Fruit Cutting School - Nagano

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Fruit Cutting School

住所 :

3133 Shinonoifutatsuyanagi, Nagano, 388-8012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898998
Postal code : 388-8012
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–7PM
Sunday 9AM–7PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

3133 Shinonoifutatsuyanagi, Nagano, 388-8012, Japan
Yoshie Ichikawa on Google

I loved the fruit arrangement by Professor Hayashi and I joined the class. My family is happy to eat, so I can enjoy it twice with my eyes! Next I would like to participate in the application class.
カフェラテ on Google

Since my acquaintance started, I immediately asked for it. I enjoyed it with my eyes and felt that it was a waste to eat, but it tasted much better than normal eating. My family was happy, so I think I'm back again. He is a very friendly person, so he can trust his shell and arms.
Kikuyo Fujimaki on Google

以前から気になっていたカットフルーツ教室???? 基礎レッスンを受講しました。 出来るか不安もありましたが、わかりやすく丁寧に教えてくださったので楽しくレッスンを受けられました☺️ 千恵子先生、ありがとうございました? また、次回よろしくお願いします。
Cut fruit class that I've always been interested in ???? I took a basic lesson. I was worried if I could do it, but I enjoyed taking lessons because he taught me in an easy-to-understand manner ☺️ Thank you, Chieko-sensei ? Also, thank you next time.
小宮山禎子 on Google

Fruit cutting is difficult but kindly tell me many times! The fruit is fine as it is, but once you add it, it will be beautiful and it will be cute, so it is very satisfactory! I look forward to the day of the fruit cutting classroom!
Keiko M on Google

不器用なので初めてのレッスンを受けるまでは、本当にできるか不安でしたが、先生がわかりやくす丁寧に教えてくれるので、楽しくフルーツカッティングができました。 次はどのフルーツをどうやってカットするの?と、レッスンを受けるのが楽しみになりました! 教わったカット方法で子供の誕生日ケーキにフルーツをデコレーションしたいです♫
As I was clumsy, I was unsure if I could really do it until I received the first lesson, but the teacher taught me carefully and easily, so I could enjoy fruit cutting. How do you cut which fruit next? And I was looking forward to taking lessons! I want to decorate the fruit on the children's birthday cake in the way I learned cut ♫
松井英雄 on Google

結婚記念日にはじめて林千恵子先生にフルーツカッティングをお願いしました。素敵な作品に妻ともったいなくて食べられないねの感想! 思い出に残る記念日となりました。ありがとうございます?
For the first time on my wedding anniversary, I asked Dr. Chieko Hayashi for fruit cutting. Impression that I can not eat it because I do not want to have a wife with a wonderful work! It was a memorable anniversary. Thank you ?
なめこ汁 on Google

小麦粉アレルギーでケーキが食べられない姪にお誕生日ケーキの代わりにと、今回kirafururuさんでカットフルーツを作っていただきました?❗ 姪はいちご?とオレンジ?が好きなようなので、多めに入れて欲しいとお願いしたのですが、しっかりたくさん入っていて姪も大喜びでした?? 5歳の男の子ということも伝えたところ、車や船の形にくり抜いたフルーツや、ミニカーの飾りまでつけてくださりました❗?? 他にも、値段や入れるフルーツの種類などもこちらの要望に沿って考えてくださり、仕上がりも大変満足でした✨✨ ケーキももちろん良いですが、フルーツも素敵ですね✨??姪もまた食べたいと言っていたので、ぜひ利用したいと思います❗❗
For my niece who can't eat cake because of flour allergy, instead of birthday cake, kirafururu made cut fruit this time ?❗ My niece seems to like strawberries ? and orange ?, so I asked her to add more, but she was delighted with the large amount ?? When I told him that he was a 5-year-old boy, he even put on fruits that were hollowed out in the shape of a car or a ship, and even decorations for miniature cars. In addition, he thought about the price and the type of fruit to put in according to this request, and the finish was very satisfying ✨ ✨ Cakes are good, of course, but fruits are also nice ✨?? My niece also said she wanted to eat, so I definitely want to use it ❗❗
今井登志子 on Google

今日基礎レッスンを…教えてもらいました??✨  千恵ちゃん先生の丁寧な分かりやすい優しいレッスンで楽しい時間でした?  レッスン後のお茶タイムでは色々話で千恵ちゃん先生の人柄の良さが倍増d=(^o^)=b 次回が楽しみです?
I was taught the basic lesson today ??✨ It was a fun time with Chie-chan's polite, easy-to-understand and gentle lesson ? In the tea time after the lesson, Chie-chan's personality doubled with various stories d = ( ^ o ^) = b I'm looking forward to the next time ?

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