on a business trip. Don, salmon, don lunch is 1,300 yen. Select 3 types from 5 baskets. It was very good for me who was greedy to choose my favorite candy. You can also have coffee after meals. The oyster tempura from the service was delicious. I will go again (^^)
nagon s on Google

ランチのかき揚げ丼?はボリュームがあるけど、とても美味しい❗️ 夜の食事もそばやピザなどもでてきて、大満足でした また、行きたいと思います
Kakiage bowl for lunch? Is voluminous but very delicious ❗️ I was very satisfied with the evening meal, soba and pizza. I think I want to go again
ラーズbismarck on Google

優しい味でした。 私はもう少し濃い方が好きでしたが、どれも美味しかったです。 特にあら汁、野菜多くて大満足でした。
It was a gentle taste. I liked the darker ones, but they were all delicious. Especially, I was very satisfied with the soup and vegetables.
るー on Google

2021.12 Lunch lunch that also serves as a consolation at the end of the year. Sashimi, simmered dishes and stable taste. It would be perfect if I could eat it at the store!
みい on Google

静かで 大人が ゆっくり出来る お店です 鯨の尾肉 と 虎ふぐが 美味しかったです☺️が テーブルに 呼び出しベルが なく? 奥のテーブルからでも 大きな声で 店員さんを 呼ばないといけず ちょっと 残念です??
It is a quiet and relaxing shop for adults. The whale tail meat and tiger blowfish were delicious ☺️ There is no call bell on the table ? Even from the table in the back I have to call the clerk in a loud voice A little disappointing ??

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