Enjobu Fukushima shop - Osaka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Enjobu Fukushima shop

住所 :

塚本ビル 5 Chome-14-15 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 553-0003
Webサイト : http://enjob.co.jp/fukushima/

塚本ビル 5 Chome-14-15 Fukushima, Fukushima Ward, Osaka, 553-0003, Japan
O Kiyopy on Google

カットが千円に消費税 とてもお値打ちです。夕方や土日は少しお値段上がります。 それでもコスパいいです。 安くても上手な店員さんいますが、苦手な店員さんもいます。選ぶには指名券の別料金が必要。出勤表を確かめて行って下さい。
Cuts consumption tax to 1,000 yen Very good value. The price is slightly higher in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays. Still cospa is good. Some shop assistants are good at cheap prices, but others are not good at it. A separate fee for the designated ticket is required to select. Please check the attendance table.
旅ゲーマーえでぃー on Google

みんな愛想良かった。 白メガネのお兄さんが髪質について親切にアドバイスしてくれた。1000円カットだと思って行ったのに随分丁寧でキレイな店で少し構えた。また行きます。
Everyone was nice. An older brother with white glasses kindly advised me on the hair quality. I thought it was a 1000 yen cut, but I set up a little in a polite and beautiful shop. I will go again.
r s on Google

I used to go there. I don't feel like going after the staff changes at a nearby beauty salon, and I'm looking for a beauty salon with a new staff member ... Personal information is written, DM is sent, and even private is asked It's too depressing to think that I have to talk to the troublesome people. .. As a result of thinking through it, he said, "If you cut 1000 yen, you won't have it!" I found this shop that even women can easily go to. I went to this place several times. It's lined up but it's really cheap and the staff are fast and good! I was deeply moved. However, at the time I was attending, the customer base was mostly women, who were older than the age group, and there were many men. When I was lining up, I sometimes saw a man with a surprised face, and I was far from my feet. If I can go when I'm free, I definitely want to go there again. Cospa is the best.
張替義樹 on Google

オートシャンプーにハマって以来ここ数年ずっとココです。カタログの類いが、少ししか無いけど、こだわる人間は予約して美容院に行けば良いのであってココではチョット…違うかな…。いわゆる理容師さんの技術がお手軽にリクエスト出来るので バリカン仕事の髪型の方には うってつけやと思います。 駅から近くて便利な事と8時までに入ればギリギリまで対応して下さる点がポイント高いですね。あと月曜日に開いてる事も 自分の中では、かなりアツイです。
It has been here for several years since I got into auto shampoo. There are only a few types of catalogs, but if you are particular, you can make a reservation and go to a beauty salon. So-called barber skills can be requested easily For hair clipper work hairstyle I think it's perfect. The point that it is close to the station and is convenient and that it will correspond to the last minute if you enter by 8:00 is high point. And also open on Mondays It is pretty hot in myself.
ayano on Google

The system is difficult to understand at first glance. At the entrance, there was only "Please write your name first", so I wrote my name and waited. There was a ticket vending machine in the back of the blind spot, and I didn't buy it. After a long wait, the female hairdresser said, "Ah ~ the ticket vending machine will switch at 17:00 ~ the price will increase ~" and I paid the increased fee. It may cost only 100 yen, but isn't it okay to consider what you've been waiting for after writing your name? Looking at the ticket time for those who came after me, I think it is clear that they came before 17:00. There are some mistakes here, but it's inflexible, bad attitude, and the worst.
マロンコロン on Google

コスパ最強! 月1ペースで通っていますが、皆様とても技術があり短時間ながらもとても丁寧にカットしてくれます。 ただ、相性が悪いのか小柄な眼鏡のおばちゃんだけは仕事が大雑把でただそのまま伸びた分だけ切ってほしいだけなのに、勝手に変なカットにされるのでハズレかなぁ。
The strongest cospa! I go there once a month, but everyone is very skilled and cuts very carefully even in a short time. However, maybe it's not compatible, only the aunt with small glasses has a rough job and I just want her to cut as much as it grows, but it's a strange cut without permission, so I think it's a loss.
角藤壮 on Google

かなり安い。 安さ故か、土日はお客さんの数も多く並ぶ事も多々ある。 平日の空いている時なら、細かな要求も聞いてくれる。
Quite cheap. Due to the low price, many customers line up on Saturdays and Sundays. If you're free on weekdays, you'll hear detailed requests.
jill44d on Google

時間によっては待つときもありますが、午前中だと比較的空いてるような気がします。人が多いかなーと思う時間帯は、先に電話で今混んでるかどうかざっくりの待ち時間を確認するようにしてます。わたしは切りたい!と思いたったらすぐにカットしたいタイプなので、予約必要ないのは逆にありがたいです。 少し前から1080円→1100円になっていました。 髪型に納得いかない時もありますが、こちらの伝え方も悪いのかと思い、希望に近い画像などを見せるとスタッフさんも分かりやすいとおもいます。(今はそうしてます) サラリーマンが多いのかな?と思いましたが、美容学校が近くにあって、意外とお洒落な学生さんも来られるそうです。 駅からも近く、カットの時間も早くて破格のお値段なので、使い勝手良くて満足です。これからも活用させていただきます!
Depending on the time, you may have to wait, but in the morning you feel like you are relatively free. When I think there are many people, I try to check the rough waiting time first to see if it is busy on the phone first. I want to cut! It is a type that you want to cut as soon as you think, so thank you for not needing a reservation. It was 1080 yen → 1100 yen for a while. There are times when I don't agree with my hairstyle, but I think the way of telling this is bad, and I think that the staff can understand it easily by showing images that are close to hope. (I do so now) Are there many office workers? I thought that there was a beauty school nearby, and it seems that unexpectedly stylish students can also come. It's close to the station, the cut time is fast and the price is exceptional, so it's convenient and satisfying. We will continue to use it!

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