Famille - Ichinoseki

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Famille

住所 :

1-6 Unan, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0834, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 021-0834
Webサイト : http://famille-famille.sakura.ne.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM

1-6 Unan, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0834, Japan
佐藤みゆき on Google

パスタセット、ピザ単品で頼みました。 とても美味しかったです。 キャベツとドライトマトのペペロンチーノはピリッと辛くてまた食べたいです。
I ordered pasta set and pizza separately. It was very delicious. Cabbage and dried tomato peperoncino are spicy and I want to eat again.
里良浩 on Google

入店席はいきなり二階の空き席を指定され、狭い螺旋階段昇って着いたのはテーブルが七つのスペース。 四人座れる席に二人案内されました。 テーブルの大きさは四人席としては小さめ。 窓よりの3つ席は二人席でテーブルが小さく窮屈そうでした。 パスタランチセットをいただきましたが、料理が出るまでの時間も早すぎず遅くなく。料理も前菜とスープ、メインに選択性のパスタ、デザートが付いてお得感高いメニュー。 カルボナーラでセットを組みましたが満足。 友人に薦められるお店です。 入店時は女性二人組が多くおしゃべりを楽しんでましたが、音量も控えめで好ましい客層でした。 駐車場は店舗前に数台、少し歩いた貸し駐車場に4台分位のスペースあります。
The entrance to the store was suddenly designated as an empty seat on the second floor, and the narrow spiral staircase climbed up to seven spaces with a table. I was guided to a seat that can seat four people. The table is small for four people. The three seats from the window were two seats and the table was small and cramped. I received a pasta lunch set, but it was not too late for the food to come out too early. The menu offers a great deal of food with appetizers and soups, selective pasta and desserts. We made set with carbonara, but are satisfied. It is a shop recommended to friends. At the time of entering the store, a couple of women enjoyed talking a lot, but the volume was modest and it was a favorable customer base. There are a few parking lots in front of the store, and there is a space of about 4 cars in the rental parking lot that we walked a little.
ootaki hidejii on Google

I had lunch, but there was plenty of volume and appetizers and desserts, so I had a good meal.
がさ on Google

Satisfaction and satisfied with the delicious food. Was it pasta lunch 1380 yen? No way, I was surprised to see that such authentic course meal came out. I think that it is a cheap, delicious, fashionable and nice shop. If you are nearby you definitely become a regular customer! ! I want to win the whole menu. When I came to Ichinoseki, I would like to go to eat again!
kaori sugawara on Google

前回の来店を覚えてて頂き、嬉しいです また宜しくお願いします(*^^*)
I'm glad you remember your last visit Thank you again (* ^^ *)
Orbital Number nine. on Google

全部がとてもおいしかった(≧∇≦)! ランチで伺いましたが 前菜の甘エビのテリーヌ カリフラワーのスープ メインは家内がトマトクリームと モッツァレラチーズのパスタ 私はマルゲリータのピザ 手作りと思われるパンナコッタと バニラアイスとベリー各種 最後はドリンクと(*^ω^*) これで一人1,400円でお釣りが 来るなんて、驚きです‼️ 個人的には2,000円払っても 食べたいランチでした♪ 魚や肉のランチやコースもあるなんて・・ 近くに住んでいる方が羨ましい(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) コロナ対策はバッチリされてます! お店に入ると、手指消毒と検温 退席時の消毒や清掃もしっかりされて ますし、岩手県の通知サービスの 登録まで、「出来ることは全てする」 徹底した感染対策も行われています♪ 遠いけれどもまた訪ねたいお店でした!
Everything was very delicious (≧ ∇ ≦)! I visited for lunch Appetizer sweet shrimp terrine Cauliflower soup Mainly my wife has tomato cream Mozzarella pasta I'm Margherita's pizza With panna cotta that seems to be handmade Various vanilla ice cream and berries The last is a drink and (* ^ ω ^ *) With this, you can change for 1,400 yen per person It's amazing to come! ️ Personally, even if I pay 2,000 yen It was the lunch I wanted to eat ♪ There are also fish and meat lunches and courses ... I envy those who live nearby (´ ° ̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω ° ̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ `) Corona measures are perfect! When you enter the store, hand sanitizer and temperature measurement Disinfection and cleaning when leaving the seat are also done well Iwate Prefecture's notification service Until registration, "do everything you can" Thorough infection control measures are also taken ♪ It was a shop that was far away but I wanted to visit again!
浮草 on Google

2021年12月中旬 久々の訪問でパスタランチセットを注文。 西洋野菜フェアということでリーキ(ねぎ)のゼリー寄せエシャロットソース添え、サーモン、生ハム、ワカサギの南蛮漬けと色とりどりな前菜。 久々だけどやっぱり美味しいなぁ~ こちらの生ハムは塩味がキツくなくて私好み。 次のオニオンスープは安定の美味しさ。 メインのパスタは8種類から選べるので私はスパゲッティボロネーゼを。お肉がたっぷり入っていてボリューム満点。味はもちろんパスタのゆで加減もバッチリ! デザートもストロベリーアイス、チーズケーキ、パンナコッタと盛り沢山。 最後にドリンクでホットコーヒーを。こちらもミルクはポーションではなくポットに入っていて角砂糖もホワイトとブラウンの2種類というこだわり。 何をいただいても美味しいし これで税込み1,380円なんて本当に素晴らしい! 接客もGOODなので皆さんにオススメしたいお店です。 ご馳走さまでした(^∇^)
Mid December 2021 I ordered a pasta lunch set after a long visit. As it is a western vegetable fair, leek (green onion) with shallot sauce, salmon, prosciutto, smelt pickled in nanban and colorful appetizers. It's been a long time, but it's still delicious ~ This prosciutto is not salty and I like it. The next onion soup has a stable taste. You can choose from 8 types of main pasta, so I chose spaghetti bolognese. It has plenty of meat and is full of volume. Not only the taste but also the boiled pasta is perfect! There are plenty of desserts such as strawberry ice cream, cheesecake, and panna cotta. Finally, have a hot coffee with a drink. Here too, the milk is not in the potion but in the pot, and there are two types of sugar cubes, white and brown. No matter what you get, it's delicious, and it's really wonderful to have 1,380 yen including tax! The customer service is also GOOD, so I would like to recommend it to everyone. Thank you for the treat (^ ∇ ^)
Eli Walgrave on Google

I've been here for parties, and I also eat here every week. It's just the best. That's all there is to it. The lunch deals are fantastic, and you get a ton of food for the price. And the best part is, it all tastes great. This is, without exaggeration, my favorite restaurant in Japan.

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