5/5 に基づく 7 レビュー


住所 :

Kamiyacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0031 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://www.epatica51.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Kamiyacho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0031 Hiroshima,Japan
あすか on Google

You can feel the effect at the first time. Although I was originally aware of the distortion of the face, I was able to find out the exact deviation through the female owner. I want to go again because I am a very friendly person and easy to talk about small problems.
山ちゃん愛ちゃん on Google

効果はもちろんのこと 毎回その時の状態にあわせて施術してくださるのですごく助かります。 何かイベント事の前は必ず行っています!! 最近友人から褒められることがおおく きっとエパティカさんに通っているお陰だとおもいます これからもよろしくお願いしますヽ(;▽;)ノ
Not to mention the effect It will be a great help, as you will be treated according to the condition at that time. Always go before any event! ! I have recently been praised by a friend I'm sure it's because of going to Epatica Thank you in the future ヽ (; ▽ ;) ノ
Exsiorチャンネル on Google

3週間に一度お世話になっています! 小顔矯正ということで通っていますが、足先から骨盤、顔にいたるまで全身の調整をしていただき、通う前に比べて顔がスッキリしました! スタッフの方も知識豊富でいつも丁寧に接客していただいています! すごくオススメのお店です!
I take care of you once every three weeks! I am going to correct small faces, but I had my whole body adjusted from my toes to the pelvis and my face, and my face was cleaner than before going! The staff members are also knowledgeable and always serve customers carefully. It is a very recommended shop!
AOI on Google

3〜4週間くらいのペースで 通わせていただいてます☺︎ 技術だけでなく、オーナーさんの 内から溢れる素敵な人柄も大好きで いつも施術をしていただくと 身体だけでなく心もスッキリです♡ 美意識も高まり、自己投資してよかったと 毎回実感させてくれるサロンなので いつと途中やめしちゃう私ですが 継続して通うことができてます♡
At a pace of about 3 to 4 weeks I am passing through ☺︎ Not only the technology, but the owner's I love the wonderful personality that overflows from within If you always treat me Not only the body but also the heart is refreshing ♡ I think it's good to invest in my own aesthetics It ’s a salon that makes you feel every time When will I stop halfway? I can continue to go ♡
oio oio on Google

He taught me various things such as acupuncture that I didn't realize when I was unconsciously clenching my teeth. I feel that each person is watching carefully. The face was always refreshed after undergoing the treatment, and I was not worried about it as I used to be when I continued to have stiff shoulders and neck stiffness that I was worried about because I watched the distortion of my whole body. The shop is beautiful and the owner is very friendly so I always relax.
shiori_ o_ on Google

まず美容知識を沢山お持ちの素敵な女性オーナー。彼女に施術してもらうだけで気分が高まります。♡ 私自身、顔の左右差、歯列矯正をしているため噛み癖による歪みを感じていました。 普段自分自身でもマッサージすることのないような顔や頭の箇所を優しく刺激して頂き、気持ちよさがたまりません。 1回の施術でも十分効果はありました!それも嬉しい!ですが、通い続けることで効果の持続性が上がるということで、現在複数回通わせて頂いておりますが、すでに気になっていた部分が落ち着き、効果を感じています。 身体にも対応しており、骨盤の歪みなども治して頂いています。 効果ももちろんですが、私の癖を見抜きアドバイスをくれたり、彼女に会うだけで美意識のモチベーションも上がり、沢山の知識を教えて頂けるので、ただただ施術を受けるというだけでなく、心、気持ちから美意識を保て、満たされるという最高のサロンだと思います。 本当にこんなサロン探していました! やっと出会えた!そんな感覚です♡ オーナー、またよろしくお願いしますね。♡
A nice female owner who has a lot of beauty knowledge. You can feel better just by having her practice. ♡ I myself felt the distortion caused by bite because of the left-right difference of the face and the orthodontics. Gently stimulate the face and head area that you would not normally massage yourself, and you will not feel comfortable. Even one treatment was effective enough! I'm happy that too! However, as the sustainability of the effect increases by continuing to go, I have been passing it several times now, but the part I was already interested in calms down and feels the effect. It is also compatible with the body and heals pelvic distortion. The effect is of course, but my motivation for aesthetics can be improved by just seeing my niece and seeing her, and I can teach a lot of knowledge, so I do not just receive treatment but also aesthetic awareness from my heart, feelings I think that it is the best salon that can be maintained and satisfied. I was really looking for this salon! I finally met! It ’s like that ♡ Thank you again, the owner. ♡
miu M. on Google

オーナーさんの人柄もよく、効果を感じるため以前から通ってます! 私はえらが張りやすいですが、施術してもらうとスッキリするのと、足先から頭の先まで全身やってもらえるからか、持続性もあり私は2日目のほうが効果を感じます。首がまわるようになるのも効果を感じるポイント! 美容知識も豊富なので何でも聞きたくなってしまいます。
The owner's personality is also good, and I've been going there for a long time to feel the effect! It's easy for me to stretch my gills, but I feel that the second day is more effective because it's refreshing when I get the treatment and because I can get the whole body from my toes to the tip of my head. The point that you can feel the effect is that your neck turns around! I have a lot of beauty knowledge, so I want to ask anything.

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