FamilyMart - Saitama

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact FamilyMart

住所 :

1-23 Higashinakacho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0056, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 330-0056
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1-23 Higashinakacho, Urawa Ward, Saitama, 330-0056, Japan
Mail-g on Google

とにかく店員さんの態度が悪い。 探してるものが見つからないから聞いても、売場にあるのにわからないの?という返事。 はい。見つからないんですけど。。。と答えると あっち!とアゴで指さされた。 (アゴさされた?) そこまで広くないのだから、せめて手で教えて欲しかったです。 駅前で便利な立地ではあるのですが、足が遠のきます。
Anyway, the clerk's attitude is bad. You can't find what you're looking for, but don't you know it's in the sales floor? Reply. Okay. I can't find it. .. .. If you answer Over there! Was pointed at by the chin. (Have you been chin?) It's not that big, so I wanted you to teach it by hand at least. It's a convenient location in front of the station, but it's a long way off.
A A on Google

The attitude of the foreign clerk is unpleasant. The order was wrong, so I tried to tell it slowly again, but I covered it many times and talked (I know, you have the wrong attitude) and it took a lot of time to buy. If you can buy it at the self-checkout, you may not feel uncomfortable, but I will use a different store as much as possible.
村上修 on Google

レジで思いっきり舌打ちされた。本当にビックリしました。 なぜ、舌打ちされたのかが全く思い当たらず、 帰りながらずっと考えてしまった。 セルフレジを使えってことかな? 客は私しかいなかったんだけどな~(店員さんは3人ぐらい) ここの評価と口コミを見て納得!! そういう店だったのか~
I was struck by the cash register. I was really surprised. I had no idea why I was struck by my tongue I've been thinking about it on my way home. Is it possible to use self-checkout? I was the only customer (there are about 3 clerk) Convinced by the evaluation and reviews here! !! Was it such a store?
関東富士雄 on Google

Certainly some female clerk are unfriendly, this review is true. It's a little far away, but the Lawson clerk may be more amiable.
Takahiro Suzuki on Google

As others have written, the clerk's attitude is the worst. A level that makes me feel that it is better to make everything self-checkout. The assortment is good, but ...
b0 66 on Google

なるべく行きたくないところです 袋いらない前提で会計されたので「レジ袋お願いします」って言ったら「え、何ですか?」と言われました。 そして250円のお釣りだったのに50円しか渡してきませんでした。
I don't want to go as much as possible I was billed on the premise that I didn't need a bag, so when I said "Please give me a plastic shopping bag", I was asked "What?" And although it was a change of 250 yen, I gave only 50 yen.
笊拉麺 on Google

教育が悪いのかEdyを使いたいといってもわからないようで、何度か問答しても気づくことはなかった。 態度も滅茶苦茶悪いし、商品を投げるようにおくし もしかしたら日本語ができないのかもしれないので、単純に現金以外で商品買う以外なら他いった方がスムーズ それが半年前 久しぶりにいってみたら普通にその店員がいたので、銀行使う以外にはいかないかな。並んでてもレジたたないし。近くに普通にコンビニあるし... Edyでお願いします。といってiDと間違うことはあっても何度いってもわからないのははじめてだったよ。
I didn't seem to know if I wanted to use Edy because of poor education, and I didn't notice it even after asking several questions. The attitude is also messed up, and I try to throw the product Maybe I can't speak Japanese, so it's smoother than just buying products other than cash. That was half a year ago When I went there for the first time in a long time, there was a clerk normally, so I wonder if I can do anything other than use the bank. Even if I line up, I don't have a cash register. There is a convenience store nearby ... Please use Edy. However, it was the first time that I couldn't understand it no matter how many times I made a mistake with iD.
Jun Saito on Google

シュークリームが複数入ったセット(割引券が袋の外に貼ってあってその分安くなる)を購入したところ、レジでポイントカードにポイントがつけられない事態になりました。 原因が分からず困っていると責任者らしき方が出てきて「割引券とポイントカードの読み取る順番を間違えてしまったので今回はポイントつかないんですが良いですか?」と言われました。 「良いですよ」と答えましたが、それ以来敬遠してこの店舗には一回も行っていません。
When I purchased a set containing multiple cream puffs (a discount voucher is affixed to the outside of the bag and it is cheaper by that amount), I could not get points on the point card at the cash register. When I was in trouble because I didn't understand the cause, a person who seemed to be the person in charge came out and said, "I made a mistake in the order of reading the discount ticket and the point card, so I can't get points this time. Is that okay?" I answered "it's good", but I haven't been to this store since then.

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