Fujinomi Fukuchiyama - Fukuchiyama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fujinomi Fukuchiyama

住所 :

2187-5 Hori, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto 620-0882, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 620-0882
Webサイト : https://www.sato-kyoto.com/fujinomi/

2187-5 Hori, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto 620-0882, Japan
きよ on Google

だしが効いていて味も濃過ぎず 美味しかったです。 楽天Edyチャージ機も店内にあります。
The dashi stock was effective and the taste was not too strong and it was delicious. There is also an Rakuten Edy charging machine in the store.
YASUKO T. on Google

It's a normal Japanese family restaurant, but the tempura and cutlet are crispy and delicious.
CKTS ATF on Google

さとうが運営する和食系のファミレスです。 値段は他のチェーンのファミレスよりやや高めかもしれませんが美味しいと思います。 客層は家族連れが多いようですが、孫をつれたおじいちゃんおばあちゃんをよく見るので幅広い年代が行けるお店だと思います。 最近はタブレット端末でのオーダーに変わったようですが、きれいな写真付きで値段もわかりやすくしっかり作り込みされていました。 店員さんはみなさん愛想がよく、激辛うどんを注文した際には温かいお茶とは別に冷たいお水もお持ちくださったので有り難かったです。 感染症対策も、もともとの構造がテーブルごとに高めの大きな衝立で仕切られているので半個室のようで安心でした。テーブル上のアクリルパーテーションが非常にきれいに掃除されていたことに感銘を受けました。
It is a Japanese family restaurant run by Sato. The price may be a little higher than the family restaurants of other chains, but I think it is delicious. It seems that the customer base is mostly families, but I often see grandpas and grandmas with grandchildren, so I think it's a shop that can go to a wide range of ages. Recently, it seems that the order has changed to a tablet terminal, but the price was easy to understand with beautiful pictures and it was well built. The clerk was very friendly and I was grateful that when I ordered the spicy udon, I brought cold water in addition to the hot tea. As for infectious disease control, I was relieved that the original structure was like a semi-private room because the original structure was divided by a large tsuitate that was high for each table. I was impressed that the acrylic partition on the table was very clean.
しまうま on Google

You can grill meat by yourself. You can also eat soba and udon as a set. I bake it with solid fuel, but if I bake it too slowly and the fuel runs out, tell the clerk and it will be replaced with a new one for free.
銀子 on Google

注文はタッチパネル。 メニュー検索しにくいし。 ちくわ天カレーうどん+ご飯漬物セット ¥1045 でかいーー!! 『カレーうどん』は タッチパネルのうどんそばコーナーに表示されてるのに『ちくわ天カレーうどん』は おすすめメニューの中の「カレーメニュー」の中にしか表示されてないよ。 うどんそばコーナーに一緒に表示してくれればいいのに。
The order is a touch panel. It's hard to search the menu. Chikuwa heaven curry udon + rice pickles set ¥ 1045 It's huge! !! "Curry udon" "Chikuwa Ten Curry Udon" is displayed in the udon soba corner of the touch panel It is only displayed in the "Curry Menu" in the recommended menu. I wish it would be displayed together in the udon soba corner.
A Kazu on Google

Family restaurant of Sato group. This time on a business trip, I recommend Japanese food once or twice a week, as there is a hearty menu.
T M on Google

The set meal with rice balls, tempura, and udon was very delicious.
Havasi Ember on Google

Simple family restaurant, not bad and not so good. I tried the Mega Tonkatsu, taste was normal but the price is good. When You are hungry, should try! ?

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