アンティホーム 江坂店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

【仲介手数料無料】大阪市北区・新大阪の賃貸お部屋探しはアンティホーム - Antynet.co.jp


About アンティホーム 江坂店


  • 大阪府大阪市北区天神橋7丁目6-9 河崎ビル9F
  • TEL:06-6948-6106
  • FAX:06-6948-6107

Copyright(c) 仲介手数料無料のアンティホーム
All Rights Reserved.

Contact アンティホーム 江坂店

住所 :

Esakacho, Suita, 〒564-0063 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.antynet.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Esakacho, Suita, 〒564-0063 Osaka,Japan
井大 on Google

The explanation was polite and the questions were answered immediately, so I was able to proceed smoothly.
三浦一紗 on Google

新築の物件を選んだのですが、まだ内見が出来ないと言うこともあり似ている物件の内見をさせて頂いたり、イメージできやすくしていただきました。 ありがとうございました。
I chose a newly built property, but since I haven't been able to preview it yet, I was able to preview similar properties and make it easier to imagine. Thank you very much.
中尾一貴 on Google

Due to the sudden move, I was able to respond very kindly and speedily even though I didn't have time to move in, which was really helpful!
片岡美惠 on Google

良い物件を紹介していただきありがとうございました。 丁寧に対応していただき、いろんな相談もできて良かったです。
Thank you for introducing a good property. I am glad that you responded politely and I was able to make various consultations.
reiko mino on Google

Thank you for taking care of me twice in searching for a property. I highly recommend it because it is kind and polite and you can respond immediately. I would like to ask Antihome for a long time in the future.
ゆでたまご on Google

I never went to the store and only chatted, but I think the real estate agent here is wonderful. Prompt response, property introduction with a good understanding of this situation (the number of referrals was by far the No. 1 among the three real estate agents who told the conditions), brokerage fees are free, and I am worried whether it is profitable. I signed a contract with another real estate agent this time because of my relationship, but I think this is the next one.
U. G on Google

お世話頂き本日から入居。 こちらの事情等をよくご理解頂けたこと。 また、費用面でも他社さんとは比べ物にならない程の条件を提示して頂き、とてもスムーズに入居できました。 営業?の池田さんをはじめ、江坂スタッフの皆様、ほんとうにありがとうございます。 ここは客に誰かを紹介したくなるような気分にさせる社員教育でもしてるんじゃないかと思いますわ(笑)
Thank you for your help and move in from today. I was able to understand this situation well. Also, in terms of cost, I was able to move in very smoothly by presenting conditions that are unmatched by other companies. Sales? Thank you very much to Mr. Ikeda and all the staff of Esaka. I think this is also an employee education that makes you feel like introducing someone to your customers (laughs).
Kohei on Google

物件の紹介から契約の手続きまで親切にご対応して頂けました。 また、仲介手数料が無料で、引っ越し業者さんもアンティホームさんに紹介頂けたことで費用も抑え目にでき、とても助かりました。 手続きはLINEでやり取りすることが多く、事務所に訪問せずとも作業を進めることが出来たのも良かったと思います。 質問事項もLINEですぐに答えて頂けたことが多く、スムーズに契約を進められました。 また引っ越しの機会があれば是非お世話になりたいと思いました!
We kindly responded to you from the introduction of the property to the contract procedure. In addition, the brokerage fee was free, and the moving company was able to introduce me to Antihome, which helped me to keep costs down. The procedures are often exchanged via LINE, and I think it was good that we were able to proceed with the work without visiting the office. Many of the questions were answered immediately on LINE, and the contract went smoothly. If I have a chance to move again, I would love to take care of it!

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