Fukura port - Minamiawaji

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fukura port

住所 :

Ko, Minamiawaji, Hyogo 656-0501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Postal code : 656-0501

Ko, Minamiawaji, Hyogo 656-0501, Japan
土居浩二 on Google

北村貴司 on Google

ぴんふく on Google

上谷浩二 on Google

Well well
まおくぼ on Google

The disaster prevention game was fresh.
Katsuya Hayashi on Google

2019.3.8(大潮)に「うずしおクルーズ」帆船日本丸に乗船します。少々寒そうですが楽しみです。 大阪-中国池田から福良港-西淡三原まで、平日高速料金が4050円は少々高いと思います(明石大橋代かな?)。 先日、これも平日、セントレアのflight of dream に行って来ましたが、高速料金(茨木-セントレア)がほぼ同じでしたので。 その後、偶然に「たびものがたり」で「大鳴門橋うずしおウォーク¥5980昼食付梅田発」を発見、同じ日に淡路から鳴門まで、普段は入れない橋の点検通路を2kmを歩き海を渡るそうです。 残念ながら既に募集終了、是非とも来年挑戦しよう! 3/8期待を膨らませ出航80分前に到着、700人乗りの日本丸に約200人の搭乗、売上約40万円なり❗ 往復40分の航海、20分の渦潮観賞遊覧。大潮なれど大きな渦は、鑑賞できずも、風はあれど日差しは暖かくうずしお航海日和であった。 鑑賞中、渦から目を反らせ上を凝視すると、いたいた「うずしおウォーク」。 JTBか近ツーか?。他の乗客は気づいていないようだが、橋の点検通路を歩く集団、途中のガラス張りの展望室から手を振っている人。来年は参加するぞ‼️
I will board the "Sailing Ship Cruise" sail boat Nippon Maru at 2019.3.8 (Oushi). It looks a bit cold but I am looking forward to it. From Osaka - China Ikeda to Fukura Port - Seibu Mihara, I think that the weekly high speed charge is 4050 yen a bit high (Akashi Ohashi substitute?). The other day, I also went to Centrair's flight of dream on weekdays, but the high-speed charges (Ibaraki - Centrair) were about the same. After that, by chance, "Tabibita walk" ¥ 5980 Discovery from Umeda with lunch ", On the same day from Awaji to Naruto on the same day, it seems to cross the sea walking the inspection aisle of the bridge that you can not enter normally . Unfortunately already finished recruiting, let's challenge next year by all means! We arrived 80 minutes before departure of 3/8 expectation, arriving 80 minutes before departure, boarding about 200 people to 700 riders Nihon Maru, sales about 400,000 yen Navigate round-trip for 40 minutes and enjoy the 20-minute whirlpools. A big tide, big whirlpool, although it can not appreciate, the sun was warm and voracious sailing daylight as it was the wind. During viewing, if you look away from the whirlpools and stare at the top, you are Utsushio walk. JTB or nearby? . Other passengers do not seem to notice, but a group walking on the inspection passage of the bridge, a person waving at the glass observation room on the way. I will participate next year! A
野田義雄 on Google

まだコロナが蔓延する少し前に福良港津波防災ステーションに研修に行った幸い訪れた場所。 写真アップしておきますので、お越しの際の参考にして頂けたら幸いです。
Fortunately, I went to the Fukura Port Tsunami Disaster Prevention Station for training shortly before the corona spread. I will upload a photo, so I hope you can refer to it when you come.
M 310 on Google

この港から「うずしおクルーズ」という観潮船が出ています。 2021年3月
There is a tide boat called "Whirlpools Cruise" from this port. March 2021

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