Flower Marché - 新宿区 Shinjuku City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Flower Marché

住所 :

1 Chome-1-4 Nishishinjuku, 新宿区 Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 160-0023
Webサイト : http://www.keiogs.co.jp/

1 Chome-1-4 Nishishinjuku, 新宿区 Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
ぶた神様 on Google

I got this flower. It was arranged cutely and it was wonderful. I would definitely like to visit the store. What kind of person is pointing out one mistake of the clerk here? If you can't afford to make mistakes, you shouldn't buy flowers. It doesn't look good. Also, if you are blaming the clerk's attitude, why not take another look at your own attitude? It's ugly. You can say anything by word of mouth.
45 sige on Google

店頭にはアレンジフラワーやブーケがいくつか並んでいて、強いこだわりがなければすぐ購入することができます。 価格や色合いの希望に合わせたコーディネートも丁寧に対応していただけました。
There are several arranged flowers and bouquets lined up at the store, and you can buy them immediately if you are not particular about it. We were able to carefully coordinate the price and color to suit your needs.
chima renren on Google

京王線出口、COCOカレーの前にあります。 花束売りをしており、値段が付いていない花束は350円でした。 もちろんお手頃価格のアレンジメントも豊富にあります。 自分でピックアップした花束・商品をレジへ持って行くシステム。
It is in front of the COCO curry at the Keio Line exit. The bouquet is sold, and the unpriced bouquet was 350 yen. Of course, there are plenty of affordable arrangements. A system that brings the bouquets and products you pick up to the cash register.
あきたんあきたん on Google

とにかく、最悪でした‼️ 花を扱う接客業として、こんな態度しか出来ないのか?と呆れるばかり… この店のオーナー及び、責任者は現状を把握しているのか? 母の日に花を送ってもらう手筈だったが… ものすごく気分が悪くなった‼️ 店頭にあったアレンジされた花籠を選んだら、新たにアレンジすると配送日が何時になるか?保証出来ない‼️等、明らかに面倒な事はお断り‼️感丸出し‼️ 傷んだ花でも構わないでしょ…こっちは忙しいんだからさぁ(怒)とでも言いたい素振りでした…? 毎年、母の日に利用していましたが…駅近だから仕方なく…全く接客態度が改まりませんね‼️来年は別のお店にします‼️ 花を扱う人として…こんなお店はあってはならない‼️
Anyway, it was the worst! ️ Is it possible to do only this kind of attitude as a hospitality business dealing with flowers? I'm just amazed ... Do the owners and managers of this store know the current situation? I was supposed to have the flowers sent on Mother's Day ... I feel terribly sick! ️ If you choose the arranged flower basket that was in the store, what time will the delivery date be if you arrange it anew? I can't guarantee it! Obviously troublesome things such as ️ are refused! ️ Feeling bare‼ ️ It doesn't matter if it's a damaged flower ... I'm busy, so I wanted to say (angry) ... ? I used to use it on Mother's Day every year, but ... I can't help it because it's near the station ... The customer service attitude doesn't change at all! ️ We will have another store next year! ️ As a person who handles flowers ... There shouldn't be a store like this! ️
田村 on Google

花束をつくってもらいましたがセンスのなさに愕然としてます。 別のお花屋さんで買いなおします? 選んだお花も見せて貰えず勝手に作られ、出来上がったブーケの確認もないままお金を払いました。 プレゼントとお伝えしたのにお花だけをただ束ねたブーケ…カスミ草すらも入っていなくとっても貧相。 接客態度もかなり悪いです。なによりセンスが全くない。素人でももうちょっとましなブーケが作れると思います。 それにお花を扱う仕事される方とは思えない冷たい態度でした。
I asked him to make a bouquet, but I was surprised at his lack of taste. I will buy it again at another flower shop ? I couldn't show the flowers I chose and made them without permission, and I paid for it without confirming the finished bouquet. A bouquet of flowers that I told you as a gift ... It's very poor without even Kasumi grass. The customer service attitude is also quite bad. Above all, I have no sense. I think even an amateur can make a better bouquet. Besides, I had a cold attitude that I couldn't think of as a person working with flowers.
菅野智志 on Google

京王線・新宿駅の西口にある。 カレー屋さんとおにぎり屋さんで、 新宿西口広場に抜けるスペースを 有効活用している。 肝心の店舗はさほど大きくはないが、 コンパクトにアレンジしたものから、 花束まで、色んな用途に合った花が 揃っている。
Located on the west exit of Keio Line Shinjuku Station. At a curry shop and a rice ball shop, Space to exit to Shinjuku West Exit Square It is effectively used. The essential store is not so big, From what was arranged in a compact, Flowers are suitable for various purposes, including bouquets It is complete.
aka. s. on Google

京王線の改札出口のすぐ目の前にある花屋さん。 自分でコーディネートするも良し、詰め合わせセットにするも良し。 予算を言えば見繕ってシーンに合わせたフラワーチョイスをしてくれますよ!
A flower shop right in front of the ticket gate exit of the Keio line. It is good to coordinate by oneself, and it is good to make it as a set. If you put a budget, you will make a flower choice that matches the scene!
ぱるるぱるる on Google

駅から近いので利用したが接客態度がゴミ。 レジで明らかに目があったのに店員が奥から出てこない。 花の扱いが雑。リボンを巻くのも雑。 人に贈るものだったため悲しさを通り越して腹が立った。 もう絶対に利用しない。
I used it because it is close to the station, but the customer service attitude is garbage. The clerk did not come out from the back even though I had an obvious eye at the cash register. The handling of flowers is miscellaneous. It is also miscellaneous to wind the ribbon. Because it was a gift to a person, I got angry over the sadness. Never use it anymore.

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