Furuhon Ichiba Kawanishi - Kawanishi

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Furuhon Ichiba Kawanishi

住所 :

2 Chome-9-21 Hiuchi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0017, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 666-0017
Webサイト : http://www.furu1.net/shop/_1117/shop23.html

2 Chome-9-21 Hiuchi, Kawanishi, Hyogo 666-0017, Japan
西狩獲麟 on Google

A long time ago, I came to this place. It's like a vast parking lot or a grace Nakahara. Nochi, I went to see the inside of the store, but it was easy to call and spread. I'm going to go up to the tower asking for a calligraphy from my general. If you go up and look up, there are often many books. I went around the area several times and found a book that I decided on in my heart. Go down, buy a book, and head home. If there is an opportunity to return, that is, I want to go.
하루 on Google

The CD corner and the 2nd floor are messy and hard to see, so I don't know what it is and I get tired of watching it. Maybe it's because I'm a little allergic, but especially the 2nd floor is dusty and I can't stop coughing wherever I am and my eyes and body are itchy all the time. To be honest, it was hard even if I masked it. I don't want to come to the store anymore.
バレルスピナーリミックス使い on Google

This store's Pokeka Gacha probably doesn't come in,
異次元のクレンゲーマー on Google

色んな古本市場行きますが ここが1番好きな店です。 スケールフィギュアが沢山ある印象ですがアミューズメント品のフィギュアも沢山ありました。 店員さんが親切なので、月に1度は行きます。
I go to various used book markets This is my favorite store. I have the impression that there are many scale figures, but there were also many amusement figures. The clerk is kind, so I go there once a month.
桑原豊 on Google

It's an old shop, but it's still very popular. We mainly handle game consoles, software, and manga, but we also buy novels. However, since the purchase unit price is lower than the market price, it has 4 stars.
氷凪零 on Google

店員の愛想は良いけど対応は要改善の余地あり 本日12/4古市へ行ったらスイッチの発売日と被ってたんですね。それで開店時に私は欲しい商品を手に取り会計に行こうとするとスイッチの会計列とその他の商品の会計列が一緒なんですよ。 レジは2つあるから別々にすれば良いし、人も3人は店員さん確実にいたのに。 2つ目のレジはたまに開けるだけでその他の時間は手の空いてる二人後ろで何か話してるだけ。 列整理でもすればいいのにって思いました。 あとは会計が500円超えればスクラッチのクーポン貰えるんですけど、慌ててたのか渡し忘れていましたね。 傍から見ていてなんて楽そうな仕事なんだと思ってしまいました。
The clerk's friendliness is good, but there is room for improvement. When I went to Furuichi on December 4th today, it was the release date of the switch. So when I open the store, when I pick up the product I want and go to checkout, the checkout line of Switch and the checkout line of other products are the same. There are two cashiers, so it's okay to separate them, and there were definitely three clerk staff. The second cash register is only opened once in a while, and the rest of the time I'm just talking behind the two people who are free. I thought it would be good to arrange the lines. After that, if the accounting exceeds 500 yen, I can get a scratch coupon, but I forgot to give it because I was in a hurry. Looking from the side, I thought it was an easy job.
健市斉藤 on Google

購入時の支払い方法を商品と同時に言ったら待ってくださいと言われたんですけど早く言わないとそちらに迷惑がかかるから言ったんですけどどうすればよいのですか? わかりましたでいいんではないんですか? 結局その後支払い方法の質問等はなく電子マネーにしたのだから。 支払い方法を最初に言わなくていいなら 言いませんが? なぜこちらが待ってください。と反論気味に言われて不快な気持ちにさせられるのかと。 レジ2 担00007661の人 これからはレジに打ち込んだ後言えばよろしいですか?
I was told to wait if I said the payment method at the time of purchase at the same time as the product, but if I do not say it early, it will cause trouble for that, but what should I do? Isn't it okay to understand? After all, I didn't have any questions about payment methods and decided to use e-commerce. If you don't have to say the payment method first Don't you say Why are you waiting here? I wonder if it makes me feel uncomfortable. Cashier 2 00007661 person Should I say it after devoting myself to the cash register from now on?
れのん on Google

二階建てで2階が書籍、1階がゲーム、音楽、フィギュア、トレカの売場となっている。 店内は可もなく不可もなく、特筆する点は見当たらない。 ただ、店舗前の道路は片道一車線ながら交通量がかなり多い。 車で訪問する際は逆車線の入庫、出庫に手間取る可能性大。
It is a two-story building with books on the second floor and games, music, figures, and trading cards on the first floor. The inside of the store is neither good nor bad, and there is nothing special to mention. However, the road in front of the store has one lane each way, but there is a lot of traffic. When visiting by car, there is a high possibility that it will take time to enter and leave the opposite lane.

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