
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リアル筋力ジムenergy〜エナジー〜

住所 :

Fukujucho Hirakata, Hashima, 〒501-6257 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://energy-hashima.com/
街 : Gifu

Fukujucho Hirakata, Hashima, 〒501-6257 Gifu,Japan
遠藤豊紀顧 on Google

天野洋和 on Google

稲垣実 on Google

知り合いの友人が岐阜、羽島にオープン‼️ 日頃の姿勢の悪さを調べて貰い、あっと言う間にシャキッと……。ぜひ皆さんもお試しあれ‼️
A friend of mine opens in Hashima, Gifu! ️ I asked him to check his bad posture, and in a blink of an eye ... Please give it a try! ️
酒井博司 on Google

Forty shoulders were terribly worried (the range of motion was narrow), but after experiencing the lessons of shoulders, the shoulders became easier (the range of motion was wide) ❗️
T M on Google

トレーナーさんが気さくでとても居心地が良かったです。 体の歪みとか、自分では気づかない発見もあり、楽しくトレーニング出来そうでワクワクします✨✨ 受付の方が美人なのも◎
The trainer was friendly and very comfortable. There are also discoveries that I do not notice, such as body distortion, so I am excited that I can enjoy training ✨ ✨ The receptionist is also beautiful ◎
D A on Google

I was worried about the forward leaning posture, but I was surprised to see a visible difference after just a little trial. The trunk was also distorted on the left side, but after a little trial, it became well-balanced. I thought Jim would be the same everywhere, but I found that it was completely different depending on the machine and how I was taught. I will utilize it!
デライーガ on Google

1Fの施設は筋力をつけるのではなく体の機能を向上させるためのマシンとのことで、体が軽くなるのを感じました。 体幹を鍛えて日常生活を楽にするなら1F、 がっつり筋トレをしたい人は2Fに専用のマシンがあるそうです。 ケガをしにくい特別なマシンとのことで、初心者にも安心でした。
The facility on the 1st floor is a machine for improving body function rather than strengthening muscles, so I felt that my body became lighter. 1F, if you want to train your core and make your daily life easier For those who want to do solid muscle training, there is a dedicated machine on the 2nd floor. It was a special machine that was hard to get injured, so it was safe for beginners.
エヌプラス on Google

ここでしか体感出来ない事があります。 姿勢の大切さや身体の仕組みを機器を使いながら親切丁寧に教えていただけます。 鍛える前に自分の体を知る事から始めたい人には特にオススメなジムです
There are things that can only be experienced here. You can kindly and politely teach the importance of posture and the mechanism of the body while using the equipment. This gym is especially recommended for those who want to start by knowing their body before training.

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