よってみん菜 江田島

3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact よってみん菜 江田島

住所 :

Etajimacho Washibe, Etajima, 〒737-2133 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
街 : Hiroshima

Etajimacho Washibe, Etajima, 〒737-2133 Hiroshima,Japan
木村健太郎 on Google

C&Kバイク on Google

将雄田中 on Google

N Takayuki (TAKAYUKI) on Google

We sell not only local vegetables but also wild boar and seafood. It's cheap, but it sells out if you don't go early.
Saka Geen (SakaGeeen) on Google

2020/10/4 サイクリングの後に寄りました。消防署の前の産直市場です。元コンビニ跡地?かな。極早生レモンがあったので買って帰りました。もう夕方だったのであまり残っていなかったです。
2020/10/4 I stopped by after cycling. It is a direct market in front of the fire station. Former convenience store site? I had a very early lemon, so I bought it and went home. It was already evening so there wasn't much left.
j j on Google

偶然見つけてUターン? 味も人もGooDでした✨ たこ焼きやワッフルも食べたいですが、なかなかタイミングが合わず?
I found it by chance and made a U-turn ? Both taste and people were GooD ✨ I also want to eat takoyaki and waffles, but the timing is not right ?

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