
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花扇

住所 :

Fujiietate, Aizumisato, Onuma District, 〒969-6212 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.sobadokoro-kasen.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Fukushima

Fujiietate, Aizumisato, Onuma District, 〒969-6212 Fukushima,Japan
Liangyi Baijing on Google

思ったより繁盛していてびっくり! 看板など外から見る印象とは違い、古民家を活用した店舗が素敵なお蕎麦屋さんです。 つけ汁3種がついてきて、内容はノーマル、高遠、暖かい鶏、ですが共通しているのは非常に旨み出汁が効いてること。こちらのそばはこれが最大の特徴だと思います。 蕎麦そのものは残念ながら私の探し求めているものとは違いましたがそれはどうでもいいことです。 外食の選択肢が少ない高田周辺では貴重なお店です。
I was surprised to be more prosperous than I expected! Unlike impressions seen from the outside, such as signboards, the soba shop is a nice store using an old private house. Three types of soup stock are included, and the contents are normal, high-end, and warm chicken, but the common thing is that the umami soup is very effective. I think this is the biggest feature of this side. Soba itself is unfortunately different from what I'm looking for, but that doesn't matter. It is a valuable shop around Takada where there are few choices for eating out.
さとしん on Google

日曜日は開店時間に行くきましょう、早めに蕎麦が無くなります‼️‼️‼️ 観音そば(そば大盛+天ぷら)おすすめ。
Let's go to the opening time on Sunday, soba will run out early! ️‼ ️‼ ️ Kannon Soba (Soba Omori + Tempura) Recommended.
かよ on Google

天ざる蕎麦を頼みました。三種類のつけつゆがあり、高遠が一番???です。なんなら、高遠だけでも満足です。 さすが三たてのお蕎麦でした! トイレに洗面所がないのと、座敷なので仕方がないのですが歩くとドスドスとおとがきになり、星2つ減らしました。
I ordered Tensoba soba. There are three types of soup stock, and Takato is the most ???. If anything, I'm satisfied with Takato alone. As expected, it was three fresh soba noodles! There is no washroom in the toilet, and it's a tatami room, so it can't be helped.
吉川佳子 on Google

FirstLight1st on Google

クルマで行かなければなりません。 地元民に人気。 12時をちょっと外せばどうにか座れます。 座れば持ってくるのは早いです。 麺は腰があってモチっとしていて、人気の秘密が分かります。
I have to go by car. Popular with locals. I can sit somehow if I miss 12 o'clock a little. If you sit down, it's quick to bring it. The noodles are chewy and chewy, and you can see the secret of their popularity.
Daisuke Orikasa on Google

観音セットなるものを注文。 つけダレがカツオ出汁、大根おろし、鴨出汁の3種類あり、飽きることなく最後まで美味しくいただけました。 タレが3つあるのは非常にポイント高いですね! 特に大根おろしがピリ辛で美味しかったです。天ぷらもサックサクで大満足でした。
I ordered a Kannon set. There are 3 types of soup stock, bonito soup stock, grated radish, and duck soup stock, and you can enjoy it until the end without getting tired. Having three sauces is a very high point! Especially the grated radish was spicy and delicious. The tempura was also crispy and I was very satisfied.
三瓶法男 on Google

I visited the store for the first time today. As for the taste, we served soba in the old farmhouse's house, and the shop recommended Zaru soba and Tenzaru soba. Three types of soup, bonito-flavored soup, Takato soup, and warm chicken soup stock, have come out. The soba was a little thick, but it was delicious because it was entwined with each soup. As for my taste, Takato is the most spicy and the taste of soba is entwined with soba, then wasabi is attached to soba and it is a standard to eat with bonito flakes, and finally the shop has warm chicken soup stock with seven flavors. I asked for a soup stock and a large serving of soba noodles, which I was told to try, but I received three types of soba noodles, but I finished eating them in no time. The tempura of Tenzaru is crispy and this menu is also recommended. I had a very delicious soba.
のむんだにゃ on Google

水車で蕎麦の実を石臼挽き 風味豊かな美味しい蕎麦が食べられる。 つゆも3種類あり、しかも安い! 会津若松市あたりで蕎麦屋を探す。 いろいろなサイトで高評価の店の 天ぷら蕎麦は2000円前後とお高め。 そんな中、花扇さんを発見! 古民家を改装して雰囲気あり。 お店までの小道で期待高まる。 ゆっくり待っていて出てきた 石臼挽きの蕎麦は香り・歯触りがイイ。 つゆは鰹節、大根辛味の高遠、暖かい鶏汁、 &天つゆまで含めると4種類も。 個人的にはさっぱり・ちょい辛な 高遠汁がいちばん好み。 天ぷらの揚げ方も上手、美味しい。 感染症対策も万全で、店員さんも とても好印象。 天ぷら蕎麦 1300円 ごちそうさまでした♪
Milling buckwheat nuts with a water wheel You can eat delicious soba with rich flavor. There are 3 types of soup, and it's cheap! Find a soba restaurant around Aizuwakamatsu City. Highly rated stores on various sites Tempura soba is expensive at around 2000 yen. Meanwhile, I found Mr. Hanaogi! The old folk house has been renovated and has an atmosphere. Expectations rise on the path to the store. I waited slowly and came out Soba made from stone mills has a nice aroma and texture. The soup is dried bonito, spicy radish, warm chicken soup, & There are 4 types including tempura. Personally, it's refreshing and a little spicy I like Takato soup the most. The tempura is fried well and delicious. Infectious disease countermeasures are perfect, and the clerk also Very good impression. Tempura soba 1300 yen Thank you for your feast ♪

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