
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 宝来食堂

住所 :

Enmeijimae, 字, Aizumisato, Onuma District, 〒969-6305 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Fukushima

Enmeijimae, 字, Aizumisato, Onuma District, 〒969-6305 Fukushima,Japan
ざんくろーどびばんだむ on Google

皆さん、辛味噌をオススメされてますが私は醤油味のラーメンを推したい。 今回はワンタン麺大盛を注文しました。手打ち風の太縮れ麺がモチッとした食感でなかなか良いです。スープは鶏出汁かな?喜多方系の煮干しよりも甘めな味付けでどちらかと言うと米沢ラーメンに近い感じのスープです。パンチは有りませんが出汁の旨味がしっかり活かされていてとても美味しいスープでした。大盛は210円増しで麺が2玉入っているらしいのでボリューム的にも満足です。チャーシューも好みは別れるかも知れませんが、しっかりした肉質の味わいの有るチャーシューで自分はとても良かったです。 ご夫婦二人で営んでるらしく、お客さん多いときには時間が掛かる旨店内にも記載されてましたが、待って食べる価値の有る味だと思いました。近所なので定期的に通いたいと思います。
Everyone recommends spicy miso, but I want to try soy sauce flavored ramen. This time, I ordered wonton noodles. The hand-cooked thick curly noodles are very good with a moist texture. Is the soup a chicken broth? It is a soup that tastes more like Yonezawa ramen with a slightly sweeter flavor than Kitakata boiled rice. There was no punch, but the umami of the broth was fully utilized and it was a very delicious soup. Omori is 210 yen more and seems to have two noodles, so I am satisfied with the volume. The taste of char siu may be different, but I was very good with char siu with a solid meaty taste. It seems that it takes time when there are many customers, as it seems that it is run by two couples, but I thought that it was a worthwhile taste to wait and eat. I want to go regularly because it's a neighborhood.
Toshiaki T on Google

会津の美里町で仕事をした帰りによりました!近くで旨いラーメン屋さんをGoogleマップで検索して4.1の評価だったので安心してお邪魔しました(笑) タンメンと迷いましたが、今日は味噌にしてみました。中辛味噌らーめんにチャーシューをトッピングで830円。全体的にそんなに高くないお値段です。らーめんが530円は高くないですよね。 御夫婦お二人でしょうか、お店の入り口に、2人で切り盛りしてるので御時間掛かりますのお詫びが有りました。お昼時は時間が掛かるのを覚悟して行かれた方が良いです。 で、味噌らーめんのお味ですが「美味しいです」(^^) 中辛でもなかなかの辛さで、スープはコクのある、旨味たっぷりの味噌スープです。濃厚な味噌らーめんが多くなって来た中で、ここの味噌らーめんは、比べればアッサリの部類に入ると思います。麺は中太の縮れツルツル麺。腰があって旨い。何よりも良かったのは、チャーシュー!柔らか系ですが、脂っこくない。チャーシューにしっかりと味も付いている。半ライスを行きたくなるやつです(笑) 新メニューで野菜味噌らーめんか、ねぎ味噌らーめんを出してくれたら嬉しいです(笑) 次は評判のタンメンと餃子を頂きにまた行きまーす!
I was on my way back from working in Misato-cho, Aizu! I searched for a delicious ramen restaurant nearby with Google maps and it was 4.1 evaluation so I was disturbed in peace (laughs) I was confused with Tanmen, but today I tried to make it into miso. 830 yen with topped with a small piece of medium hot miso ramen. The price is not so high overall. Ramen's 530 yen is not expensive. Two couples, or at the entrance of the shop, there are apologies that it takes time because they are working together. It is better to be prepared to take time during lunchtime. Well, it is the taste of miso ramen, but it is "delicious" (^ ^) It is a moderately hot but very hot soup that is rich in flavor and tasteful. A lot of rich miso ramen has come, so I think that the miso ramen here falls into the category of Assari compared with it. The noodles are medium thick, crinkled crunch noodles. I have a waist and it is delicious. The best thing about anything is charles! It is soft but not greasy. Taste is also firmly attached to the pork chow. I want to go half rice (laughs) I'm glad if you put out vegetable miso ramen or green onion miso ramen with the new menu (lol) Next, I will go again to get a reputation Tanmen and gyoza!
中町学 on Google

驚きました‼️ 南会津町への通りがかりで、 お昼時だったので「ラーメン」の、 のぼりを見てたまたま入ったお店。 周りは田んぼが多く、ここでいいかなぁ。 駐車場には多くの車。ほとんど満車。 ログハウス風な方が店舗かと思いましたが、 入り口が暖簾もなく出入りの雰囲気も有りません。 隣の建物に暖簾を発見して一安心。 人気はある店なら安心かと思い入店。 オーダーは「タンメン」です。 テーブルに丼が乗った瞬間は、 ビックリして笑ってしまいました。 非常に美味しく驚きを持って頂きました。 大量の野菜を最後まで食べ切れるのは、 スープが美味しいんだなと感じます。 ご夫婦かと思われるお二人で、 男性が厨房を仕切り、 女性がフロアーサービス。 かなりお客様もいらっしゃいましたが、 思ったより早く配膳されました。 思わず他の人にも写真を見せて紹介。 行ってみる価値のあるお店でした。 オススメします。 ご馳走様でした。
I was surprised! ️ A walk to Minamiaizu Town Because it was noon, "Ramen" A shop that happened to see a climb. There are many rice fields around here. Many cars in the parking lot. Almost full. I thought that the log house style was a store, There is no entrance and no atmosphere of entry and exit. Relieved to find warmth in the next building. Entering a store because it is safe if it is popular. The order is “tanmen”. The moment when a kite rides on the table, I was surprised and laughed. I had a very delicious surprise. You can eat a lot of vegetables to the end I feel the soup is delicious. Two people who seem to be couples. A man partitions the kitchen, Women provide floor service. There were quite a few customers, I was served sooner than I expected. Unintentionally showing other people photos and introducing them. It was a store worth visiting. I recommend it. It was a treat.
佐藤重雄 on Google

There are various menus in this shop, but the taste of chilled Chinese food is completely different from the taste of other shops, the soup is a unique taste with ground sesame flavor and mellow and richness, yet it has just the right sourness and sweetness , The noodles are medium-thick curly noodles and have a good throat, and I will not get tired no matter how much I eat, it is served from June to August, during this period, when I eat noodles, this one dish, but a large serving I will.
こくまる on Google

量が凄いとは聞いていましたが野菜がハンパないです。食えども食えども麺に届きません(笑) それでお値段830円とは安過ぎです。皆さん、ぜひ体調の良い日に挑戦を!
I heard that the amount is great, but the vegetables are not good. I can't reach the noodles (laughs) That's why the price of 830 yen is too cheap. Everyone, take on the challenge on a good day!
Eqmoving Outlated on Google

マジここのタンメン半端ねー! 故慶山食堂を彷彿とさせる野菜!! また行きます? 大辛味噌ラーメン食べます R4.1.12 寒いので大辛食べようとしたら、やっぱりタンメン頼みました プラス100円で味噌タンメン食べれることが判明したので、次はこれ頼みます? いやー大満足、野菜がやはりガチ盛り? R4.1.25 また来た? 味噌タンメンという名称のガチ盛り野菜味噌スープを食べるとこ? 野菜好きの人本当好きだと思う! めっちゃうまくて感動した?
Seriously, the tanmen here is odd! Vegetables reminiscent of the late Keizan dining room! !! I will go again ? I eat spicy miso ramen R4.1.12 It's cold so I tried to eat spicy food, but after all I ordered tanmen It turned out that you can eat miso tanmen for an additional 100 yen, so I will ask for this next time ? No, I'm very satisfied, the vegetables are still full ? R4.1.25 I came again ? Eat Miso Tanmen, a vegetable miso soup ? I think people who like vegetables really like it! It was so good and impressed ?
S Mtmt on Google

「野菜たっぷりのタンメンが食べられる」と地元の方から評判のお店。 写真は、少なめの野菜タンメン。 キャベツ、にんじん、にら、玉ねぎがたっぷり入っています。もちもちの麺にはスープがよく絡んで、しっかりとした味つけ。 辛いものが好きな方には、テーブルに置いてある唐辛子を追加するのもおすすめです。 平日でも、お客さんがたくさんいらっしゃいました。
A restaurant that is popular with locals as "you can eat tanmen with plenty of vegetables". The photo shows a small amount of vegetable tanmen. Contains plenty of cabbage, carrots, garlic and onions. The chewy noodles are often entwined with soup and have a strong flavor. If you like spicy foods, we also recommend adding the peppers on the table. Even on weekdays, there were many customers.
J-BOY on Google

The tanmen (830 yen) and miso ramen (660 yen) at Horai Shokudo were delicious. I am surprised at the volume of Tanmen here. There is no choice but to laugh at the power of the vegetables that are served in a bowl. The soup is based on pork bones and chicken bones, and is a gentle soup with a knotty feel. The noodles are custom-made flat-boiled medium-thick noodles from Aizu noodles, and medium-thick noodles and thin noodles are mixed, and the smoothness is the best. Tanmen's vegetables are bean sprouts, cabbage, carrots, onions, and wood ear mushrooms. After eating, sweat will blow out even in winter. Please be prepared to place an order. Tanmen can be ordered as miso tanmen with less vegetables. it's recommended.

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