Espoir Orthopedic Clinic - Toyonaka

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

espoir整骨院|阪急宝塚線曽根駅徒歩5分 -


Contact Espoir Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-11-44 Sonehigashinocho, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 561-0802
Webサイト :

1 Chome-11-44 Sonehigashinocho, Toyonaka, Osaka 561-0802, Japan
ブヒッたシケ王 on Google

The teachers at the osteopathic clinic here are experienced, knowledgeable, and aware of various sports situations, so they can talk happily during treatment. The charge was 500 yen
安田真人 on Google

コメントありがとうございます。 腰痛、肩凝り、猫背、骨盤の歪み、スポーツでの身体の痛みなど何でもご相談下さい。 パーフェクト整体、キネシオテーピング、筋膜リリースなどで皆様のお悩みに寄り添って治療を進めていきます。
thank you for your comment. Please consult about anything such as low back pain, shoulder stiffness, stoop, back pelvic distortion, physical pain in sports. Perfect organization, kineshio taping, fascia release etc. We will advance treatment along with everyone's troubles.
T Maesaka on Google

痛む場所の原因をつかみ、体全体をしっかり整えていただけます。 施術者は柔らかい雰囲気の方なので居心地良いですよ。テーピングのプロなのでスポーツをしている方は参考になると思います。自分でやるテーピングとの違いを感じました。
You can grasp the cause of the painful place and prepare the whole body firmly. The practitioner has a soft atmosphere, so it's comfortable. I'm a taping professional, so I think it will be helpful for those who are playing sports. I felt the difference from taping that I did myself.
よっぴー on Google

長引いていた左肩と首の痛みとダイエットで、筋膜リリースに興味があってお伺いしました。予約制なので他の患者さんと会う事もなくコロナ感染対策も充分です。 先生は親身に症状を聞いてくださり、しっかりと患部の痛みの原因を見極めて痛みの無い治療で改善に導いてくれます。 治るまでにどのくらいの期間がかかるかも初めに計画してくれました。私の場合は計画よりも早く痛みが改善してきています。 ダイエットに関しては、パーソナルトレーニングで私の体力や体調に合わせたトレーニングとストレッチをしっかりとしていただけ、運動不足で初めは全然動かなかったけど徐々に動ける身体になってきました。食事ノートで食生活の指導もしっかりして頂けます。 世間話なども気軽にできて、優しくて治療もしっかりしてくれる先生です。
I was interested in fascia release because of the prolonged pain in my left shoulder and neck and my diet. Since it is a reservation system, you do not have to meet other patients and you can take sufficient measures against corona infection. The teacher will listen to your symptoms, identify the cause of the pain in the affected area, and guide you to improvement with painless treatment. He also planned at the beginning how long it would take to heal. In my case, the pain is improving faster than planned. As for dieting, I was able to train and stretch according to my physical strength and physical condition through personal training, and I didn't move at all at first due to lack of exercise, but I gradually became a body that can move. You can also give guidance on eating habits with meal notes. He is a teacher who can easily talk about small things, is kind, and treats well.
リダナツ on Google

I can't get my right hand up and let me pass. I always got proper advice and my right hand became easier. The tiredness of work for a week has been eliminated and I am saved.
taro ban on Google

肩、腰を痛めているため受診し始めました。とても丁寧に対応していただけて、診察の都度、保険診療と自由診療を相談しながら施術していただき大変満足しています。 足など痛めた際にもお世話になっています。
I started to see a doctor because I have a pain in my shoulder and lower back. I am very satisfied with the fact that I was able to respond very politely, and I was treated while consulting with insurance medical treatment and free medical treatment at each medical examination. I am also indebted when I hurt my leg.
T Y on Google

I was worried about the sagging face and the nasolabial fold, so I had facial care. One treatment for about 20 minutes. It feels like the entire face is being massaged. The nasolabial fold is less noticeable, the slack is improved, and the impression is sharp from the cheeks to the chin. You will need several treatments, but I think 2000 yen is cheaper for facial care.
だるまK on Google

私は指のこわばり・しびれから右腕の力が入らない・動かしにくい状態があり、整形外科では原因わからず(リュウマチ否定)、神経内科を紹介されパーキンソン症候群と体の状態に合わせたような中途半端な診断を受けました。 投薬治療だと副作用がきつかったので、身体の治療をしてくれそうな整骨院を探しました。 エスポワールの先生は、原因特定、回復までの道筋を説明してくれました。 初診から6ヶ月経った今は、半ば諦めていたゴルフの打ちっぱなしまでいけるような状態まで回復し、いろんなことにチャレンジするように背中を押してくれています。 身体のメンテナンスは先生に任せられるのでアクティブな生活を心掛けています。 先生の印象は、患者の話をよく聞いてくれ、わかりやすい説明で不安を取り除いてくれます。原因特定がすばらしいです。 筋膜リリース、キネシオテープの使い手のみでなくあらゆる施術手法をお持ちの方です。 ここまで回復できたのは先生のお陰だと思っております。
I have a condition where my right arm is not strong or difficult to move due to stiffness and numbness of my fingers, and I do not know the cause in orthopedics (rheumatism denial). I received a good diagnosis. The side effects of the medication were so severe that I searched for an osteopathic clinic that could treat my body. The Espoir teacher explained the cause and the path to recovery. Six months after my first visit, I have recovered to a state where I can play golf, which I had given up halfway through, and I am pushing my back to take on various challenges. I try to live an active life because the maintenance of my body is left to the teacher. The teacher's impression is that he listens to the patient and removes anxiety with easy-to-understand explanations. The cause identification is wonderful. Not only those who use fascia release and kinesio tape, but also those who have all kinds of treatment methods. I think it is thanks to the teacher that I was able to recover so far.

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