ENEOS 宮津 SS (三洋商事)

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS 宮津 SS (三洋商事)

住所 :

Tsuruga, Miyazu, 〒626-0041 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://sanyo-eco.jp/04ss/shop03.html
街 : Kyoto

Tsuruga, Miyazu, 〒626-0041 Kyoto,Japan
Nari T (good-bye) on Google

Ordinary GS
飛営 on Google

The owner is.
古川和幸 on Google

Sunday is closed
中村篤史 on Google

A gentle person
真吾野田 on Google

I went there around 7 o'clock yesterday, but it was the only place that was vacant. I'm glad that my uncle's service was very good and taught me a lot.
Youji Obase on Google

The people who work are kind. There is also a rental car.
gray stin on Google

前に二回行って今日10.1日午後17半に行きました。前は女の店員さんと、高齢の店員さんが接客してくれて全然悪くは無かったけど、今回の店員は最悪でした。無愛想で、スタンド入った時睨みつけるような目でジロジロ見られ「いらっしゃいませ」の言葉も無く喧嘩を売られた感じでした。次、窓拭きも無し、ただ給油に集中してこの人大丈夫かな思いました。最後に精算終了後には、はやく帰れ的な感じでドアを閉められ、スタンドの部屋にすぐ戻り誘導も無し。始終感謝の言葉も無しでがっかりです。もう二度と行かないです。担当店員:Y田 長文失礼しました。
I went twice before and went to today 10.1 days at 17:30 pm. Before, a female clerk and an elderly clerk served me, so it wasn't bad at all, but this time the clerk was the worst. It was unfriendly, and when I entered the stand, I could see Girojiro with glaring eyes, and I felt like I was in a fight without the words "Welcome". Next, I didn't have to clean the windows, I just concentrated on refueling and thought that this person would be okay. Finally, after the payment was completed, the door was closed with a feeling of returning quickly, and there was no guidance to return to the stand room immediately. I am disappointed without words of gratitude from beginning to end. I will never go again. Clerk in charge: Y field Excuse me for a long sentence.
京丹後で生まれた変人 on Google

給油に来て最初はセルフなのかな?って思うところがあった。 セルフではなくフルサービスなんだー。 レギュラー満タンで周りにわかりやすい声でレギュラー満タン入ります。 と言っていたので、活気あるなーって思いながらみていた。 中ふきの対応もよかった。 少し、窓ふきが遅かった。 帰りの誘導のときも声がでていて、また来ようと思った。
Is it self at first when I come to refuel? There was a place I thought. It's not self-service but full-service. The regular full tank is filled with an easy-to-understand voice. I was thinking that it was lively. The correspondence of the butterbur was also good. The window cleaning was a little slow. There was a voice when I was instructing him to go home, and I thought I would come again.

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