
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Florida

住所 :

Kitazawa, Setagaya City, 〒155-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : http://flamingo-online.jp/
街 : Tokyo
Description : Underground shop offering men's used & vintage clothes, sneakers & quirky accessories.

Kitazawa, Setagaya City, 〒155-0031 Tokyo,Japan
小熊信子 on Google

A lot of used clothes were on sale at half price on the 27th.

Flamingo of the same series is recommended for shopping at a price range that even people who can not afford it can easily buy it.
Eri on Google

買取の対応がとても悪いです。 16時〜18時まで待ちましたが、連絡なし。 店員さんにいつになるのか聞いてみたら「今日中としか言えません」といった対応でしたので、帰ることにしました。 1時間半後の19時半に連絡があり、一週間以内に来てくれ。とのことでした。 洋服は好きですが、対応が悪く印象が悪くなりました。残念です。
The correspondence of purchase is very bad. I waited until 16 o'clock - 18 o'clock, but no contact. When asked when it will be to the clerk, I decided to return because I was able to say "I can say it only during today". There is a call at half past one and a half hours, please come within a week. is what they said. I like clothes, but the correspondence is bad and the impression got worse. I'm sorry.
NoNo on Google

有名店なのに口コミ少ないですね… 月末の土日開催の半額セールの時には人がごった返します。その際、あとでもう一度見ようと思って他の服を選んでる間に戻ったらもう商品はなくなってしまいます、無念^^; 一度偽物を掴んでしまい、返品対応をしてもらったことがありましたが、丁寧でしたよ!
It's a famous store but there are few word-of-mouth ... People get crowded during the half-price sale on Saturday and Sunday at the end of the month. At that time, if you return while choosing other clothes and want to see it again later, the product will be gone, sorry ^^; I once grabbed a fake and asked for a return, but it was polite!
転用 on Google

若者が多いので雰囲気が馴染めない方は少し抵抗あるかもしれませんが、飛び込んでdigってみると結構楽しいお店。 中にはきれい系のかわいいメンズアイテムも。 ただカップルが多いのでとにかく服に集中する集中力が必要かも笑
There are many young people, so those who are not familiar with the atmosphere may be a little reluctant, but if you jump in and try dig, it is quite a fun shop. There are also cute men's items that are beautiful. However, since there are many couples, it may be necessary to concentrate on clothes anyway.
平造 on Google

Famous store of old clothes shop, stylish store on the ground floor, product arrangement in the store is not narrow and easy to see, there are a few bad things, but the price of good products and good products is not cheap.
磯部勤 on Google

下北に行った際は必ずのぞいてます。 古着文化が若い人にも定着してるのか最近の下北は少し雰囲気が若返った感じがする。
Whenever I go to Shimokita, I always take a peek. I wonder if the used clothing culture has taken root in young people. Recently, I feel that the atmosphere in Shimokita has rejuvenated a little.
A Sugaya on Google

初めての古着買取でいくつかの店を査定して回る中で伺いました。 買取ブースの店員さんに丁寧に対応していただき、大変心象の良いお店だったためこの評価です。 カウンターで教えていただいたのですが、こちらでは無料査定は行っておらず、店が受け取った品は客に返品できないそうです。なので買取査定は一度キャンセルし、癖のあるこれらの品を扱えるようなお店は他にないかと伺ったところ快く教えていただきました。言わば商売敵であろう他店のこともこうして教えていただいてとてもありがたかったです。 サービスには限りがあるのは承知しておりますが査定もお願いしてみたかったですね……。 結果服は売ることなく持ち帰ってしまいましたが、お礼としてこの口コミ投稿と、次に古着を探しに来た時はまずこのお店で買おうと思いました。ありがとうございました。
I asked while assessing several stores for the first purchase of used clothing. The clerk at the purchase booth responded politely, and it was a very good store, so this evaluation is given. As I told you at the counter, we do not carry out free assessment here, and it seems that items received by the store cannot be returned to customers. So I canceled the purchase assessment once, and when I asked if there was any other store that could handle these quirky items, I was happy to tell you. I am very grateful to have been told about other stores, which may be business enemies. I know that the service is limited, but I wanted to ask for an assessment ... As a result, I brought back the clothes without selling them, but as a thank you, I thought I would buy this review and the next time I came to look for used clothes at this shop. Thank you very much.

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